


写在Haskell程序,将采取由逗号定界整数一串数字,将其转换为整数的列表,并增加每个号码例如 "1,2,-5,-23,15" -> [2,3,-4,-22,16]


import Data.List 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    n <- return 1 
    putStrLn . show . map (+1) . map toInt . splitByDelimiter delimiter 
    $ getList n 

getList :: Int -> String 
getList n = foldr (++) [] . intersperse [delimiter] $ replicate n inputStr 

delimiter = ',' 

inputStr = "1,2,-5,-23,15" 

splitByDelimiter :: Char -> String -> [String] 
splitByDelimiter _ "" = [] 
splitByDelimiter delimiter list = 
    map (takeWhile (/= delimiter) . tail) 
    (filter (isPrefixOf [delimiter]) 
      (delimiter : list))) 

toInt :: String -> Int 
toInt = read 


列表的功能 splitByDelimiter编程

"1,2,-5,-23,15" -> ["1","2","-5","-23","15"]


  1. 前面加上分隔字符串的开头",1,2,-5,-23,15"

  2. 生成所有的尾巴[",1,2,-5,-23,15", "1,2,-5,-23,15", ",2,-5,-23,15", .... ]

  3. 过滤器的列表,只留下与分隔符开头的字符串[",1,2,-5,-23,15", ",2,-5,-23,15", .... ]

  4. 放下第一个分隔符并采用符号,直到达到下一个分隔符["1", "2", .... ]







`foldr相似(++)[] `也被称为`concat`,`putStrLn。 show`也被称为`print`。另外,`n pat 2013-02-27 02:36:30


可能的重复[如何在Haskell中拆分字符串?](http://*.com/questions/4978578/how-to-split-a-string-in-haskell) – 2014-07-02 15:39:42



鉴于此包不是基本安装(Haskell平台),我认为它容易被忽视。 – 2010-12-21 21:27:48


谢谢。它完全符合我的需求。 – sign 2010-12-21 21:33:12


yourFunc str = map (+1) $ read ("[" ++ str ++ "]") 


import Data.List 
import Control.Arrow(second) 

-- break' is like break but removes the 
-- delimiter from the rest string 
break' d = second (drop 1) . break d 

split :: String -> Maybe (String,String) 
split [] = Nothing 
split xs = Just . break' (==',') $ xs 

yourFunc :: String -> [Int] 
yourFunc = map ((+1) . read) . unfoldr split 

谢谢。这是一个很好的观点。我喜欢在这里使用不同的展示方式。 – sign 2010-12-21 22:19:19


splitByDelimiter :: Char -> String -> [String] 
splitByDelimiter = unfoldr . splitSingle 

splitSingle :: Char -> String -> Maybe (String,String) 
splitSingle _ [] = Nothing 
splitSingle delimiter xs = 
    let (ys, zs) = break (== delimiter) xs in 
    Just (ys, drop 1 zs) 


例如: "1,2,-5,-23,15" -> Just ("1", "2,-5,-23,15")


module Main where 

import Control.Applicative hiding (many) 
import Text.Parsec 
import Text.Parsec.String 

line :: Parser [Int] 
line = number `sepBy` (char ',' *> spaces) 

number = read <$> many digit 


*Main Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.Token> :load "/home/mikste/programming/Temp.hs" 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main    (/home/mikste/programming/Temp.hs, interpreted) 
Ok, modules loaded: Main. 
*Main Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.Token> parse line "" "1, 2, 3" 
Right [1,2,3] 
*Main Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.Token> parse line "" "10,2703, 5, 3" 
Right [10,2703,5,3] 
*Main Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.Token> 

splitBy delimiter = foldr f [[]] 
      where f c [email protected](x:xs) | c == delimiter = []:l 
          | otherwise = (c:x):xs 


splitBy :: Char -> String -> [String] 
splitBy _ "" = []; 
splitBy delimiterChar inputString = foldr f [""] inputString 
    where f :: Char -> [String] -> [String] 
     f currentChar [email protected](partialString:handledStrings) 
      | currentChar == delimiterChar = "":allStrings -- start a new partial string at the head of the list of all strings 
      | otherwise = (currentChar:partialString):handledStrings -- add the current char to the partial string 

-- input:  "a,b,c" 
-- fold steps: 
-- first step: 'c' -> [""] -> ["c"] 
-- second step: ',' -> ["c"] -> ["","c"] 
-- third step: 'b' -> ["","c"] -> ["b","c"] 
-- fourth step: ',' -> ["b","c"] -> ["","b","c"] 
-- fifth step: 'a' -> ["","b","c"] -> ["a","b","c"] 

splitBy del str = helper del str [] 
     helper _ [] acc = let acc0 = reverse acc in [acc0] 
     helper del (x:xs) acc 
      | x==del = let acc0 = reverse acc in acc0 : helper del xs [] 
      | otherwise = let acc0 = x : acc  in helper del xs acc0 

此代码工作正常 用途: - 分裂 “你的字符串”[]与任何分隔符来替换 ''

split [] t = [t] 
split (a:l) t = if a==',' then (t:split l []) else split l (t++[a]) 

import qualified Text.Regex as RegExp 

myRegexSplit :: String -> String -> [String] 
myRegexSplit regExp theString = 
    let result = RegExp.splitRegex (RegExp.mkRegex regExp) theString 
    in filter (not . null) result 

-- using regex has the advantage of making it easy to use a regular 
-- expression instead of only normal strings as delimiters. 

-- the splitRegex function tends to return an array with an empty string 
-- as the last element. So the filter takes it out 

-- how to use in ghci to split a sentence 
let timeParts = myRegexSplit " " "I love ponies a lot"