


WPF VS 2010 C#设定的等待消息,并等待光标

有一个窗口,在后面的代码的开头是收集数据对于需要45秒以上的观点......你会怎么做一个请稍候消息持续到 收集视图。 也有,有什么办法有一个等待光标?


请不要使用“C#4.0”标签,除非问题是特定于该版本的C#语言。 – 2010-09-14 18:28:01


我会,对不起,不知道 – ramnz 2010-09-14 22:24:02

加载数据到BackgroundWorker。使用BackroundWorkers ProgressChanged -event显示进度消息。

// Show here your wait message make a ProgressBar visible  
Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; // Maybe you only want to set the cursor of the window. Then change this line code (and the reset) 
BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress=true}; 
bgWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { 
    // Load here your file/s 
    // Use bgWorker.ReportProgress(); to report the current progress 
    // Here you will be informed about progress and here it is save to change/show progress. You can access from here savely a ProgressBars or another control. 
bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { 
    // Here you will be informed if the job is done. Close here your wait message or hide your progressbar 
    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; 



不错,非常好谢谢 – ramnz 2010-09-14 22:22:11