jquery: no last comma in IE

www.xqd2003.com.cn need a new face, the client demand more active p_w_picpaths. So I adopt jquery to add slide effect.Everything is fine under FF and Chrome but IE. I tried a lot and at last googled one article said IEs have such a problem because they don't know the format of jquery at the position of the last comma.

this is the format that IEs know:

  1. $('#slider').nivoSlider({ 
  2.     effect: 'fade,sliceDown', 
  3.     pauseTime: 5000, // How long each slide will show 
  4.     directionNav:true, 
  5.     directionNavHide:false, 
  6.     prevText: '', // Prev directionNav text 
  7.     nextText: '' //NOTICE HERE, no comma 
  8. });