为什么我在python 3.6中得到随机语法错误


您好我已经做了一段代码,从我可以看到看起来都很好,但是当我试图运行它时,它出现了一个语法错误,罚款(如图)。我对Python非常陌生,我只学习了基础知识,希望有人能找到解决方案。为什么我在python 3.6中得到随机语法错误

name = input('what is your name') 
print ('hello' + name) 
print (',it is late december of 2025 and the nuke has been drooped over sheffield. you are our only hope') #this explanes the background story and askes the players name 
print ('please help us. we need you,' + name) 
job = input('please choose a class. medic, gunsman or scientist') 

if job == medic 
bandages = 5 
drugs = 5 
clean_siringes = 5 
dirty siringes = 0 #this sets the players items to the right amount 

health = 100 
food = 100 
water = 100   #this sets the players food, water, health and the citys peoples happiness 
peoples_happiness = 100 

print ('bandages' + bandages) 
print ('drugs' + drugs) 
print ('clean_siringes' + clean_siringes) 
print ('dirty siringes' + dirty_siringes) 
print ('health' + health 
print ('food' + food) 
print ('water' + water) 
print ('peoples_happiness' + peoples_happiness) 


enter image description here


你错过了':'。 –


a':'后面的单词'medic'比较需要用冒号结尾 – WhatsThePoint


if job == medic: 



只需留下评论并将其作为简单的印刷错误关闭即可...... –


我猜他也意味着'if job =='医生“'。 –