



*** Settings *** 
    Suite Setup GetUrl 
    Test Setup  Create HTTP Context ${conturl[0]["Host"]} 
    Library JsonLibb.py 
    Library RequestsLibrary 
    Library HttpLibrary.HTTP 


*** Test Cases *** 
     Log ${con} 
     Run Keyword If ${con}==1 Zerocon Onecon 
      ELSE If ${con}==2 Zerocon Onecon Twocon 
      ELSE Log 'Error' 


*** Keywords *** 
     ${conturl} Get URL Json 
     Set Global Variable ${conturl} 
     ${conturl_lenth}= Get Length ${conturl} 
     Set Global Variable ${conturl_lenth} 
     :FOR ${url_lenth} IN RANGE ${conturl_lenth} 
     \ Set Global Variable ${url_lenth} 
     \ Log ${url_lenth} 

     ${content} Get HEADER Json 
     Set Global Variable ${content} 
     ${content_lenth}= Get Length ${content} 
     Set Global Variable ${content_lenth} 
     :FOR ${con} IN RANGE ${content_lenth} 
     \ Set Global Variable ${con} 

     ${contbody} Get BODY Json 
     Set Global Variable ${contbody} 
     ${contbody_lenth}= Get Length ${contbody} 
     Set Global Variable ${contbody_lenth} 
     :FOR ${body_lenth} IN RANGE ${contbody_lenth} 
     \ Set Global Variable  ${body_lenth} 

     Set Request Header Cookie ${content[${0}]["COOKIE"]}   
     Set Request Header X-Requested-With ${content[${0}]["X-Requested-With"]} 
     Run Keyword If '${content[0]["method"]}'=='POST' POSTRequest 
       ELSE If '${content[0]["method"]}'=='GET' GETRequest 
       ELSE Log 'ErrorZero' 

     Set Request Header Cookie ${content[${1}]["COOKIE"]}   
     Set Request Header X-Requested-With ${content[${1}]["X-Requested-With"]} 
     Run Keyword If '${content[1]["method"]}'=='POST' POSTRequest 
       ELSE If '${content[1]["method"]}'=='GET' GETRequest 
       ELSE Log 'ErrorOne' 

     Set Request Header Cookie ${content[${2}]["COOKIE"]}   
     Set Request Header X-Requested-With ${content[${2}]["X-Requested-With"]} 
     Run Keyword If '${content[2]["method"]}'=='POST' POSTRequest 
       ELSE If '${content[2]["method"]}'=='GET' GETRequest 
       ELSE Log 'ErrorTwo' 

     Run Keyword If '${url_lenth}'=='1' HttpLibrary.HTTP.POST ${conturl[0]["Uri"]} 
       Set Request Body  ${contbody[0]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.POST ${conturl[1]["Uri"]} 
       Set Request Body  ${contbody[1]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       ElSE If '${url_lenth}'=='2' HttpLibrary.HTTP.POST ${conturl[0]["Uri"]} 
       Set Request Body  ${contbody[0]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.POST ${conturl[1]["Uri"]} 
       Set Request Body  ${contbody[1]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.POST ${conturl[2]["Uri"]} 
       Set Request Body  ${contbody[2]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       ELSE Log "Error" 

     Run Keyword If '${url_lenth}'=='1' HttpLibrary.HTTP.GET ${conturl[0]["Uri"]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.GET ${conturl[1]["Uri"]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       ElSE If '${url_lenth}'=='2' HttpLibrary.HTTP.GET ${conturl[0]["Uri"]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.GET ${conturl[1]["Uri"]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       HttpLibrary.HTTP.GET ${conturl[2]["Uri"]} 
       Response Status Code Should Equal 200 
       Response Body Should Contain "code":0,"msg":"","data":[] 
       Log Response Body 

       ELSE Log "Error" 



     Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if condition is true. 
     Start/End/Elapsed: 20170317 00:42:03.544/20170317 00:42:03.545/00:00:00.001 
     00:00:00.001KEYWORD Zerocon Onecon, ELSE If, ${con}==2, Zerocon, Onecon, Twocon 
     Start/End/Elapsed: 20170317 00:42:03.544/20170317 00:42:03.545/00:00:00.001 
     00:42:03.545 FAIL Keyword 'Zerocon' expected 0 arguments, got 6. 

通常很好创建尽可能最小的代码示例,允许其他人重新创建问题。上面的问题包含太多代码,无法运行以重新创建问题。此外,该代码没有解释它应该做什么。请缩短这个例子,并解释什么不工作以及你已经尝试了什么。 –


*** Test Cases *** 
     Log ${con} 
     Run Keyword If ${con}==1 Zerocon Onecon 
      ELSE If ${con}==2 Zerocon Onecon Twocon 
      ELSE Log 'Error' 

这似乎不是问题的答案。 –

第一个问题是ELSE If必须是ELSE IF。从文档中(重点添加):

从Robot 2.7.4版开始,此关键字还支持可选的ELSE和ELSE IF分支。上述这些问题都在* ARGS定义和必须使用完全相同的格式ELSE或ELSE IF



我只是想在关于$ {con}的条件下运行关键字, – Kion