



/* Defines key properties of the iFlag application. 
    * Methods read and write properties. 

public class ClientProperties { 
    private Properties props; 
    private static String xPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
    private static int xPanelSize = 32; 
    private static String configFilename = "/home/myname/config/client_config.properties"; 

    public ClientProperties() { 
     props = new Properties(); 

    * Reads properties from file 
    * Reads the current properties object from file. 
    * The file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/flag_config.properties 

    public Properties readPropertiesFromFile(){ 
     // create and load default properties 
     InputStream input = null; 
     logger.trace("Read flag config properties."); 
     try { 
      input = new FileInputStream(configFilename); 
      //load a properties file from class path, inside static method  
      //get the property values and save 
      xPanelSizeStg = props.getProperty("xPanelsize","32"); 
      yPanelSizeStg = props.getProperty("yPanelsize", "32"); 
     catch (IOException ex) { 
      logger.error("Could not open config file" + configFilename,ex); 
       try { 
       catch (IOException e) { 
       logger.error("Could not close config file" + configFilename,e); 
     return props; 
    * Writes properties to file 
    * Writes the current properties object to file. 
    * The file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/flag_config.properties 

    public void writePropertiesToFile() { 
    //saves the current properties to file. Overwrites the existing properties. 
    Properties props = new Properties(); //a list of properties 
    OutputStream outStrm = null; 
    logger.info("Writing default flag config properties."); 
       System.out.println("Panel size x = " + xPanelSizeStg); 
    try { 
     outStrm = new FileOutputStream(configFilename); 
     // set the properties values 
     props.setProperty("xPanelsize", xPanelSizeStg); 
     props.setProperty("yPanelsize", yPanelSizeStg); 
     // save properties to file, include a header comment 
     props.store(outStrm, "This is the Server configuration file"); 

     } catch (IOException io) { 
      logger.error("The file :{0} could not be opened", configFilename,io); 
     } finally { 
      if (outStrm!= null) { 
       try { 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        logger.error("The file :{0} could not be closed", configFilename, e); 

读取和写入方法的工作。不起作用的是试图改变一个属性的值,然后保存它。下面的演示代码成功读取属性文件并显示XPanelsize的正确值。 然后我更改该值并尝试将属性写入文件。 xPanelsize的新值64不会写入文件。

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    Properties props; 
    ClientProperties p = new ClientProperties(); 
    props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
    String txt = props.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
     System.out.println("Panel size x = " + txt); 
    p.setProperty("xPanelsize","64"); //method not found error 




1. Yoy应该调用props.setProperty()而不是p.setProperty()。 2.用旧值重写方法writePropertiesToFile()中的同一个关键字“xPanelsize”,所以它没有被反映出来。 –


您是否知道'java.util.ResourceBundle'? – EJP


只有模糊。不够好考虑使用它。 – dazz


public Properties getProps() 
    return props; 


p.getProps().setProperty("key", "value"); 


p.setProperty("key", "value"); 



好的,基于我非常有限的知识,扩展属性听起来像是最好的选择。我会做一些改变。 – dazz


我选择这个作为答案,因为这给了我需要编写工作代码的信息。工作代码在我的回答中为其他人的利益提供。 – dazz



public void writePropertiesToFile() { 
    // saves the current properties to file. Overwrites the existing properties. 
    // Properties props = new Properties(); // a list of properties 
    OutputStream outStrm = null; 
    logger.info("Writing default flag config properties."); 
    logger.debug("Panel size x = " + xPanelSizeStg); 
    try { 
     outStrm = new FileOutputStream(configFilename); 
     // set the properties values 
     //props.setProperty("xPanelsize", xPanelSizeStg); 
     //props.setProperty("yPanelsize", yPanelSizeStg); 
     // save properties to file, include a header comment 
     props.store(outStrm, "This is the Server configuration file"); 

    } catch (IOException io) { 
     logger.error("The file :{0} could not be opened", configFilename, io); 
    } finally { 
     if (outStrm != null) { 
      try { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
       logger.error("The file :{0} could not be closed", configFilename, e); 


private void setProperty(String key, String value) { 
    this.props.setProperty(key, value); 


enter image description here


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    Properties props = null; 
    ClientProperties p = new ClientProperties(); 
    props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
    String xPanelsize = props.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
    System.out.println("Panel size x = " + xPanelsize); 
    p.setProperty("xPanelsize", "64"); // method not found error 


    props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
    xPanelsize = props.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
    System.out.println("So, now the Panel size x = " + xPanelsize); 

调试消息是, enter image description here


enter image description here


package *; 

import java.io.FileInputStream; 
import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.util.Properties; 
import java.util.logging.Level; 

import org.slf4j.Logger; 
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 

/* Defines key properties of the iFlag application. 
* Methods read and write properties. 

public class ClientProperties { 
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientProperties.class.getSimpleName()); 
    private Properties props; 
    private String xPanelSizeStg; 
    private String yPanelSizeStg; 
    private int xPanelSize; 
    private int yPanelSize; 
    // private static String configFilename = 
    // "/home/myname/config/client_config.properties"; 
    private static String configFilename = "resource/client_config.properties"; 

    public ClientProperties() { 
     props = new Properties(); 

     xPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
     yPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
     xPanelSize = 32; 
     yPanelSize = 32; 

    * Reads properties from file Reads the current properties object from file. The 
    * file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/flag_config.properties 

    public Properties readPropertiesFromFile() { 
     // create and load default properties 
     InputStream input = null; 
     logger.trace("Read flag config properties."); 
     try { 
      input = new FileInputStream(configFilename); 
      // load a properties file from class path, inside static method 
      // get the property values and save 
      xPanelSizeStg = props.getProperty("xPanelsize", "32"); 
      yPanelSizeStg = props.getProperty("yPanelsize", "32"); 
     } catch (IOException ex) { 
      logger.error("Could not open config file" + configFilename, ex); 
     } finally { 
      if (input != null) { 
       try { 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        logger.error("Could not close config file" + configFilename, e); 
     return props; 

    * Writes properties to file Writes the current properties object to file. The 
    * file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/flag_config.properties 

    public void writePropertiesToFile() { 
     // saves the current properties to file. Overwrites the existing properties. 
     // Properties props = new Properties(); // a list of properties 
     OutputStream outStrm = null; 
     logger.info("Writing default flag config properties."); 
     logger.debug("Panel size x = " + xPanelSizeStg); 
     try { 
      outStrm = new FileOutputStream(configFilename); 
      // set the properties values 
      //props.setProperty("xPanelsize", xPanelSizeStg); 
      //props.setProperty("yPanelsize", yPanelSizeStg); 
      // save properties to file, include a header comment 
      props.store(outStrm, "This is the Server configuration file"); 

     } catch (IOException io) { 
      logger.error("The file :{0} could not be opened", configFilename, io); 
     } finally { 
      if (outStrm != null) { 
       try { 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        logger.error("The file :{0} could not be closed", configFilename, e); 

    private void setProperty(String key, String value) { 
     this.props.setProperty(key, value); 

    public int getxPanelSize() { 
     return this.xPanelSize; 

    public void setxPanelSize(int xPanelSize) { 
     this.xPanelSize = xPanelSize; 

    public int getyPanelSize() { 
     return yPanelSize; 

    public void setyPanelSize(int yPanelSize) { 
     this.yPanelSize = yPanelSize; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     Properties props = null; 
     ClientProperties p = new ClientProperties(); 
     props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
     String xPanelsize = props.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
     System.out.println("Panel size x = " + xPanelsize); 
     p.setProperty("xPanelsize", "64"); // method not found error 


     props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
     xPanelsize = props.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
     System.out.println("So, now the Panel size x = " + xPanelsize); 



package com.test; 

import java.util.Properties; 
import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.FileInputStream; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; 
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; 
import java.io.File; 

public class ClientProperties extends Properties { 

    //initiate logger 

    private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); 

    private static String xPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
    private static String yPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
    private final configFilename = "/home/myname/myConfig.properties"; 

    public ClientProperties() { 


    public Properties readPropertiesFromFile(){ 
     // create and load default properties 
     InputStream input = null; 
     logger.trace("Read flag config properties."); 
     try { 
      input = new FileInputStream(configFilename); 
      //load a properties file from class path, inside static method  
      //get the property values and save 
      xPanelSizeStg = this.getProperty("xPanelsize","32"); 
      yPanelSizeStg = this.getProperty("yPanelsize", "32"); 
     catch (IOException ex) { 
      logger.error("Could not open config file" + configFilename,ex); 
       try { 
       catch (IOException e) { 
       logger.error("Could not close config file" + configFilename,e); 
     return this; 

    public void writePropertiesToFile() { 
    //saves the current properties to file. Overwrites the existing properties. 
    //Properties props = new Properties(); //a list of properties 
    OutputStream outStrm = null; 
    logger.info("Writing default flag config properties."); 
       System.out.println("Panel size x = " + xPanelSizeStg); 
    try { 
     outStrm = new FileOutputStream(configFilename); 
     // save properties to file, include a header comment 
     this.store(outStrm, "This is the Server configuration file"); 

     } catch (IOException io) { 
      logger.error("The file :{0} could not be opened", configFilename,io); 
     } finally { 
      if (outStrm!= null) { 
       try { 
       } catch (IOException e) { 
        logger.error("The file :{0} could not be closed", configFilename, e); 


public static void main(String[] args) { 

    ClientProperties p = new ClientProperties(); 
    String txt = p.getProperty("xPanelsize"); 
     System.out.println("Panel size x = " + txt); 


