错误:ISO C++禁止声明'迭代器'没有类型


我想构建/运行一个旧的C++系统。我已经能够建造它在Ubuntu 9.10与G ++ 4.4错误:ISO C++禁止声明'迭代器'没有类型

现在我想要在Ubuntu 8.04建立与G ++ 4.2。而且我收到以下错误:

stringmap.h:353: erro: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘iterator’ with no type 
stringmap.h:353: erro: extra qualification ‘stringmap<_Tp>::’ on member ‘iterator’ 
stringmap.h:353: erro: expected ‘;’ before ‘begin’ 
stringmap.h:354: erro: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘iterator’ with no type 
stringmap.h:354: erro: extra qualification ‘stringmap<_Tp>::’ on member ‘iterator’ 
stringmap.h:354: erro: expected ‘;’ before ‘end’ 
stringmap.h:386: erro: no ‘typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::begin()’ member function declared in class ‘stringmap<_Tp>’ 
stringmap.h:386: erro: template definition of non-template ‘typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::begin()’ 
stringmap.h:398: erro: no ‘typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::end()’ member function declared in class ‘stringmap<_Tp>’ 
stringmap.h:398: erro: template definition of non-template ‘typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::end()’ 
In file included from Ccolumn.h:7, 
       from Ccolumn.cpp:1: 
intmap.h:395: erro: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘iterator’ with no type 
intmap.h:395: erro: extra qualification ‘intmap<_Tp>::’ on member ‘iterator’ 
intmap.h:395: erro: expected ‘;’ before ‘begin’ 
intmap.h:396: erro: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘iterator’ with no type 
intmap.h:396: erro: extra qualification ‘intmap<_Tp>::’ on member ‘iterator’ 
intmap.h:396: erro: expected ‘;’ before ‘end’ 
intmap.h:429: erro: no ‘typename intmap<_Tp>::iterator intmap<_Tp>::begin()’ member function declared in class ‘intmap<_Tp>’ 
intmap.h:429: erro: template definition of non-template ‘typename intmap<_Tp>::iterator intmap<_Tp>::begin()’ 
intmap.h:441: erro: no ‘typename intmap<_Tp>::iterator intmap<_Tp>::end()’ member function declared in class ‘intmap<_Tp>’ 
intmap.h:441: erro: template definition of non-template ‘typename intmap<_Tp>::iterator intmap<_Tp>::end()’ 
Ccolumn.cpp: In static member function ‘static void Ccolumn::finish_vector_norm()’: 
Ccolumn.cpp:427: erro: ‘class intmap<Ccolumn*>’ has no member named ‘begin’ 
Ccolumn.cpp:427: erro: ‘class intmap<Ccolumn*>’ has no member named ‘end’ 
Ccolumn.cpp: In static member function ‘static void Ccolumn::updateCommonColumnNameList(std::string, int)’: 
Ccolumn.cpp:461: erro: ‘class intmap<bool>’ has no member named ‘begin’ 
Ccolumn.cpp:461: erro: ‘class intmap<bool>’ has no member named ‘end’ 


stringmap<_Tp>::iterator begin(); 
stringmap<_Tp>::iterator end(); 



A hashed associative array. This version is string-keyed. 


- values are templated and hence generic 
- smart sizing and linear probing, based on optimal primes as described at 
- comes with iterator 
- exists() and defined() calls, a-la perl 
- resizing, both upwards and downwards 


#ifndef _STRINGMAP_H__ 
#define _STRINGMAP_H__ 

#include <iostream> 
#include <cassert> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 

#include "hash.h" 

using namespace std; 

// string key special values 
#define VACATED "???" 
#define EMPTY "!!!" 

// the following expects a string argument x 
#define OCCUPIED(x) ((x != EMPTY) && (x != VACATED)) 

// the stringmap class 
template <class _Tp> class stringmap { 
    vector<string> _keys; 
    vector<_Tp> _values; 

    unsigned int probe;  // linear probing increment 

    unsigned int size;  // array size allocated for storage 
    unsigned int size_idx; // index of current size in hash primes table 
    unsigned int minsize; // min and max array size 
    unsigned int maxsize;    

    unsigned int filled; // used cells in the array 

    _Tp undef_val;   // value of template type to return for undefined 
          // index value. 

    unsigned int total_lookups; 
    unsigned int total_attempts; 

    unsigned int hash_func(string); // the hash function 

    // hash table position getter (w/probing). _set = 1 if the goal is to 
    // set a value (changes behavior for vacated tombstones). basically 
    // all of this fanciness enables us to avoid scanning the entire table 
    // when looking for a non-stored key. 
    unsigned int index_of(string _key, int _set); 

    void grow();   // grow the table up to the next level 
    void shrink();   // shrink the table down to the next level 


    unsigned int index_of(string); // this version assumes _set = 0 

    // an iterator 
    class iterator { 


     // container we are connected to 
     stringmap<_Tp>* parent; 

     int index; // index into the stringmap 

     // increment index to next populated hash entry (or end) 
     void increment() { 
      if (!parent) return; 

      if (index == parent->last_index()) 
       for (string key = EMPTY; index < parent->last_index() && !OCCUPIED(key); ++index, key = parent->key_real(index)); 

     // decrement index to next populated hash entry (stops at begin) 
     void decrement() { 

      if (!parent) return; 

      int i = index; 
      for (string key = EMPTY; i > 0 && !OCCUPIED(key); --i, key = parent->key_real(i)); 

      // only change index if stopping point is populated. 
      if (OCCUPIED(key_real(i))) { 
       index = i; 


     // constructors 
     iterator() : parent(NULL), index(0) {} 
     iterator(int _index) : parent(NULL), index(_index) {} 
     iterator(stringmap<_Tp>* _parent) : parent(_parent), index(0) {} 
     iterator(stringmap<_Tp>* _parent, int _index) : parent(_parent), index(_index) {} 

     // iterator scan operations 
     void operator+=(int _n) { for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++) increment(); } 
     void operator-=(int _n) { for (int i = 0; i < _n; i--) decrement(); } 
     void operator--() { decrement(); } 
     void operator--(int) { decrement(); } 
     void operator++() { increment(); } 
     void operator++(int) { increment(); } 

     // comparisons 
     int operator==(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index == a.index; } 
     int operator!=(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index != a.index; } 
     int operator<(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index < a.index; } 
     int operator>(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index > a.index; } 
     int operator<=(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index <= a.index; } 
     int operator>=(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { return index >= a.index; } 
     int operator==(int _index) { return index == _index; } 
     int operator!=(int _index) { return index != _index; } 
     int operator<(int _index) { return index < _index; } 
     int operator>(int _index) { return index > _index; } 
     int operator<=(int _index) { return index <= _index; } 
     int operator>=(int _index) { return index >= _index; } 

     // value reference (retrieve value from parent class at this pos) 
     _Tp& operator*() { 
      return parent->value_real(index); 

     // get the key of the current index (or EMPTY) 
     string get_key() { 
      string key = parent->key_real(index); 

      if (OCCUPIED(key)) return key; 

      return EMPTY; 

     // copy 
     void operator=(const stringmap<_Tp>::iterator& a) { 
      index = a.index; 
      parent = a.parent; 

     // misc 
     void set_parent(stringmap<_Tp>* _parent) { parent = _parent; } 


    /* iterator ENDS */ 

    friend class iterator; // iterators can see our privates 

    // copy constructor 
    stringmap(const stringmap<_Tp>& from) { 

     _keys = from._keys; 
     _values = from._values; 

     probe = from.probe; 
     size = from.size; 
     size_idx = from.size_idx; 
     minsize = from.minsize; 
     maxsize = from.maxsize; 

     filled = from.filled; 
     undef_val = from.undef_val; 

     // start efficiency off anew 
     total_lookups = 0; 
     total_attempts = 0; 

    // almost do-nothing constructor. just init to sane defaults. 
    stringmap(_Tp _undef_val) : 
     _keys(PRIMES[0], EMPTY),     
     _values(PRIMES[0], _undef_val), 
     total_lookups(0) { 

     // init size stuff 
     size = PRIMES[size_idx]; 

     // initialize probe interval 
     probe = int(size/4) + 1; 

    // constructor without max or min size 
    stringmap(int _startsize, _Tp _undef_val) : 
     _keys(0, EMPTY),     
     _values(0 , _undef_val), 
     filled(0) { 

     // init size stuff 
     size_idx = nearest_prime_index(_startsize); 
     size = PRIMES[size_idx]; 

     // init vectors 
     _keys.resize(size, EMPTY); 
     _values.resize(size, _undef_val); 

     // initialize probe interval 
     probe = int(size/4) + 1; 

     // init statistics stuff 
     total_attempts = 0; 
     total_lookups = 0; 

    // full constructor 
    stringmap(int _minsize, int _maxsize, int _startsize, _Tp _undef_val) : 
     _keys(0, EMPTY),     
     _values(0 , _undef_val), 
     filled(0) { 

     // init size stuff 
     size_idx = nearest_prime_index(_startsize); 
     size = PRIMES[size_idx]; 

     // init vectors 
     _keys.resize(size, EMPTY); 
     _values.resize(size, _undef_val); 

     // initialize probe interval 
     probe = int(size/4) + 1; 

     // init statistics stuff 
     total_attempts = 0; 
     total_lookups = 0; 

    _Tp& get(string);   // get the value at a string key index 
    _Tp& set(string, _Tp); // set the value at a string key index 

    // remove an element by its id, and return it (or undef) 
    _Tp remove(string); 

    // remove an element pointed to by iterator. 
    _Tp remove(stringmap<_Tp>::iterator); 

    // remove an element given by real array location 
    _Tp remove_real (int); 

    // "real" array accessors for key and value. 
    string key_real(int idx) { assert(idx < size && idx >= 0); return _keys[idx]; } 
    _Tp& value_real(int idx) { assert(idx < size && idx >= 0); return _values[idx]; } 

    // see if a key exists 
    int exists(string key) { return (OCCUPIED(_keys[index_of(key)])); } 

    // see if a value exists 
    int defined(string key) { return (exists(key) && (_values[index_of(key)] != undef_val)); } 

    // get the value at a string key index. actually, this gets a value 
    // ref, and even more importantly, if you try to get a non-existant 
    // location, it will be created and set to undef_val! this allows you to 
    // do things like map[new_key] = blah instead of calling set() !! 
    _Tp& operator[](string); // takes key, returns template object type (ref) 

    // the only thing "tricky" this has to do is copy the vectors. all other 
    // variables carry straight over. 
    stringmap<_Tp>& operator=(stringmap<_Tp> from) { 

     _keys = from._keys; 
     _values = from._values; 

     probe = from.probe; 
     size = from.size; 
     size_idx = from.size_idx; 
     minsize = from.minsize; 
     maxsize = from.maxsize; 

     filled = from.filled; 
     undef_val = from.undef_val; 

     // start efficiency off anew 
     total_lookups = 0; 
     total_attempts = 0; 

     return *this; 

    // some useful accessors 
    int get_size() { return size; } 
    int get_filled() { return filled; } 

    // get the capacity of the underlying vectors 
    int get_capacity() { return _keys.capacity(); } 

    // first and last occupied indices. the iterator makes use of this. 
    int first_index(); 
    int last_index(); 

    // see how efficient this stringmap is. optimal return value is 1. if you 
    // have properly initialized the size, then you should get a value 
    // somehere around 1.7. 
    float get_efficiency() { 
     if (total_lookups) { 
      return ((float)total_attempts/(float)total_lookups); 

     return 1; 

    /* iterator accessors */ 

    stringmap<_Tp>::iterator begin(); 
    stringmap<_Tp>::iterator end(); 

// find the first occupied index (or 0 if none) 
template <class _Tp> 
int stringmap<_Tp>::first_index() { 

    if (filled > 0) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
      if (OCCUPIED(_keys[i])) return i; 

    return 0; 

// find the last occupied index (or 0 if none) 
template <class _Tp> 
int stringmap<_Tp>::last_index() { 

    if (filled > 0) { 
     for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) 
      if (OCCUPIED(_keys[i])) return i; 

    return 0; 

// return a begin iterator 
template <class _Tp> 
typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::begin() { 

    if (filled == 0) { 
     return stringmap<_Tp>::iterator(this, -1); 
    } else { 
     return stringmap<_Tp>::iterator(this, first_index()); 

// return an end iterator 
template <class _Tp> 
typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator stringmap<_Tp>::end() { 

    if (filled == 0) { 
     return stringmap<_Tp>::iterator(this, -1); 
    } else { 
     return stringmap<_Tp>::iterator(this, last_index() + 1); 

// the string hash function. stolen from Kevin's code. 
template <class _Tp> 
unsigned int stringmap<_Tp>::hash_func(string k) { 
    unsigned long h = 0; 
    char const *p = k.c_str(); 

    while(*p) { 
     h = (h<<4) + *p++; 
     unsigned long g = h & 0xF0000000L; 
     if(g) h ^= g >> 24; 
     h &= ~g; 

    return h % size; 

// get the index of a key in the hash table, taking into account 
// collisions. performs linear probing. 
template <class _Tp> 
unsigned int stringmap<_Tp>::index_of (string _key) { 

    return index_of(_key, 0); // this is only a "get" lookup 

// actual implementation of above, with the following addition: 
// if we are setting, we stop at vacated tombstones (-2) in addition to just 
// tombstones (-1) 
template <class _Tp> 
unsigned int stringmap<_Tp>::index_of (string _key, int set) { 

    // run the key through the hash function to get the starting index 
    unsigned int index = hash_func(_key); 

    // increment while the current index is not free or does not have 
    // the given key stored at it 
    int attempts = 1; 

    // our chaining depends on whether or not we are seeking to add a new 
    // element to the hash. 
    if (set) { 
     int vacated = -1; 
     while (_keys[index] != _key && _keys[index] != EMPTY && attempts < size) { 

      // if we found a vacated spot, "bookmark" it 
      if (_keys[index] == VACATED && vacated == -1) vacated = index; 

      // keep going 
      index = (index + probe) % size; 

     // if we didn't find the key but found a vacated position, use the 
     // vacated position. 
     if (attempts < size && !OCCUPIED(_keys[index]) && vacated != -1) { 

      index = vacated; 

    } else { 
     while (_keys[index] != _key && _keys[index] != EMPTY && attempts < size) { 
      index = (index + probe) % size; 

    // full hash table if this is false! 
    assert(attempts <= size); 

    // keep track of lookup statistics 
    total_attempts += attempts; 

    return index; 

// get a value from the hash vector. returns the _Tp-typed undef value for 
// keys which are not found 
template <class _Tp> 
_Tp& stringmap<_Tp>::get (string _key) { 

    unsigned int index = index_of(_key); 

    return _values[index]; 

// []-style get, which also does a set for accessing un-defined "indices" 
template <class _Tp> 
_Tp& stringmap<_Tp>::operator[](string _key) { 

    unsigned int index = index_of(_key); 

    if (!OCCUPIED(_keys[index])) { 

     // have to return this, as set could be setting at a different index 
     // and we need a ref to the value at the correct index 
     return set(_key, undef_val); 

    return _values[index]; 

// remove an entry from the hash vector 
template <class _Tp> 
_Tp stringmap<_Tp>::remove (string _key) { 

    unsigned int index = index_of(_key); 

    return remove_real(index); 

// remove an entry from the hash vector by table index, rather than key 
template <class _Tp> 
_Tp stringmap<_Tp>::remove_real(int index) { 

    string key = _keys[index]; 
    _Tp value = undef_val; 

    // make sure something is here 
    if (OCCUPIED(key)) { 

     // grab the value 
     value = _values[index]; 

     // clear the spot 
     _values[index] = undef_val; 
     _keys[index] = VACATED;   // "vacated" tombstone 

     // decrease filled count 

     // check for table resize 
     if (((float)filled/(float)size) < 0.25) { 

      // calculate a new index for returning ref 
      index = index_of(key); 

    return value; 

// set a value in the hash vector 
template <class _Tp> 
_Tp& stringmap<_Tp>::set (string _key, _Tp _val) { 

    unsigned int index = index_of(_key, 1); 

    string key = _keys[index]; 

    // overwrite old value 
    _values[index] = _val; 

    // if new spot, see if we should grow. (EMPTY or VACATED) 
    if (!OCCUPIED(key)) { 

     // first mark this spot with our key 
     _keys[index] = _key; 

     // increase filled count 

     // check for table resize 
     if (((float)filled/(float)size) > 0.75) { 


      // calculate a new index for returning ref 
      index = index_of(_key); 

    return _values[index]; 

// grow the hash vector 
template <class _Tp> 
void stringmap<_Tp>::grow() { 

    // do nothing if there is no larger prime 
    if (PRIMES[size_idx+1] == 0) return; 

    unsigned int nextsize = PRIMES[size_idx+1]; 

    // do nothing if we've hit our size limit 
    if (nextsize > maxsize) return; 

    // otherwise do the resize 
    unsigned int old_size = size; 
    size = nextsize; 

    // copy the old vectors 
    vector <string> old_keys = _keys; 
    vector <_Tp> old_values = _values; 

    // resize keys and vals; set new half to defaults 
    _keys.resize(size, EMPTY); 
    _values.resize(size, undef_val); 

    // clear out old portion (~ 1st half) 
    unsigned int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { 
     _keys[i] = EMPTY; 
     _values[i] = undef_val; 

    // new probe interval 
    probe = int(size/4) + 1; 

    // hash old keys and values into resized vector 
    for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { 

     if (OCCUPIED(old_keys[i])) { // ignore all tombstoned entries 
      unsigned int index = index_of(old_keys[i]); 
      _keys[index] = old_keys[i]; 
      _values[index] = old_values[i]; 

    // unquote this to care about resizing overhead in efficiency stats 
    total_attempts += old_size; // at least this many ops in the copying 
    total_lookups -= old_size; // these aren't "external" lookups 

// shrink the hash vector 
template <class _Tp> 
void stringmap<_Tp>::shrink() { 

    // do nothing if there is no smaller prime 
    if (size_idx == 0) return; 

    unsigned int nextsize = PRIMES[size_idx-1]; 

    // do nothing if we've hit our size limit 
    if (nextsize < minsize) return; 

    // otherwise do the resize 
    unsigned int old_size = size; 
    size = nextsize; 

    // copy the old vectors 
    vector <string> old_keys = _keys; 
    vector <_Tp> old_values = _values; 

    // resize keys and vals 
    _keys.resize(size, EMPTY); 
    _values.resize(size, undef_val); 

    // set to defaults 
    unsigned int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { 
     _keys[i] = EMPTY; 
     _values[i] = undef_val; 

    // new probe interval 
    probe = int(size/4) + 1; 

    // hash old keys and values into resized vector 
    for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { 

     if (OCCUPIED(old_keys[i])) { // ignore all tombstoned entries 
      unsigned int index = index_of(old_keys[i]); 
      _keys[index] = old_keys[i]; 
      _values[index] = old_values[i]; 

    // unquote this to care about resizing overhead in efficiency stats 
    total_attempts += old_size; // at least this many ops in the copying 
    total_lookups -= old_size; // these aren't "external" lookups 



typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator begin(); 
typename stringmap<_Tp>::iterator end(); 


typedef stringmap<_Tp> container_type; 
typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator_type; 

iterator_type begin(); 
iterator_type end(); 



+1,这里进一步的解释:http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~driscoll/typename.html – ephemient 2009-11-14 01:24:45


我真的只是补充说。 :P – GManNickG 2009-11-14 01:26:33


它解决了。 谢谢! – 2009-11-14 01:28:08