



enter image description here


00 B2 07 64 00 0A 40 00 
5B 00 00 5D 00 00 FF 21 
01 00 83 5F 90 3C 00 01 
FF 2F 00 


阅读第91页,Delta Time显然不发送,而不是发送带有“运行状态”相关的两个字节

enter image description here


00 B2 07 64 
    // track event size: '4', delta time: '0', event: 'status byte 'B2', 
    // data length: '2', data: '0764', description: 'Controller Change', 
    // channel: '2 - Midi Event Type' 
00 0A // track event size: '2', delta time: '0', event: ' - ' 
40 00 // track event size: '2', delta time: '64', event: ' - ' 
5B 00 // track event size: '2', delta time: '91', event: ' - ' 
00 5D // track event size: '2', delta time: '0', event: ' - ' 
00 00 // track event size: '2', delta time: '0', event: ' - ' 
FF 21 01 // track event size: '3', delta time: '16289', event: ' - ' 
00 83 5F 90 
    // delta time: '0', event: 'status byte '83', data length: '2', data: '5F90', 
    // description: 'Note Off', channel: '3 - Midi Event Type' 
3C 00 // track event size: '2', delta time: '60', event: ' - ' 
01 FF 2F 00 
    //track event size: '4', delta time: '1', event: 'type: '2F', 
    // data length: '0', data: '', description: 'End of Track - Meta Event Type' 

正如你可以00 0A线看00是像Delta Time一样对待,但0A与某些事件类型无关。 (我认为这是一个运行状态),同样的情况发生在3C 00行。


什么是区分当是运行状态当是delta time线索?


在我的例子能解释像Control Changes Messages

0A 40 // 0A Pan 


假设相同Delta Time00

00 // Delta Time 
    90 3C 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 3C , Velocity 7F 
00 // Delta Time 
    90 40 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 40 , Velocity 7F 
00 // Delta Time 
    90 43 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 43 , Velocity 7F 


00 // Delta Time 
    90 3C 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 3C , Velocity 7F 
00 // Delta Time 
    40 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 40 , Velocity 7F 
00 // Delta Time 
    43 7F // Note ON, Channel 0, Key 43 , Velocity 7F 


40 7F // 40 Damper Pedal on/off (Sustain) 

    43 7F // 43 Soft Pedal On/Off 


MIDI事件本身的长度由状态字节决定。使用运行状态时,使用前一个状态字节。状态字节和数据字节可以通过最高有效位来区分。 当你阅读的增量时间,下一个字节没有MSB集,你已经运行状态,并根据需要通过事件必须尽量多的数据字节:

00    delta time 
    B2 07 64 control change: volume = 100 
00    delta time 
     0A 40 (running status) expression = 64 
00    delta time 
     5B 00 (running status) reverb = 0 
00    delta time 
     5D 00 (running status) chorus = 0 
00    delta time 
    FF 21 01 00 meta event: port number = 0 
83 5F   delta time 
    90 3C 00 note-off 
01    delta time 
    FF 2F 00 meta event: end of track 

谢谢你,我找到了运行状态的解释... https://www.midi。org/specifications/item/table-3-control-change-messages-data-bytes-2 –


运行状态可用于任何事件类型;你必须记住最后的实际状态字节。 –


但是,当从文件中读取字节时,如何知道必须应用哪种解释?控制更改消息或运行状态有任何限制? (不含ambiguos数据字节) –