




public class Ship 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public string Description { get; set; } 

public class SailingVessel : Ship 
    public string Rig { get; set; } 
    public int NumberOfMasts { get; set; } 

public class MotorVessel : Ship 
    public string Propulsion { get; set; } 
    public decimal TopSpeed { get; set; } 


<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<ships xmlns:xsi=""> 
    <ship xsi:type="sailingVessel"> 
    <name>Cutty Sark</name> 
    <description>Tea clipper</description> 
    <ship xsi:type="sailingVessel"> 
    <description>Windjammer of the Flying P Line</description> 
    <ship xsi:type="motorVessel"> 
    <name>HMS Hood</name> 
    <description>Last British battlecruiser</description> 
    <ship xsi:type="motorVessel"> 
    <name>RMS Queen Mary 2</name> 
    <description>Last transatlantic passenger liner</description> 
    <ship xsi:type="motorVessel"> 
    <name>USS Enterprise</name> 
    <description>First nuclear-powered aircraft carrier</description> 


 XDocument xmlDocument = XDocument.Load("Ships.xml") 
     XNamespace xsi = ""; 

     var records = (from record in xmlDocument.Descendants("ship") 
         let type = record.Attribute(xsi + "type").Value       
         select new Ship 
          Name = (string)record.Element("name"), 
          Description = (string)record.Element("description") 


Ship[0] (type: Ship): 
    Name: Cutty Sark 
    Description: Tea clipper 
Ship[1] (type: Ship): 
    Name: Peking 
    Description: Windjammer of the Flying P Line 
Ship[2] (type: Ship): 
    Name: HMS Hood 
    Description: Last British battlecruiser 
Ship[3] (type: Ship): 
    Name: RMS Queen Mary 2 
    Description: Last transatlantic passenger liner 
Ship[4] (type: Ship): 
    Name: USS Enterprise 
    Description: First nuclear-powered aircraft carrier 


Ship[0] (type: SailingVessel): 
    Name: Cutty Sark 
    Description: Tea clipper 
    Rig: Ship 
    NumberOfMasts: 3 
Ship[1] (type: SailingVessel): 
    Name: Peking 
    Description: Windjammer of the Flying P Line 
    Rig: Barque 
    NumberOfMasts: 4 
Ship[2] (type: MotorVessel): 
    Name: HMS Hood 
    Description: Last British battlecruiser 
    Propulsion: SteamTurbine 
    TopSpeed: 28 
Ship[3] (type: MotorVessel): 
    Name: RMS Queen Mary 2 
    Description: Last transatlantic passenger liner 
    Propulsion: IntegratedElectricPropulsion 
    TopSpeed: 30 
Ship[4] (type: MotorVessel): 
    Name: USS Enterprise 
    Description: First nuclear-powered aircraft carrier 
    Propulsion: Nuclear 
    TopSpeed: 33.6 



我个人给每个类型的静态FromXElement方法(或构造函数),然后创建一个Dictionary<string, Func<Ship>>这样的:

var factories = new Dictionary<string, Func<Ship>> 
    { "sailingVessel", SailingVessel.FromXElement }, 
    { "motorVessl", MotorVessel.FromXElement }, 


var records = from record in xmlDocument.Descendants("ship") 
       let type = record.Attribute(xsi + "type").Value 
       select factories[type](record); 


public class SailingVessel : Ship 
    public Rig Rig { get; set; } 
    public int NumberOfMasts { get; set; } 

    private SailingVessel(XElement element) : base(element) 
     Rig = (Rig) Enum.Parse(typeof(Rig), (string) element.Element("Rig")); 
     NumberOfMasts = (int) element.Element("NumberOfMasts"); 

    // Don't really need this of course - could put constructor calls 
    // into your factory instead. I like the flexibility of factory 
    // methods though, e.g. for caching etc. 
    public static FromXElement(element) 
     return new SailingVessel(element); 



非常好。我喜欢使用基类和派生类的构造函数的方式,以避免重复读取元素的代码。谢谢。 – 2012-08-04 21:21:56


其他用户注意事项:处理这个问题的最简单方法是将XML反序列化为对象:1)使用XSD.exe命令行工具从XML创建XSD; 2)使用XSD.exe从XSD创建实体类; 3)使用System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize()将XML反序列化为实体。我的问题是实体类没有XML序列化属性的权力。也许使用TypeMappings进行反序列化会做到这一点,但在我看来,LINQ更直接。 – 2012-08-04 22:56:13


@SimonTewsi:就我个人而言,我不是那种自动化序列化的*粉丝。我经常发现我最终想要对整个过程进行更多的控制。但YMMV当然:) – 2012-08-04 23:15:04