



这里:st - >pos_num


"aa bbb st cccc dddd st eeeeeeeeeee ffff g st g h i st j k l m st" 


"aa bbb pos_1 cccc dddd pos_2 eeeeeeeeeee ffff g pos_3 g h i pos_4 j k l m pos_5" 






是一个递归的cte好吗?或者你更喜欢只有一个班轮:)? –


@VamsiPrabhala随时发布您的解决方案:)一行优雅的解决方案是首选,但不是必要的:) – lad2025


select m_1 
from dual 
model dimension by (0 as key) 
measures (cast('st post aa bbb st cccc dddd st ee ffff g st g h i st j k l m st' 
       as varchar2(500)) as m_1) 
rules iterate (100) until(not regexp_like(m_1[0], '(|^)(st)(|$)')) 
(m_1[0] = regexp_replace(m_1[0], 

DBFiddle Demo


pos_1 post aa bbb pos_2 cccc dddd pos_3 ee ffff g pos_4 g h i pos_5 j k l m pos_6 

如果你对表演感兴趣,你可能仍然想尝试这两种方式。“模式”条款非常慢,但(1)也许你没有很多数据,所以你不在乎; (2)在任何情况下,唯一可以确定的方法是通过测试**你的**数据,而不是其他人的数据。 – mathguy


with cte(string,col,cnt,repl) as 
(select string,1,regexp_count(string,'st'),regexp_replace(string,'st','pos_'||to_char(1),1,1) as repl 
from test 
union all 
select string,col+1,cnt,regexp_replace(repl,'st','pos_'||to_char(col+1),1,1) as repl 
from cte 
--join it to the original table if there are multiple rows, on string column. 
where col<cnt 
cycle col set cycle to 1 default 0 
select string,repl 
from cte 
where cnt=col 

+1这个解决方案基本上是正确的。递归CTE导致循环违例,可以通过向递归CTE添加CYCLE子句来解决该问题。另外,不需要使用“计数”来切断递归;我在答案中展示了一种方法。但总体而言,解决方案很好。我将编辑答案以添加CYCLE子句。 – mathguy


    inputs (str) as (
    select 'aa bbb st sccc dddd st eee fff g st g h i st j k l m st' from dual 
    union all 
    select 'st abc st st st where st is not st'      from dual 
    union all 
    select 'post st stop postal'          from dual 
    r (lvl, str, new_str) as (
    select 1, str, str 
     from inputs 
    union all 
    select lvl + 1, str, 
      regexp_replace(new_str, '(|^)st(|$)', '\1pos_' || lvl || '\2', 1, 1) 
     from r 
     where regexp_like(new_str, '(|^)(st)(|$)') 
select str, new_str 
from r 
where not regexp_like(new_str, '(|^)(st)(|$)') 

STR              NEW_STR 
------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
post st stop postal          post pos_1 stop postal 
aa bbb st sccc dddd st eee fff g st g h i st j k l m st aa bbb pos_1 sccc dddd pos_2 eee fff g pos_3 g h i pos_4 j k l m pos_5 
st abc st st st where st is not st      pos_1 abc pos_2 pos_3 pos_4 where pos_5 is not pos_6 

感谢您的输入。将它与'MODEL'结合起来效果非常好:) – lad2025