



这是比较容易的使用事件和从F#异步扩展,我写(也包含在FSharpX包)的扩展来解决 - 扩展名是GuardedAwaitObservable可用于等待一个事件的发生(这可通过一些操作立即触发)。


open System.Threading 

module Async = 
    /// Returns an asynchronous workflow 'Async<Async<unit>>'. When called 
    /// using 'let!', it starts the workflow provided as an argument and returns 
    /// a token that can be used to cancel the started work - this is an 
    /// (asynchronously) blocking operation that waits until the workflow 
    /// is actually cancelled 
    let StartCancellable work = async { 
    let cts = new CancellationTokenSource() 
    // Creates an event used for notification 
    let evt = new Event<_>() 
    // Wrap the workflow with TryCancelled and notify when cancelled 
    Async.Start(Async.TryCancelled(work, ignore >> evt.Trigger), cts.Token) 
    // Return a workflow that waits for 'evt' and triggers 'Cancel' 
    // after it attaches the event handler (to avoid missing event occurrence) 
    let waitForCancel = Async.GuardedAwaitObservable evt.Publish cts.Cancel 
    return async.TryFinally(waitForCancel, cts.Dispose) } 



/// Sample workflow that repeatedly starts and stops long running operation 
let loop = async { 
    for i in 0 .. 9999 do 
    printfn "Starting: %d" i 
    do! Async.Sleep(1000) 
    printfn "Done: %d" i } 

// Start the 'loop' workflow, wait for 5.5 seconds and then 
// cancel it and wait until it finishes current operation 
async { let! cancelToken = Async.StartCancellable(loop) 
     printfn "started" 
     do! Async.Sleep(5500) 
     printfn "cancelling" 
     do! cancelToken 
     printfn "done" } 
|> Async.Start 

为了完整起见,从用FSharpX必要的定义中,样品是here on F# snippets


你应该处理'CancellationTokenSource'吗? – 2012-07-23 13:23:19


我认为这很重要。我曾经写过关于'FSharp.Core'中的泄漏,我认为这是由于完全相同的问题导致的,而不是处置CTS:http://t0yv0.blogspot.com/2011/12/solving-f-asyncstartchild-leak- futures.html – t0yv0 2012-07-23 14:17:10


@JonHarrop这是一个很好的观点。我不确定在这种情况下是否会导致泄漏,但最好调用Dispose。在计算被取消(并且取消完成)之后,我编辑了在终结器中调用“Dispose”的答案。 – 2012-07-23 14:44:26


type Logic<'T> = 
    new : unit -> Logic<'T> 
    member Set : 'T -> unit 
    member Await : Async<'T> 


type IWork = 
    abstract member Cancel : unit -> Async<unit> 

let startWork (work: Async<unit>) = 
    let v = Logic<unit>() 
    let s = new CancellationTokenSource() 
    let main = async.TryFinally(work, fun() -> s.Dispose(); v.Set()) 
    Async.Start(main, s.Token) 
     new IWork with 
      member this.Cancel() = s.Cancel(); v.Await 


type LogicState<'T> = 
    | New 
    | Value of 'T 
    | Waiting of ('T -> unit) 

type Logic<'T>() = 
    let lockRoot = obj() 
    let mutable st = New 
    let update up = 
     let k = 
      lock lockRoot <| fun() -> 
       let (n, k) = up st 
       st <- n 

    let wait (k: 'T -> unit) = 
     update <| function 
      | New -> (Waiting k, ignore) 
      | Value value as st -> (st, fun() -> k value) 
      | Waiting f -> (Waiting (fun x -> f x; k x), ignore) 

    let await = 
     Async.FromContinuations(fun (ok, _, _) -> wait ok) 

    member this.Set<'T>(value: 'T) = 
     update <| function 
      | New -> (Value value, ignore) 
      | Value _ as st -> (st, ignore) 
      | Waiting f as st -> (Value value, fun() -> f value) 

    member this.Await = await