Python初学者 - 我做对了吗?测验与分数


#Quiz answer variables go here! 
ca1 = cringe_crew[0] 
ca2 = cucks[0] 
ca3 = 5 
ca4 = cringe_crew[1] 
ca5 = 'No' 

q1 = "Question 1 - Who do we refer to when shouting CODE YELLOW? " 
q2 = "Question 2 - Who would you think of if I called him 'Linux Boy': " 
q3 = "Question 3 - How many people were there in the original Cringe-Crew back in the days of 2015? " 
q4 = "Question 4 - Biggest pseudo Overwatch fan? (top tip: even bought a fucking bag): " 
q5 = "Question 5 - Do we miss Luke Slater? " 

#a is the raw_input answer 
#b is the correct answer needed 
#a1-a5 will be separately stored raw_input ANSWERS 
#ca1-ca5 are already called as variables and these are the correct answers. 


score = 0 

def compare(a, ca): 
    if a == ca: 
     score = score + 1 
     print "That's correct! The answer was %s" % ca 
     print "Your score is", score 

     print "%s is not the correct answer - you did not get a point!" % a 

a1 = raw_input(q1) 
compare(a1, ca1) 
a2 = raw_input(q2) 
compare(a2, ca2) 
a3 = raw_input(q3) 
compare(a3, ca3) 
a4 = raw_input(q4) 
compare(a4, ca4) 
a5 = raw_input(q5) 
compare(a5, ca5) 

嘿家伙,我是全新的python和编码整体,但想开始与一个小测验与分数,虽然我觉得我去完全错误的结构明智,如果我删除了'分数'的代码运行完全正常。如果我有它,出现这种情况:Python初学者 - 我做对了吗?测验与分数

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "", line 57, in <module> 
    compare(a1, ca1) 
    File "", line 46, in compare 
    score = score + 1 
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'score' referenced before assignment 



重复:http://*.com/questions/423379/using-global-variables-in-a-function-other-than -THE-一个是创建的,他们 – qxz




def compare(a, ca, scr): 
    if a == ca: 
     scr = scr + 1 
     print "That's correct! The answer was %s" % ca 
     print "Your score is", scr 

     print "%s is not the correct answer - you did not get a point!" % a 
    return scr ; 

# skipping some code here 

score = compare(a1, ca1, score) 


def compare(a, ca): 
    global score 
    if a == ca: 
     score = score + 1 
     print "That's correct! The answer was %s" % ca 
     print "Your score is", score 

     print "%s is not the correct answer - you did not get a point!" % a 



def compare(a, ca): 
    global score 
    if ca == ca: 
     # the rest of your code