


我在Python 3.x中工作,而且是相当新的,所以我希望我所问的是有道理的。我应该专注于这个猜字游戏的循环和字符串。 这里的(混乱/悠悠/杂乱)的代码,我到目前为止有:猜猜词游戏:猜测秘密词不被接受

import sys 
import random 

def Main(): 
    PlayAgain = "y" 
    print("COP 1000 Project 4 - Courtney Kasonic - Guess the Word Game") 
    print("I'm thinking of a word; can you guess what it is?") 
    while PlayAgain == "y": 
     Words = "apple alphabet boomarang cat catharsis define decide elephant fish goat horizon igloo jackelope ketchup loop limousine monkey night octopus potato quick rebel separate test underway violin world yellow zebra".split() 
     SecretWord = random.choice(Words) 
     MissedLetters = "" 
     CorrectLetters = "" 
     ChosenWord = GetWord(Words) 
     Guess = FiveLetters(CorrectLetters+MissedLetters) 
     for Guess in ChosenWord: 
      CorrectLetters = CorrectLetters + Guess 
     ShowWord(CorrectLetters, ChosenWord) 
     for i in ChosenWord: 
      CLetters = "" 
      if Guess in ChosenWord: 
       Blanks = "_" * len(SecretWord) 
       for i in range(len(SecretWord)): 
        if SecretWord[i] in CLetters: 
         Blanks = Blanks[i] + SecretWord[i] 

def GetWord(List): 
    SecretWord = random.choice(List) 

**def FiveLetters(LettersGuessed): 
    a = 2 
    if a > 1: 
     print("Enter five letters to check: ",end="") 
     Guess = input() 
     if len(Guess) != 5: 
      print("Please enter five letters.") 
     elif Guess in LettersGuessed: 
      print("You already guessed that letter.") 
     elif Guess not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": 
      print("Please enter a letter.") 

def ShowWord(CLetters, SecretWord): 
    print("\nHere is the word showing the letters that you guessed:\n") 
    CLetters = "" 
    Blanks = "_" * len(SecretWord) 
    for i in range(len(SecretWord)): 
     if SecretWord[i] in CLetters: 
      Blanks = Blanks[i] + SecretWord[i] 
     return(Blanks, SecretWord, CLetters) 

def CheckLetters(Letters): 
    Letters = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z".split() 
    for Letters in Word: 




例如:秘密字=狗。如果我猜字母“mopfe”(虽然我不能因为上面的问题),那么它会打印出“_ _ _”而不是“o”。


请使用小写字母表示变量名称和函数。请使用大写字母 – jamylak 2013-03-22 02:03:09


是的,欢迎来到python,请去阅读pep8:http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ – monkut 2013-03-22 02:11:03


忽略代码所缺乏的“风格”,你可能需要自己调试您的代码,然后才能到其他人寻找您的错误。您应该逐个测试应用程序的每个部分,查找不适应的组件。这样做,你可能会自己解决问题,如果没有,那么你会孤立这个问题,并能够做出更多**简洁的问题,更多的用户愿意回答。 – asermax 2013-03-22 02:15:21

假设你不想失败,你将不可避免地提出更多的问题。如果你在*上提出这些问题,你应该可能是read the FAQ。既然你使用的是python,你应该也可以阅读样式指南(即PEP 8),它在评论中提到过。这段代码虽然不完整,但会让你开始。

import sys 
import random 

def main(): 
    play_again = "y" 
    print("COP 1000 Project 4 - Courtney Kasonic - Guess the Word Game") 
    print("I'm thinking of a word; can you guess what it is?") 

    words = "apple alphabet boomarang cat catharsis define decide elephant fish goat horizon igloo jackelope ketchup loop limousine monkey night octopus potato quick rebel separate test underway violin world yellow zebra".split() 
    secret_word = random.choice(words) 
    correct_letters = "" 

    while play_again == "y": 

     guess = five_letters(correct_letters) 

     for letter in guess: 
      if letter in secret_word: 
       correct_letters += letter 

     show_word(correct_letters, secret_word) 

def five_letters(letters_guessed): 

     guess = raw_input("Enter five letters to check: ") 

     if len(guess) != 5: 
      print("Please enter five letters.") 
     elif guess in letters_guessed: 
      print("You already guessed that letter.") 
     elif guess not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": 
      print("Please enter a letter.") 
      return guess 

def show_word(correct_letters, secret_word): 
    print("\nHere is the word showing the letters that you guessed:\n") 
    word_display = "" 

    for index, letter in enumerate(secret_word): 
     if letter in correct_letters: 
      word_display += letter 
      word_display += "_" 

    print word_display 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
