


SELECT Text, MATCH(`Text`) AGAINST ('$s') AS Grade 




$s = 'i want pizza' 
`Text` = 'pizza I want' // In this case Grade should be 100 as all words are found 


Text    | Grade 
pizza I want too | 100 // All words were found, It doesn't matter if there are extra words 
pizza I want  | 100 
i want   | 66 // Only 66% of the words are present 
want want want | 33 // Only 33% of the words are present 

怎么样'比萨饼我想 - 我too'?它也是100%吗?什么是评分标准? – alfasin 2012-07-17 06:45:00


也应该是100%。我不在乎是否有额外的单词。 – lisovaccaro 2012-07-17 06:52:25


可能['soundex'](可以帮助你 – diEcho 2012-07-17 06:56:26

$s = 'i want pizza'; 
$text = 'pizza I want'; 

//move to lower-case to ignore case-differences 
$s = strtolower($s); 
$text = strtolower($text); 

//count the number of words in $s 
$slen = count(explode(" ", $s)); 
//create an array of words from the text that we check 
$arr = explode(" ", $text); 
$count = 0; 
//go over the words from $text and count words that appear on $s 
foreach ($arr as $word) { 
    if(strpos($s, $word) !== false){ 
//display the percentage in format XX.XX 
echo number_format((double)(100 * $count/$slen),2); 

我看到它应该如何工作的单行,但我没有看到它如何用来选择符合条件的行,除非我在表的每一行中单独运行代码。 – lisovaccaro 2012-07-17 07:50:19


@ Liso22如果您想将此代码应用于较大的结果集 - 将此代码迁移到存储过程,并在循环中调用它。否则,你可以在'INSERT'上调用这段代码 - 这对我来说听起来更理想。 – alfasin 2012-07-17 15:53:24


谢谢@alfasin,这正是我所需要的类似问题! – AdamJones 2014-08-13 01:59:30