


<div id="wrapper"> 
<div id="left-panel"></div> 
<div id="long-right-panel></div> 

在滚动,我有一个问题打交道时的#wrapper顶部位置是< = 0,当从#left-panel底部位置减去footer顶部位置是> = 0,我想的#left-panel有风格固定的位置。否则它应该有相对的位置。如何根据条件在滚动时设置元素在固定位置和相对位置之间的位置?



// creates event listener 
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); 

// get DOM elements outside of scroll event 
    const wrapperRect = document.getElementById('wrapper').getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const leftPanel = document.getElementById('left-panel'); 
    const leftPanelRect = leftPanel.getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const rightPanel = document.getElementById('long-right-panel'); 
    const rightPanelRect = rightPanel.getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const footerRect = document.querySelector('footer').getBoundingClientRect(); 

function handleScroll() { 
    /* if the #wrapper has scrolled past the top of the viewport and the space between the top of the footer and the bottom of the #left-panel is greater than 0, set #left-panel to position fixed */ 
    if (wrapperRect.top <= 0 && (footerRect.top - leftPanelRect.bottom) > 0) { 
    leftPanel.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; top: 3rem;"); 
    rightPanel.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: 45%;"); 
    /* else set the #left-panel position to relative */ 
    else { 
    leftPanel.setAttribute("style", "position: relative;"); 
    rightPanel.setAttribute("style", ""); 

代码工作,除了,我需要某种标志或打破它的手段,因为它代表,当条件为真,其固定,但是当它们是假的,#left-panel跳回到它的原始位置和#wrapper顶部是< 0,并且footerRect.topleftPanelRect.bottom之间的间隔大于0并且将其改变为固定...然后滚动变回相对。 ..这会导致跳跃和闪烁。


您的代码实际运行良好,我在Windows 8.1上使用最新的Chrome进行了测试。但是,如果你的意思是,当你滚动第一个时间页面跳转,尝试添加

window.addEventListener('load', handleScroll); 

在脚本的顶部 - 要检查的条件,并在页面加载设置样式:

#wrapper { 
    height: 200vh; 
    width: 100%; 

#left-panel { 
    background-color: #f90; 
    height: 200px; 
    width: 45%; 

#long-right-panel { 
    background-color: #f09; 
    height: 500px; 
    margin-top: 3rem; 
    width: 55%; 


#footer { 
    background-color: #9f9; 
    height: 100px; 
    width: 100%; 

<div id="wrapper"> 
    <div id="left-panel"></div> 
    <div id="long-right-panel"></div> 
<footer id="footer"></footer> 

// creates event listener 
window.addEventListener('load', handleScroll); 
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); 

// get DOM elements outside of scroll event 
    const wrapperRect = document.getElementById('wrapper').getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const leftPanel = document.getElementById('left-panel'); 
    const leftPanelRect = leftPanel.getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const rightPanel = document.getElementById('long-right-panel'); 
    const rightPanelRect = rightPanel.getBoundingClientRect(); 

    const footerRect = document.querySelector('footer').getBoundingClientRect(); 

function handleScroll() { 
    /* if the #wrapper has scrolled past the top of the viewport 
    and the space between the top of the footer and the bottom of the #left-panel 
    is greater than 0, set #left-panel to position fixed */ 
    if (wrapperRect.top <= 0 && (footerRect.top - leftPanelRect.bottom) > 0) { 
    leftPanel.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; top: 3rem;"); 
    rightPanel.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: 45%;"); 
    /* else set the #left-panel position to relative */ 
    else { 
    leftPanel.setAttribute("style", "position: relative;"); 
    rightPanel.setAttribute("style", ""); 



  1. panel.top < wrappe r.top
  2. panel.top> wrapper.top & & panel.bottom < wrapper.bottom
  3. panel.bottom> wrapper.bottom



谢谢。为了给出上下文,我需要让#左侧面板不会撞到页脚,这就是为什么我要听左侧面板和页脚顶部的底部。当我开始工作时,我会检查你的建议。 –


这是#左侧面板跳转,因为当它从相对于固定切换时,左侧窗格的底部与页脚顶部之间的距离在滚动事件中被重新评估。 –


你能提供一个到你正在使用的页面的链接吗? –