






public class CellSim{ 

public static void main(String[] args){ 

System.out.println("what is the size of your grid?"); 
    char [][] tissue = new char [IO.readInt()][IO.readInt()]; 
System.out.println("How many like agents are needed to be satisfied?"); 
    int threshold = IO.readInt(); 
System.out.println("How many rounds to try and satisfy the board?");  
    int maxRounds = IO.readInt(); 
System.out.println("How often do you want to see the board?"); 
    int frequency = IO.readInt(); 
System.out.println("Percentage of X cells?"); 
    int xCells = IO.readInt(); 
System.out.println("Percentage of blank cells?"); 
    int bCells = IO.readInt(); 
    int roundsDone = 0; 
    assignCellTypes(tissue, bCells, xCells); 

    boolean boardSat = true; 
    boardSat = boardSatisfied(tissue, threshold); 

    if(boardSat == false){ 
     while(roundsDone <= maxRounds || boardSat == false){ 
      moveAllUnsatisfied(tissue, threshold); 
       boardSat = boardSatisfied(tissue, threshold); 
       while(roundsDone == frequency || roundsDone == frequency * 2){ 
        frequency = frequency * 2; 
    if(boardSat == true){ 


public static void printTissue(char[][] tissue){ 
    for(int row = 0;row < tissue.length;row++){ 
     for(int col = 0;col < tissue[row].length;col++){ 
      System.out.print(tissue[row][col] + "\t"); 

public static void assignCellTypes(char[][] tissue, int percentBlank, int percentX){ 
int n = (tissue.length) * (tissue.length); 
percentBlank = (int) Math.ceil(n * (percentBlank * .01)); 
percentX = (int) Math.ceil((n - percentBlank) * (percentX * .01)); 
int percentO = (int) Math.ceil(n - percentBlank - percentX); 

for(int i = 0; i < percentBlank; i++){ 
while(percentBlank > 0){ 
    int randCell = randInt(0, 9); 
    int randCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
       if(tissue[randCell][randCell2] == '\u0000'){ 
        tissue[randCell][randCell2] = ' '; 
for(int i = 0; i < percentX; i++){ 
while(percentX > 0){ 
    int randCell = randInt(0, 9); 
    int randCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
       if(tissue[randCell][randCell2] == '\u0000'){ 
        tissue[randCell][randCell2] = 'X'; 
for(int i = 0; i < percentO; i++){ 
while(percentO > 0){ 
    int randCell = randInt(0, 9); 
    int randCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
       if(tissue[randCell][randCell2] == '\u0000'){ 
        tissue[randCell][randCell2] = 'O'; 


public static boolean isSatisfied(char[][] tissue, int row, int col, int threshold){ 
    int total = 0; 
    int same = 0; 
    if(tissue[row][col] == 'X'){ 
    total = 0; 
    if(col-1 >= 0 && row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col - 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col-1 >= 0 && row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col - 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(row+1 < tissue.length && col+1 < tissue[row+1].length && tissue[row + 1][col + 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row+1 < tissue.length && col+1 < tissue[row+1].length && tissue[row + 1][col + 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row][col - 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row][col - 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(col+1 < tissue[row].length && tissue[row][col + 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col+1 < tissue[row].length && tissue[row][col + 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col - 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col - 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col] == 'O') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && col+1 < tissue[row-1].length && tissue[row - 1][col + 1] == 'X'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && col+1 < tissue[row-1].length && tissue[row - 1][col + 1] == 'O') 
     total ++; 

if(tissue[row][col] == 'O'){ 
total = 0; 
    if(col-1 >= 0 && row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col - 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col-1 >= 0 && row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col - 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row+1 < tissue.length && tissue[row + 1][col] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(row+1 < tissue.length && col+1 < tissue[row+1].length && tissue[row + 1][col + 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row+1 < tissue.length && col+1 < tissue[row+1].length && tissue[row + 1][col + 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row][col - 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row][col - 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(col+1 < tissue[row].length && tissue[row][col + 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(col+1 < tissue[row].length && tissue[row][col + 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col - 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && col-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col - 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && tissue[row - 1][col] == 'X') 
     total ++; 
    if(row-1 >= 0 && col+1 < tissue[row-1].length && tissue[row - 1][col + 1] == 'O'){ 
     same ++; 
     total ++; 
    }else if(row-1 >= 0 && col+1 < tissue[row-1].length && tissue[row - 1][col + 1] == 'X') 
     total ++; 

if(tissue[row][col] == ' '){ 
    return true; 
}if(total == 0){ 
    return false; 
}else if(((same/total) * 100) >= threshold){ 
    return true; 
}else{ return false;} 

public static boolean boardSatisfied(char[][] tissue, int threshold){ 
    boolean isSat = false; 
    boolean bSat = true; 

     for(int row = 0;row < tissue.length;row++){ 
      for(int col = 0;col < tissue[row].length;col++){ 
      if(tissue[row][col] == 'X'){ 
      isSat = isSatisfied(tissue, row, col, threshold); 
       if(isSat == false){ 
       tissue[row][col] = 'U'; 
       bSat = false; 
      if(tissue[row][col] == 'O'){ 
      isSat = isSatisfied(tissue, row, col, threshold); 
       if(isSat == false){ 
       tissue[row][col] = 'Q'; 
       bSat = false; 

     if(bSat == false){ 
     return false; 
     }else{return true;} 

public static int moveAllUnsatisfied(char[][] tissue, int threshold){ 
    for(int row = 0;row < tissue.length;row++){ 
     for(int col = 0;col < tissue[row].length;col++){ 
      if(tissue[row][col] == 'U'){ 
       tissue[row][col]= ' '; 
       int ranCell = randInt(0, 9); 
       int ranCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
        while(tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == 'X' || tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == 'O' || tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == ' '){ 
        ranCell = randInt(0, 9); 
        ranCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
         if(tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == ' '){ 
          tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] = 'X'; 
      if(tissue[row][col] == 'Q'){ 
       tissue[row][col]= ' '; 
       int ranCell = randInt(0, 9); 
       int ranCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
        while(tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == 'X' || tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == 'O' || tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == ' '){ 
        ranCell = randInt(0, 9); 
        ranCell2 = randInt(0, 9); 
         if(tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] == ' '){ 
          tissue[ranCell][ranCell2] = 'X'; 


public static int randInt(int min, int max){ 

int range = (max - min) + 1;  
return(int)(Math.random() * range) + min; 


就像在“公共静态INT randInt”,你应该返回一个int。 你可以添加“return 0;” 或者您可以将签名更改为“public static void moveAllUnsatisfied”。


哦,那很容易,谢谢 – Guy2 2014-12-06 21:59:28


Hi @ Guy2如果这个或任何答案已经解决了您的问题,请考虑通过点击复选标记来接受它。这向更广泛的社区表明,您已经找到了解决方案,并为答复者和您自己提供了一些声誉。没有义务这样做。 – Ranch 2014-12-06 22:18:17