SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

什么是快速启动? (What is Quick Launch?)

Quick Launch is a new feature that is added in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2016. Quick Launch is search tool, but it doesn’t search code/contents of the script/files. Instead it searches SSMS itself including menu items, options and file names. Quick Launch is enabled by default when SSMS is installed and it is located at the top right corner of the menu bar (see below):

快速启动是SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)2016中添加的一项新功能。“快速启动”是搜索工具,但不搜索脚本/文件的代码/内容。 相反,它搜索SSMS本身,包括菜单项,选项和文件名。 当安装了SSMS且位于菜单栏的右上角时,默认情况下将启用“快速启动”(请参见下文):

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

快速启动的工作方式 (How Quick Launch works)

If you have a need to quickly set some option (e.g. font) in the query editor, but you can’t remember exactly where is that option located. Go to the Quick Launch search box and start to type a name of the option. The popup list will appear with the search results:

如果需要在查询编辑器中快速设置某些选项(例如字体),但是您不记得该选项的确切位置。 转到“ 快速启动”搜索框,然后开始键入选项的名称。 弹出列表将显示搜索结果:

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

Click on the desired option from the list in this situation Environment – Fonts and Colors, will open the Options window with the location for the Font and Colors settings:

在这种情况下,从列表中单击所需的选项。 环境–字体和颜色 ,将打开“ 选项”窗口,其中包含“ 字体和颜色”设置的位置:

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

Quick Launch search result list is split into four sections: Most Recently UsedMenusOptions, and Open Documents

快速启动搜索结果列表分为四个部分: 最近使用菜单选项打开文档

  • Most Recently Used section shows up to five items that are recently used


  • Menus shows the menu items (items under the Files, Edit etc. menu)


  • Options shows items in the Options dialog box

    选项显示“ 选项”对话框中的项目

  • Options Documents shows the name and path of opened documents (e.g. scripts)


The number in the brackets, next to each section, shows the number of the objects that are found under the section:


SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

Click on a title of the section (e.g. Menus), in the search list will be shown only items for that section:


SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

To limit a search to only a specific section, you can use short cuts:


  • @mru – is a shortcut for the Most Recently Used section

    @mru –是“ 最近使用”部分的快捷方式

  • @menu – is a shortcut for the Menus section

    @menu –是“ 菜单”部分的快捷方式

  • @opt – is a shortcut for the Options section

    @opt –是“ 选项”部分的快捷方式

  • @doc – is a shortcut for the Open Documents section

    @doc –是“ 打开文档”部分的快捷方式

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

To search a specific section, enter the shortcut in the Quick Launch search box before a search string (e.g. @menu):


SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

Only the items under the Menus section will be listed.

仅列出“ 菜单”部分下的项目。

To omit a section from the Quick Launch search list, go to the main menu, and from the Tools menu, select the Options command, this will open the Options window. From the list, select the Quick Launch tab and under the Enable the following providers uncheck the section (e.g. Menus):

要从“ 快速启动”搜索列表中省略某个部分,请转到主菜单,然后从“ 工具”菜单中选择“ 选项”命令,这将打开“ 选项”窗口。 从列表中选择“ 快速启动”选项卡,然后在“ 启用以下提供程序”下取消选中该部分(例如,菜单):

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

Now, when text in the Quick Launch search box is entered, the Menus section will not be shown in the search list:

现在,在“ 快速启动”搜索框中输入文本时,“ 菜单”部分将不会显示在搜索列表中:

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

By default, the search text/string does not stay in the Quick Launch search box after clicking outside of the Quick Launch area. In order to persist search text, stay in the Quick Launch search box and after clicking outside of the box search, go to the Options dialog box, choose the Quick Launch and check the Show search results from previous search when Quick Launch is activated option:

默认情况下,在“快速启动”区域之外单击后,搜索文本/字符串不会保留在“快速启动”搜索框中。 为了保留搜索文本,请保留在“快速启动”搜索框中,然后在框外搜索之后单击,转到“ 选项”对话框,选择“ 快速启动”,然后选中“ **快速启动时显示上一次搜索的搜索结果”选项

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

To remove the Quick Launch from SSMS main menu, uncheck the Enable Quick Launch option:

要从SSMS主菜单中删除“快速启动”,请取消选中“ 启用快速启动”选项:

SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–快速启动

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/new-feature-in-sql-server-management-studio-2016-quick-launch/