



1 2 3 4   A B 
R|B|R|B   R|B|R|B 
B|R|B|R   B|R|B|R 
R|B|R|B   R|B|R|B 
B|R|B|R   B|R|B|R 
1 2 3 4   1 2 


// place checker on each bottom-row black space, and count paths 
for (int checkerPos = 1; checkerPos < rFringe; checkerPos += 2) 
{ // always starts in bottom-left-hand corner 
    board = resetBoard(board); // clear board for new checker 
    board[bottomRow][checkerPos] = 1; // put checker on starting location 
    // calculate # of paths from starting location to each end tile 
    for (int r = bottomRow - 1; r > 0; r--) // start in row above bottom, and end right before top fringe (i.e. row 0) 
     for (int c = 1; c < rFringe; c++) 
      board[r][c] = board[r + 1][c - 1] + board[r + 1][c + 1]; 

    // find end tile with max paths 
    max = board[1][1]; // default max is upper-left space on checkerboard 
    for (int c = 2; c < rFringe; c++) // don't re-check first column and don't check fringe 
     // compare this to other top-row boxes to find one with highest value 
     if (board[1][c] > max) 
      max = board[1][c]; 
      startLoc = checkerPos; // GETS WRONG VALUE 
      endLoc = c; // GETS WRONG VALUE 

    maxInfo[maxCount] = max; // add current piece's max to max array 
    maxInfo[maxCount + 1] = startLoc; // save start location 
    maxInfo[maxCount + 2] = endLoc; // save end location 
    maxCount += 3; // go to next empty slot in array 



int[] halved = new int[size]; // used for mapping the machine-readable tile #s to human-readable tile #s and letters 
// populate halved array 
for (int halvedIdx = 0, i = 1; halvedIdx < size - 1; halvedIdx += 2, i++) 
    halved[halvedIdx] = i; 
    halved[halvedIdx + 1] = i; 


startLoc = checkerPos; 
endLoc = c; 

startLoc = halved[checkerPos]; 
endLoc = halved[c]; 


