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    <div id="header"> 

    <div id="navigation"> 

     <li>Application Tracker</li>  
     <li>Insurance Policy downloads</li>  
     <li>Parner Login</li> 
    <div id="container"> 
     <div id="intro"> 
     <h3>How can we help you? </h3> 
     Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, 
     omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet. 
     <a href="#moreInfo">Find out more</a> 

     <div id="sections"> 
      <h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3> 
      <div class="sectionBlock"> 
       <div class="secHead"> Tenants 
       <div class="secDescription"> 
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteur adipiscing elt, sed do elusmod tempor.<br/> 
      <a href="#Tenants">Find out more</a> 

      <div class="sectionBlock"> 
       <div class="secHead">Landlords 
       <div class="secDescription"> 
       Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa elt, sed do elus mod tempor qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<br/> 
       <a href="#Landlords">Find out more</a> 
      <div class="sectionBlock"> 
       <div class="secHead">Letting Agents 
       <div class="secDescription"> 
    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa elt, sed do elus mod tempor qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<br/> 
       <a href="#Letting Agents">Find out more</a> 

     <div id="info"> 
     Maras is an independent company specialising in supplying services to the residential lettings industry. If you are an applicant, 
      letting agent or landlord Maras is here to help you. Maras Group is directly authorised and regulated by the Financial Services 
      Authority for general insurance activities. 
      <li>Providers of services to the letting industry for more than 15 years. </li> 
      <li>Over 250,000 references processed per annum. </li> 
      <li>Over 1.5 Million telephone calls processed per annum. </li> 
      <li>One of the largest providers of services to the lettings industry. </li> 
      <li>Real value for money products and services. </li> 

    <div id="footer"> <div class="footerText">Copyright [email protected], maras. All Rights Reserved.</div></div> 




哪个版本的IE浏览器? –


@马拉斯,谢谢。请使用IE-8/9。 –


嗨马雷克Musielak,谢谢..! –



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    <div id="wrapper"> 
     <div id="header"> 
     <div id="navigation"> 
      <li>Application Tracker</li>  
      <li>Insurance Policy downloads</li>  
      <li>Parner Login</li> 
     <div id="container"> 
      <div id="intro"> 
      <h3>How can we help you? </h3> 
      Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, 
      omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet. 
      <a href="#moreInfo">Find out more</a> 

      <div id="sections"> 
       <h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3> 
       <div class="sectionBlock"> 
        <div class="secHead"> Tenants 
        <div class="secDescription"> 
       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteur adipiscing elt, sed do elusmod tempor.<br/> 
       <a href="#Tenants">Find out more</a> 

       <div class="sectionBlock"> 
        <div class="secHead">Landlords 
        <div class="secDescription"> 
        Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa elt, sed do elus mod tempor qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<br/> 
        <a href="#Landlords">Find out more</a> 
       <div class="sectionBlock"> 
        <div class="secHead">Letting Agents 
        <div class="secDescription"> 
     Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa elt, sed do elus mod tempor qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<br/> 
        <a href="#Letting Agents">Find out more</a> 

      <div id="info"> 
      Maras is an independent company specialising in supplying services to the residential lettings industry. If you are an applicant, 
       letting agent or landlord Maras is here to help you. Maras Group is directly authorised and regulated by the Financial Services 
       Authority for general insurance activities. 
       <li>Providers of services to the letting industry for more than 15 years. </li> 
       <li>Over 250,000 references processed per annum. </li> 
       <li>Over 1.5 Million telephone calls processed per annum. </li> 
       <li>One of the largest providers of services to the lettings industry. </li> 
       <li>Real value for money products and services. </li> 

     <div id="footer"> <div class="footerText">Copyright [email protected], maras. All Rights Reserved.</div></div> 


+1。太奇妙了...!用几行包装魔术来理解所有读者本来会更好:) –