的Visual Studio负载测试结果数据库

的Visual Studio负载测试结果数据库


我试图建立在Visual Studio负载测试,但是每当我运行它,我得到的错误:的Visual Studio负载测试结果数据库


我点击链接以获得错误帮助,它会带我到一个页面来安装SQL Server,但我之前的印象是,这可能存储在本地没有SQL Server。任何想法如何设置它?

您需要设置您的SQL进行负载测试。 From http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2012/06/04/getting-started-with-load-testing-in-visual-studio-2012.aspx

Fortunately this is quite easy to fix….Navigate to the IDE directory were you installed Visual Studio 2012 and open the file: loadtestresultsrepository.sql.

Right clicking anywhere in this file and choosing “Execute” will prompt you for the location of the SQL Server you want to store the results.

NOTE if you are installing the database using SQL Integrated Security you will want to run Visual Studio as an Administrator.