


什么是看板? (What is Kanban?)

Let's dive into examples describing two different situations:
  • The first case: Imagine an old conveyor factory, whose activities are directly dependent on the state plan. This plan clearly defines the number of products for production. As a result, the factory faces overcrowded warehouses due to the fact that the compilers of the state plan could often be mistaken with demand. They often have no time to sell the products.

    第一种情况 :想象一下一个古老的输送机工厂,其活动直接取决于国家计划。 该计划明确定义了要生产的产品数量。 结果,由于状态计划的编制者经常会误认为需求,因此工厂面临着人满为患的仓库。 他们通常没有时间出售产品。

  • The second case: Move to reality and imagine a nowadays' Toyota showroom. A buyer is choosing a car model and going to make a payment. However, there is no required color model at the moment. The order is sent to the head office of Toyota. You are informed about the time when the car (of your color) will be delivered. Only starting from this moment, they begin to produce a car. Especially for you.

    第二种情况 :走向现实,想象当今的丰田展示厅。 买家正在选择汽车型号并要付款。 但是,目前没有所需的颜色模型。 订单被发送到丰田总部。 您将收到有关(您颜色的)汽车交付时间的通知。 从这一刻开始,他们开始生产汽车。 特别是对你来说。

The principle is evident: first — sale, and then the production. In other words, the just-in-time (JIT) principle works here. First, goals and deadlines, then plan and work.
原则很明显:首先是销售,然后是生产。 换句话说,即时(JIT)原则在这里起作用。 首先是目标和截止日期,然后是计划和工作。

Toyota warehouses will not be overflowed, as in the first case. They will not have the need to store pre-manufactured details for a long time. This is because what is being made on the line right now is a necessary norm for some recently sold car. One of the key components of the JIT-principles is Kanban.
在第一种情况下,丰田仓库不会溢出。 他们将不需要长时间存储预制的详细信息。 这是因为对于某些最近出售的汽车,目前正在生产的线是必要的规范。 JIT原则的关键组成部分之一就是看板。
Kanban boards and cards are peculiar «traffic lights» in the JIT system. Kanban enables businesses to be reactive towards customer needs instead of forecasting needs, as it happened in the first case described.
看板和卡片是JIT系统中独特的“交通灯”。 看板使企业能够对客户需求做出React,而不是像第一种情况那样预测需求。
However, let's be closer to a software development world.
Instead of car details, imagine development tasks and bugs. A tester receives several items for verification. When the QA runs out of verification tasks, he/she must notify developers to get new ones from them. If programmers do not have time to complete new tasks, the tester simply remains without work for a while.
代替汽车的细节,想象一下开发任务和错误。 测试人员会收到几个要验证的项目。 质量检查用完验证任务后,他/她必须通知开发人员从中获取新任务。 如果程序员没有时间完成新任务,则测试人员会停留一段时间而不做任何工作。
The inverse situation also happens: the QA accumulates a lot of items and he/she does not have time to check everything in time. In this case, the release date of the product is also delayed.
相反的情况也会发生:质量检查人员会积累很多项目,而他/她没有时间及时检查所有内容。 在这种情况下,产品的发布日期也会延迟。
In software development, Kanban is much harder to balance than in manufacturing. That's because of the work specifics: if machines produce details of the same type, the programmers work with the code through their own brains, where there are something like 100 billion neurons and one, but significant, the human factor.
在软件开发中,看板要比制造中要平衡得多。 那是因为工作细节:如果机器产生相同类型的细节,那么程序员将通过自己的大脑来处理代码,那里有大约1000亿个神经元和一个但很重要的人为因素。

为什么软件开发需要看板? (Why does software development need Kanban boards?)

Actually, Kanban boards can be applied everywhere: from personal planning, development and even implementing in managing a ceramic workshop.
To better understand the scope and utility of Kanban boards, it is worth to dive into what Kanban is and generally in its meaning as a methodology.

使用看板的十大理由 (Top 10 reasons to use Kanban )

Here are 10 reasons why it is worth to implement Kanban boards in IT companies that develop software:

1.定义瓶颈 (1. Defining bottlenecks)

Switching to Kanban boards from regular task lists can immediately show bottlenecks: in the task lists, there was a big queue of tasks as a QA did not cope with checking all of them. He/she took the task to check with a long delay. After the tester returned the item for revision, the programmer already forgot it. It is a precious time to look at the code again and remember all the details. It means that the team needs one more tester.
从常规任务列表切换到看板时,会立即显示出瓶颈:在任务列表中,由于QA不能检查所有任务,因此任务队列很多。 他/她拖延了很长时间检查任务。 测试人员将项目退回修订后,程序员已经忘记了。 现在是再次查看代码并记住所有细节的宝贵时间。 这意味着团队还需要一名测试人员。
Kanban board allows you to see the bottlenecks in your process where lines are formed. In some professional
看板可以让您看到形成线条的过程中的瓶颈。 在某些专业的project management software, the WIP limits feature helps to cope with this task. If you have more or less tasks than you need — the column is highlighted in red or yellow, respectively.项目管理软件中 ,WIP限制功能可帮助完成此任务。 如果您有更多或更少的任务需要-该列分别以红色或黄色突出显示。
Hygger Kanban boardHygger看板

2.专心工作 (2. Concentration at work)

Programmers should be focused directly on their work. Therefore, it is good when they receive a set of tasks and do not need to think about what to do next, as the manager has already thought about this. You just need to take the next item into the work.
程序员应直接专注于他们的工作。 因此,当他们收到一系列任务并且不需要考虑下一步该做什么时,这是很好的,因为经理已经考虑了这一点。 您只需要将下一项投入工作即可。
Sometimes Kanban suggests an independent choice of tasks on top. Then the professional level of all people should be equal so that it does not work out that the most difficult task “falls” on the junior specialist.
有时看板建议在顶部独立选择任务。 那么所有人的专业水平应该是相等的,这样就不会得出最困难的任务落在初级专家身上的结论。
My Tasks Filter helps you set the focus on your tasks. It helps to quickly see your tasks on the board.
我的任务过滤器可帮助您将重点放在任务上。 它有助于快速在板上查看您的任务。

3.专注于一项任务 (3. Focusing on one task)

Before using Kanban developers could work on a few tasks at the same time. They switched from one issue to another one and spent a huge amount of time switching. On average, it
在使用看板之前,开发人员可以同时处理一些任务。 他们从一个问题切换到另一个问题,并花费了大量时间进行切换。 平均而言,被中断后要took more than 25 minutes to resume a task after being interrupted.花费超过25分钟才能恢复任务。
Every time they did it, there was much time needed to go into a task: to review terms of reference and a prototype, to read a current code and build its inside representation. Thanks to WIP limits feature in Kanban and a panoramic view a developer can’t work on more than one task at a time.
每次他们这样做时,都需要花费大量时间来完成一项任务:审查职权范围和原型,阅读当前代码并构建其内部表示。 借助看板中的WIP限制功能和全景视图,开发人员一次不能完成多个任务。

4.全景视图 (4. Panoramic view)

Thanks to Kanban boards, you have the whole picture of the project before your eyes. Opening the board, you can quickly get answers to important questions:
多亏了看板板,您才可以看到项目的整个画面。 打开板,您可以快速获得重要问题的答案:
  • Who is busy at the moment?

  • What will be the future work of each individual?

  • What tasks were rediscovered due to bugs?

  • Who is without tasks?

  • Who has a big line of tasks?

  • Were there changes in the last 24 hours? and where

    最近24小时有变化吗? 在哪里
  • When will the specific item be done?

  • How soon will the tasks of a specific specialist end?

Asana Kanban board体式看板

5.功能发布的确切顺序 (5. The exact order of features release )

The order of features release is also important. In lists based on priorities, it is difficult to precisely manage the order. If a programmer has five tasks with a top priority at the same time, it will be difficult for him to decide which of these tasks to be taken first.
功能发布的顺序也很重要。 在基于优先级的列表中,很难精确地管理订单。 如果程序员同时具有五个优先级最高的任务,那么他将很难决定要先执行哪个任务。
Kanban boards just offer a way out when order matters. This visual solution is a vertical column with tasks. The higher the task, the more important it is. Kanban, by the way, involves defining priorities as one of the important aspects of the methodology.
看板只是在订单重要时提供一种出路。 该可视解决方案是一个包含任务的垂直列。 任务越高,它就越重要。 顺便说一下,看板涉及将优先级定义为方法学的重要方面之一。
Requirements are constantly changing and many tasks may lose relevance and “descend” down. Some tasks can sharply «rise.» on the contrary. Managers must constantly “keep a finger on the pulse” to let programmers do the most necessary things.
需求在不断变化,许多任务可能失去相关性并“下降”。 有些任务可能会急剧“上升”。 反之。 管理人员必须不断“保持同步”,让程序员做最必要的事情。
Trello Kanban boardTrello看板板

6.主要任务的优先级 (6. Priority to the main tasks)

Kanban teaches to focus on the main things that really add value to the product. It allows you to decrease the number of useless bugs.
看板教您专注于真正为产品增值的主要方面。 它使您可以减少无用的错误的数量。
Is not an easy task for a product manager to distinguish important bugs from the bugs with lower priority. Swimlanes are aimed to assist.
对于产品经理来说,要区分重要的bug和优先级较低的bug并非易事。 泳道旨在提供帮助。
These are the horizontal columns on the Kanban board. As a rule, programmers have the following Swimlanes on the board:
这些是看板板上的水平列。 通常,程序员在黑板上有以下Swimlanes:
  • Blockers — tasks and bugs that need to be corrected in real time. An example is a broken registration.

    阻止程序-需要实时纠正的任务和错误。 一个例子是注册失败。
  • Tasks and Bugs — the usual current tasks and bugs.

  • Someday — tasks that have lost relevance.


The system is similar to the
该系统类似于Eisenhower matrix. Important and urgent questions are Blockers. Important, but not urgent — Tasks and Bugs. Unimportant and urgent, as well as unimportant and non-urgent — this is Someday.艾森豪威尔矩阵 。 重要而紧迫的问题是阻碍者。 重要但不紧急-任务和错误。 不重要和紧急,以及不重要​​和非紧急-这是有一天。

7.灵活性 (7. Flexibility)

A Kanban board helps to become more flexible. This is especially necessary when the product gets useful feedback. It's about messages and requests, behavioral analytics, A/B testing results, reviews, etc.
看板板有助于变得更加灵活。 当产品获得有用的反馈时,这尤其必要。 它涉及消息和请求,行为分析,A / B测试结果,评论等。
As soon as you move a new feature for production, you immediately begin to change it based on feedback. According to Kanban, a programmer works like a processor: one clock cycle is one task.
将新功能投入生产后,您将立即开始根据反馈进行更改。 根据看板,程序员像处理器一样工作:一个时钟周期是一项任务。
The more frequent the cycles, the more flexible the development team.
Wrike Kanban board看板看板

8.团队合作精神和始终如一的工作 (8. Team spirit and consistent work)

The QA starts working on features almost immediately after the features have been finished by developers.
How was it before? The QA tested a feature not when it was completed but a long time after that. Developers could hardly remember that feature by that time and they spent a lot of time trying to catch up with the task.
以前怎么样 质量检查不是在功能完成时测试,而是在功能测试完成后很长时间。 那时,开发人员几乎不记得该功能,他们花了很多时间试图赶上这项任务。
Kanban allows QAs test features almost after they were finished. It's also about the work of salesmen, designers, editors, and others. All the team works consistently like a metronome that produces regular beats.
看板几乎在完成QA测试功能后就可以使用它们。 这也与推销员,设计师,编辑等的工作有关。 所有的团队都像节拍器一样持续工作,产生规律的节拍。

9.常见错误 (9. Frequent mistakes)

Referring to Scrum, it should be noted that while working with this methodology, we launch a feature only at the end of a sprint (like once in 3 weeks).
According to Kanban, we’re launching them almost after a testing period is finished (like once in a few days). Doing this way, we find out more quickly whether the users like the feature or not.
根据看板,我们几乎在测试期结束后就启动它们(例如几天一次)。 这样,我们可以更快地找到用户是否喜欢该功能。
If they do not like the feature, we’ve made a mistake somewhere.
It doesn’t mean that we like to make mistakes. However, if we are the first who make them, we'll be the first who get the experience and know what to do.
这并不意味着我们喜欢犯错误。 但是,如果我们是第一个制造它们的人,那么我们将是第一个获得经验并知道该怎么做的人。

10.更多的流量 (10. More flows)

Kanban boards allow avoiding the question for developers “what are you working on?” It sounds unnecessary, because you may open a Kanban board, take a look at what developers are doing and continue working on your own stuff.
看板板可以避免开发人员“您正在做什么?”这一问题。 听起来没有必要,因为您可以打开看板,看一下开发人员在做什么,然后继续从事自己的工作。

外卖 (Takeaways)

We did not set out to show here that Kanban is somehow better than Scrum or other methodologies.
Let's outline the core idea — Scrum fits well at the start of product development while Kanban looks more powerful when the product has been already released.
Kanban software and convenient boards are not a panacea and a silver-bullet for your business. Kanban is an essential but insufficient condition for the success of your projects. The method helps your IT team to work coherently and effectively. So if you haven't applied it yet, then what are you waiting for?
看板软件和方便的板对您的业务而言不是万灵药和灵丹妙药。 看板是项目成功的必要条件,但条件不充分。 该方法可帮助您的IT团队协调有效地工作。 因此,如果您尚未应用它,那么您还在等什么呢?

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/hygger/blog/464625/
