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Private Function CreateWordDoc(ByVal wrdApp As Word.Application, ByRef Objects() As OwnClass, ByVal sFilename As String, ByVal sPath As String) 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document 
    Dim MyObj As OwnClass 

    Dim wrdTppTable As Word.Table 

    Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(sFilename, Visible:=True) 

    Set wrdTppTable = wrdDoc.Tables(2) 

    For i = 0 To UBound(Objects) - 1 
     Set MyObj = Objects(i) 
     ' Add a row to the table and select it 
     ' Work with the selected row 
     With wrdApp.Selection.Range 
      ' Make sure the row is on two columns 
      .Cells.Split 1, 2, True 
      ' Set the text font parameters 
      With .Font 
       .ColorIndex = wdBlack 
       .name = "Arial" 
       .size = 11 
       .Bold = False 
      End With 
      ' Write text in the cell 
      .Text = MyObj.GetKey & ": " & MyObj.GetValue 
      ' Then select the next cell in the row 
     End With 
     ' Work with the second column of the row 
     wrdApp.Selection.Cells.SetWidth 54, RulerStyle:=wdAdjustFirstColumn 
     With wrdApp.Selection.Range 
      With .Font 
       .ColorIndex = wdBlack 
       .name = "Arial" 
       .size = 11 
       .Bold = False 
      End With 
      ' Write the cell 
      .Text = MyObj.GetId 
     End With 
End Function 

您可以通过直接影响此属性来设置列的宽度(.Columns(x).Width)。另一方面,我没有太清楚你的代码的各个部分;例如:你为什么一遍又一遍地分裂,而不是创建你希望的列数(一个,实际上,分割成一个特定的行)? – varocarbas


我对VBA与Word相当陌生。我不确定分裂是做这件事的最好方法。我打开任何代码提案。如果你有一个,我会很高兴看到它。随意回答并发布一些代码;)有关信息,我将行添加到单词模板,并且该模板已经包含一个表(一行(标题),但只有一列)。所有其他行必须有两列。 – Maxbester


有道理:)我已经用必要的代码编写了一个答案来解决您的调整大小问题;从你的代码中删除所有的分割setWidths,并把它写在最上面。 – varocarbas


Dim availableWidth As Integer 
availableWidth = wrdDoc.PageSetup.PageWidth - wrdDoc.PageSetup.LeftMargin - wrdDoc.PageSetup.RightMargin 

With wrdTppTable 
    .Columns.Add 'Adding the required column 
    'Resizing both columns on account of the available space 
    .Columns(1).Width = availableWidth/2 
    .Columns(2).Width = availableWidth/2 
    .Cell(1, 1).Merge .Cell(1, 2) 
End With 



我仍然有问题...我更新了我的问题。谢谢! – Maxbester


@Maxbester我告诉过你:删除涉及分割和设置宽度的所有代码。正如你所看到的,我的代码输出两个相同的列,如果你稍后不修改它,它将保持不变。在你的新代码中,你仍然有“wrdApp.Selection.Cells.SetWidth 54,RulerStyle:= wdAdjustFirstColumn” – varocarbas


哦,对不起。我忘了这一行。它现在完美。谢谢!! – Maxbester