测试和包含在Webpack 2中有什么区别?


文档说:测试和包含在Webpack 2中有什么区别?

{ test: Condition }: The Condition must match. The convention is to provide a RegExp or array of RegExps here, but it's not enforced. 

{ include: Condition }: The Condition must match. The convention is to provide a string or array of strings here, but it's not enforced. 
  1. 的区别真的只有一个处理一个字符串或阵列和其他需要的正则表达式或数组? 和
  2. 是否包含与Webpack 1相同的工作?


  1. 在的WebPack 1文档测试是用于文件名和包括通常用于目录
  2. 看起来像,但发行人似乎并不存在于Webpack 1