


  • raspberrypi01
  • raspberrypi05

与中兴MF112 USB卡和英国3 SIM卡。


[email protected]:/tmp $ sudo gammu identify 
Device    : /dev/ttyUSB1 
Manufacturer   : ZTE CORPORATION 
Model    : unknown (MF112) 
Firmware    : BD_P671A2V1.0.2B05 
IMEI     : 864592000347386 
SIM IMSI    : 234200208677663 
[email protected]:/tmp $ sudo gammu monitor 1 
Press Ctrl+C to break... 
Entering monitor mode... 

Enabling info about incoming SMS : No error. 
Enabling info about incoming CB  : No error. 
Enabling info about calls   : No error. 
Enabling info about USSD   : No error. 
SIM phonebook  : 0 used, 250 free 
Dialled numbers  : 10 used, 0 free 
Received numbers  : 0 used, 10 free 
Missed numbers  : 0 used, 10 free 
Own numbers   : 1 used, 5 free 
Phone phonebook  : 0 used, 100 free 
Battery level  : 100 percent 
Charge state   : powered from battery 
Signal strength  : -109 dBm 
Network level  : 6 percent 
SIM SMS status  : 0 used, 0 unread, 30 locations 
Phone SMS status  : 3 used, 0 unread, 100 locations 
Network state  : not logged into network 
Packet network state : not logged into network 
GPRS     : detached 

Leaving monitor mode... 
[email protected]:/tmp $ sudo gammu networkinfo 
Network state  : not logged into network 
Packet network state : not logged into network 
GPRS     : detached 
[email protected]:/tmp $ 


[email protected]:~ $ echo "Test from HA" | sudo gammu sendsms TEXT 05555555555 
If you want break, press Ctrl+C... 
Sending SMS 1/1....waiting for network answer..error 500, message reference=-1 
Unknown error. 


[email protected]:~ $ sudo gammu identify 
Device    : /dev/ttyUSB1 
Manufacturer   : ZTE CORPORATION 
Model    : unknown (MF112) 
Firmware    : BD_P671A2V1.0.2B05 
IMEI     : 864592000347386 
SIM IMSI    : 234200208677663 
[email protected]:~ $ sudo gammu monitor 1 
Press Ctrl+C to break... 
Entering monitor mode... 

Enabling info about incoming SMS : No error. 
Enabling info about incoming CB  : No error. 
Enabling info about calls   : No error. 
Enabling info about USSD   : No error. 
SIM phonebook  : 0 used, 250 free 
Dialled numbers  : 10 used, 0 free 
Received numbers  : 0 used, 10 free 
Missed numbers  : 0 used, 10 free 
Own numbers   : 1 used, 5 free 
Phone phonebook  : 0 used, 100 free 
Battery level  : 100 percent 
Charge state   : powered from battery 
Signal strength  : -113 dBm 
Network level  : 0 percent 
SIM SMS status  : 0 used, 0 unread, 30 locations 
Phone SMS status  : 3 used, 0 unread, 100 locations 
Network state  : home network 
Network    : 234 20 (Three, United Kingdom), LAC 79, CID D6C8F0 
Name in phone  : "3 UK" 
Packet network state : home network 
Packet network  : 234 20 (Three, United Kingdom), LAC 79, CID D6C8F0 
Name in phone  : "3 UK" 
GPRS     : attached 

Leaving monitor mode... 
[email protected]:~ $ sudo gammu networkinfo 
Network state  : home network 
Network    : 234 20 (Three, United Kingdom), LAC 79, CID D6C8F0 
Name in phone  : "3 UK" 
Packet network state : home network 
Packet network  : 234 20 (Three, United Kingdom), LAC 79, CID D6C8F0 
Name in phone  : "3 UK" 
GPRS     : attached 


[email protected]:~ $ echo "Test from HA" | sudo gammu sendsms TEXT 05555555555 
If you want break, press Ctrl+C... 
Sending SMS 1/1....waiting for network answer..OK, message reference=56 
[email protected]:~ $ 



port = /dev/ttyUSB1 
model = at 
connection = at115200 
synchronizetime = yes 
logfile = /tmp/gammu.log 
logformat = textalldate 
use_locking = yes 
gammuloc = 



  • 它正在等待PIN码,您可以使用gammu getsecuritystatus来检查。
  • 它没有被配置为连接到网络,这是一些中兴通讯设备的问题,Gammu可以打开这个,但你的模型到目前为止还没有被识别(我已经在9740d70中修复了这个问题)。
  • SIM卡还有其他一些问题,它可以在其他设备上工作吗?