



如何将XML内容加载?它是通过AJAX吗? – rahul 2009-11-05 13:39:47

    url: '/test.xml', 
    beforeSend: function(XMLHttpRequest) { 
     // Show the div before sending the request 
    complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
     // Hide the div no matter if the call succeeded or not 
    success: function(xml) { 
     // if the request succeeds do something with the received XML   

为什么这是“最好的”解决方案?矿井几乎完全相同并具有“0”。不是我在乎,而是让我想知道这里的“得分系统”吗? – 2011-02-04 00:40:42

    type: "GET", 
    url: "your.xml", 
    dataType: "xml", 
    beforeSend: function() { 
    success: function(xml) { 
     // example for parsing xml 
      // append xml to page HERE 
    complete: function() { 

@cballou您的代码将离开 '#div' “起来”,如果$。阿贾克斯()尚未suceeded任何的许多可能的原因。


注意和修复。 – 2009-12-02 20:08:47


几乎正确;) 绝不低估删除冗余$()调用的重要性。所以......

//all of this is inside some closure or function 
var $blanket = $("#div") ; 
// check if after last call, something has possibly removed your '#div' 
// throw if false 
ASSERT($blanket.length === 1) ;  
     type: "GET", 
     url: "your.xml", 
     dataType: "xml", 
     beforeSend: function() { $blanket.fadeIn(); 
     success: function(xml) { 
      // example for parsing xml 
       // append xml to page HERE 
     complete: function() { $blanket.fadeOut(); 