

因此,我有这个简化版本的我正试图做和失败。 我有这个Boxes对象有一个颜色字段,并且可以有一个m2m字段的许多项目,所以我想要一个列表(一个查询集)的所有在特定颜色的框中的项目。所以我为管理员制作了这个django过滤器。获取属于Django模型中的黄色框的所有项目

from django.contrib.admin import SimpleListFilter 
from store.models import Box 

class Items(Model): 
    name = CharField(max_length=200) 

class Box(Model): 
    items = ManyToManyField(Items) 
    color_choices = (
    box_color = CharField(max_length=200,choices=color_choices) 

# So in my Items admin list i want to filter the items by color, this is my 'failed' attemp. 

class Items_by_payment_system_filter(SimpleListFilter): 
    title = _('Colors') 

    # Parameter for the filter that will be used in the URL query. 
    parameter_name = 'color' 

    def lookups(self, request, model_admin): 
     Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each 
     tuple is the coded value for the option that will 
     appear in the URL query. The second element is the 
     human-readable name for the option that will appear 
     in the right sidebar. 
     return Box.color_choices 
    def queryset(self, request, queryset): 
     # Remember that self.value contains the current selection in the filter options displayed to the user in Admin 
     if self.values(): 
      boxes = Box.objects.filter(items__in=queryset) # get only boxes with the current set of items 
      boxes_ids = boxes.filter(box_color=self.values()).values_list('items__id',flat=True) 
      return queryset.filter(id__in=boxes_ids) 



不应该是'返回Box.box_color.choices'?或者你是否也在Box.colors中存储了颜色? – SiddharthaRT


对不起,更新了代码,因为是的,它是错误的,它并没有反映我在我的真实代码中有什么。 –


So self.values()返回一个值? - 你做boxes.filter(color = self.values()),不应该是boxes.filter(box_color = self.values())? – Teisman


  • 变化self.valuesself.valueif self.values():
  • 变化colorbox_colorboxes_ids = boxes.filter(color=self.values()) ...


from box.models import Items,Box 
from django.contrib import admin 
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ 
from django.contrib.admin import SimpleListFilter 

class Items_by_payment_system_filter(SimpleListFilter): 
    title = _('Colors') 

    # Parameter for the filter that will be used in the URL query. 
    parameter_name = 'color' 

    def lookups(self, request, model_admin): 
     Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each 
     tuple is the coded value for the option that will 
     appear in the URL query. The second element is the 
     human-readable name for the option that will appear 
     in the right sidebar. 
     return Box.color_choices 
    def queryset(self, request, queryset): 
     # Remember that self.value contains the current selection in the filter options displayed to the user in Admin 

     if self.value(): 
      boxes = Box.objects.filter(items__in=queryset) # get only boxes with the current set of items 
      boxes_ids = boxes.filter(box_color=self.value()).values_list('items__id',flat=True) 
      return queryset.filter(id__in=boxes_ids) 

class ItemsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 
    fields = ['name'] 
    list_filter = (Items_by_payment_system_filter,) 


是的,我得到了这些错误,他们在翻译错误中丢失了。我仍在调查这个问题。但不是错误结果的原因。 –