



public abstract class AbstractStudent { 

* First name of a student. 
private String myFirstName; 

* Last name of a student. 
private String myLastName; 

* Student 9-digit ID. 
private String myID; 

* Number of credit hours completed by a student. 
private int myCreditHours; 

* Current student GPA. 
private double myGPA; 

* Student gender. 
private Gender myGender; 

/** Student date of birth. 
private Date myBirth; 

* Private constructor to prohibit default instantiation. 

* @param theFirstName Adds the first name into the constructor 
* @param theLastName Adds the last name into the constructor 
* @param theID Adds the ID into the constructor 
* @param theCreditHours Adds the credit hours into the constructor 
* @param theGPA Adds the GPA into the constructor 
* @param theGender Adds the gender into the constructor 
* @param theBirth Adds the birth into the constructor 
public AbstractStudent(final String theFirstName, final String theLastName, 
         final String theID, final int theCreditHours, final double theGPA, 
         final Gender theGender, final Date theBirth) { 

    myFirstName = theFirstName; 
    myLastName = theLastName; 
    myID = theID; 
    myCreditHours = theCreditHours; 
    myGPA = theGPA; 
    myGender = theGender; 
    myBirth = new Date(theBirth.getTime()); 



public class UndergradStudent extends AbstractStudent { 

* Student status. 
private StudentStatus myStatus; 

* Parameterized constructor - constructors a Student object. 
* @param theFirstName is a string representing the first name of a student, != null 
* @param theLastName is a string representing the last name of a student, != null 
* @param theID is a string of 9 characters representing student ID 
* @param theCreditHours is an integer number >=0 representing number of credit hours 
*   taken by a student 
* @param theGPA is a double number representing GPA, a GPA must be >= 0 and <= 4.0 
* @param theStatus is a string representing student status, != null 
* @param theGender is a character representing student gender, != null 
* @param theBirth is a date representing student birth date; a student cannot be younger 
*   than 10 years old 
* @custom.post Student object constructed; if invalid parameters passed, 
*   student is in an invalid state. 
public UndergradStudent(final String theFirstName, final String theLastName, 
         final String theID, final int theCreditHours, final double theGPA, 
         final StudentStatus theStatus, final Gender theGender, 
         final Date theBirth) { 
    super(theFirstName, theLastName, theID, theCreditHours, theGPA, theGender, theBirth); 
    myStatus = theStatus; 

在我看来,测试getter和setter并不重要,除非它们包含业务逻辑(这种逻辑不应该驻留在那里)。坚持测试应用程序重要部分的口头禅,而不是使代码覆盖率成为您的目标。 – JamesB


所以我可以创建一个包含整个构造函数的单个测试方法,或者你说我应该测试一些特定的领域例如:名字,姓氏,gpa等等。我只是觉得如果我为每个东西做了一个单独的测试方法,它会占用大量的空间。谢谢! – user3376654


测试方法,而不是字段,不担心你有多少测试,只要确保他们正在测试不同的逻辑块。 – JamesB

