

我目前正在围绕C库编写一个Go包装。该C库使用不透明的结构指针来隐藏接口中的信息。但是,底层实现会在其中存储size_t值。这会导致生成的程序出现运行时错误。 最小工作示例来重现问题是这样的:如何解决CEG库中使用不透明结构指针时cgo中的“写入障碍中的错误指针”恐慌


package main 

#include "stddef.h" 
// Create an opaque type to hide the details of the underlying data structure. 
typedef struct HandlePrivate *Handle; 

// In reality, the implementation uses a type derived from size_t for the Handle. 
Handle getInvalidPointer() { 
    size_t actualHandle = 1; 
    return (Handle) actualHandle; 
import "C" 

// Create a temporary slice containing invalid pointers. 
// The idea is that the local variable slice can be garbage collected at the end of the function call. 
// When the slice is scanned for linked objects, the GC comes across the invalid pointers. 
func getTempSlice() { 
    slice := make([]C.Handle, 1000000) 
    for i, _ := range slice { 
     slice[i] = C.getInvalidPointer() 

func main() { 


runtime: writebarrierptr *0xc42006c000 = 0x1 
fatal error: bad pointer in write barrier 
[...stack trace omitted...] 



我的环境是Ubuntu 16.04,带有gcc 5.4.0和Go 1.9.2。

Documentation of cgo

我能重现错误go1.8.5go1.9.2。我无法重现提示的错误:devel +f01b928 Sat Nov 11 06:17:48 2017 +0000(有效go1.10alpha)。

// Create a temporary slice containing invalid pointers. 
// The idea is that the local variable slice can be garbage collected at the end of the function call. 
// When the slice is scanned for linked objects, the GC comes across the invalid pointers. 

一去的口头禅是不要忽略错误。但是,您似乎认为GC将优雅地忽略错误。 GC应该大声抱怨(go1.8.5go1.9.2)。最糟糕的是,由于发布到发布的行为可能会有所不同,GC可能会忽略错误(go devel)。


// go tool cgo 
// type _Ctype_Handle *_Ctype_struct_HandlePrivate 
// var handle _Ctype_Handle 
var handle C.Handle 
// main._Ctype_Handle <nil> 0x0 
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%[1]T %[1]v %[1]p\n", handle) 

slice := make([]C.Handle, 1000000) 
for i, _ := range slice { 
    slice[i] = C.getInvalidPointer() 


package main 

import "unsafe" 

#include "stddef.h" 
// Create an opaque type to hide the details of the underlying data structure. 
typedef struct HandlePrivate *Handle; 

// In reality, the implementation uses a type derived from size_t for the Handle. 
Handle getInvalidPointer() { 
    size_t actualHandle = 1; 
    return (Handle) actualHandle; 
import "C" 

// Create a temporary slice of C pointers as Go integer type uintptr. 
func getTempSlice() { 
    slice := make([]uintptr, 1000000) 
    for i, _ := range slice { 
     slice[i] = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(C.getInvalidPointer())) 

func main() { 

我在使用OP代码的“go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64”与我的拱门上有同样的错误。错误:“运行时:writebarrierptr * 0xc42007a000 = 0x1 致命错误:写入障碍中的指针错误” – Stargateur