


我一直试图从每个测试中获得类别(关注点)的百分比,但是我在组合这两个查询时遇到了问题。我遇到问题的地方在于划分并得到正确的查询。我用How to calculate percentage with a SQL statement作为参考。我期待通过动态查询获得每个类别(关注)百分比的检查分类。在SQL中将查询与%结合起来


SELECT exams_id as exams, Count(*) AS TotalQuestions 
FROM exams_questions AS eq 
JOIN concerns as con ON eq.concerns_id = con.concerns_id 
GROUP BY exams_id 
ORDER BY exams_id 

| Exams  |TotalQuestions|   
| 1   | 200   | 
| 2   | 100   | 
| 3   | 400   | 
| 4   | 150   | 


select exams_id as exam, count(con.concerns_id) as numberOfConcern, con.concerns_description, sum(con.concerns_id) as countTotal 
from exams_questions 
join concerns as con on exams_questions.concerns_id = con.concerns_id 
where exams_id is not null 
group by exams_id, con.concerns_id, con.concerns_description 
order by exams_id asc, con.concerns_id 

| Exams   |ConcernID  | NumberofConcern | 
| 1   | 1    | 25    | 
| 1   | 5    | 37    | 
| 1   | 33    | 24    | 
| 1   | 43    | 35    | 
| 1   | 44    | 7    | 
| 1   | 45    | 22    | 
| 1   | 46    | 27    | 
| 1   | 47    | 33    | 
| 2   | 1    | 20    | 
| 2   | 4    | 25    | 
| 2   | 22    | 35    | 
| 2   | 24    | 20    | 


SELECT e.exams_description, eq.exams_id as exams, con.concerns_id as ConcernID, Count(*) as numberofQuestions, Cast(Count(*)* 100.0/Sum(Count(*)) OVER() AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) as ExamPercent 
FROM exams_questions as eq 
JOIN concerns AS con on eq.concerns_id = con.concerns_id 
JOIN exams AS e on e.exams_id = eq.exams_id 
GROUP BY eq.exams_id, con.concerns_id, e.exams_description 
ORDER BY eq.exams_id asc, con.concerns_id 

| Exam   | ConcernID  | NumberofConcern | ExamPercent | 
| 1    |  1   |  25   | .24   | 
| 1    |  5   |  27   | .26   | 
| 1    |  33   |  24   | .23   | 
| 1    |  43   |  35   | .33   | 
| 1    |  44   |  7    | .07   | 
| 1    |  45   |  22   | .21   | 
| 1    |  46   |  27   | .26   | 
| 1    |  47   |  33   | .31   | 
| 2    |  1   |  20   | .2   | 
| 2    |  4   |  25   | .25   | 
| 2    |  22   |  35   | .35   | 
| 2    |  24   |  20   | .2   | 


Cast(count(*)* 100.0/sum(count(*)) over() AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) as ExamPercent   




我仍然试图破译你想问的问题。如果考试1有200个问题,则您的数据库中有8个考试1记录。你想看看什么百分比8是200? –


Select EQ.exams_id as exam, count(con.concerns_id) as numberOfConcern, con.concerns_description, sum(con.concerns_id) as countTotal, tot.TotalQuestions, 
     ROUND(CAST((count(con.concerns_id) * 100.0/tot.TotalQuestions) AS FLOAT), 2) AS ExamPercent 
from exams_questions EQ 
join concerns as con on exams_questions.concerns_id = con.concerns_id 
Join (
      SELECT exams_id as exams, Count(*) AS TotalQuestions 
      FROM exams_questions AS eq 
      JOIN concerns as con ON eq.concerns_id = con.concerns_id 
      GROUP BY exams_id 
    ) tot ON EQ.exams_id = tot.exams_id 
where EQ.exams_id is not null 
group by EQ.exams_id, con.concerns_id, con.concerns_description 
order by EQ.exams_id asc, con.concerns_id 
