哪里可以在Quartus Prime Lite中安装用于功能仿真的编译器件库?


我试图在Quartus中使用矢量波形文件在我的VHDL设计中使用仿真波形工具进行功能仿真。然而,当我来运行模拟我得到以下错误:哪里可以在Quartus Prime Lite中安装用于功能仿真的编译器件库?

# ** Error: ORB-SLAM.vho(31): Library maxv not found. 
# -- Loading package TEXTIO 
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164 
# -- Loading package std_logic_arith 
# ** Error: ORB-SLAM.vho(34): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "MAXV". 
# ** Error: ORB-SLAM.vho(36): VHDL Compiler exiting 
# End time: 12:57:23 on Apr 09,2017, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 
# Errors: 3, Warnings: 0 
# ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.4a/win32pe_edu/vcom failed. 
# Executing ONERROR command at macro ./ORB-SLAM.do line 3 


我相信这可能有一些做的ModelSim(这是安装在我的计算机上),或者安装了正确的库的Quartus没有设备我试图模拟 - 在这种情况下是MAXV。对于我从Altera网站下载的所有器件,我都有一些.qdz文件,我已经将它们安装在Quartus中,所以我强烈怀疑我需要使用Quartus的EDA模拟库编译器为Modelsim编译这些文件,不知道在哪里输出它们以使其工作。任何帮助将不胜感激!

感谢, 马修

我怀疑你需要编译库里面的ModelSim MAXV,就像你编译任何其他VHDL(即不需要特殊的工具)。以下是我们的一个培训课程的说明,这些课程用于编译Cyclone IV(非MAXV)。我可以调整他们的MAXV,但这将涉及我做一些研究,你可以这样做:

To simulate the gate-level netlist, you will need to compile the generated simulation model in ModelSim. This references libraries called




If you are using ModelSim Altera Edition, precompiled version of these libraries are provided and so you can miss out this step. If you are using any other version of Modelsim, you will need to compile these libraries yourself:

Create a new library called altera . Compile into this library the following source files, which you will find in the quartus/eda/sim_lib directory of the Quartus installation.


Create another new library called cycloneive .

Compile into this library the following source files, which you will also find in the quartus/eda/sim_lib directory of the Quartus installation.


我知道你回答了这个问题,但感谢您的帮助! – Omnomnious