[亚马逊] [JDBC](10220)驱动程序不支持


我想更新表是通过Pentaho红移。提示以下错误信息:[亚马逊] [JDBC](10220)驱动程序不支持

2016/11/24 18:15:37 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - Dimension Lookup setting preparedStatement to [SELECT cnsmr_id_KEY, Version, crm_cnsmr_id, trvs_core_cnsmr_id, cnsmr_first_name, cnsmr_last_name, cnsmr_email, contact_no, cnsmr_pswd, bus_id, primary_geo_id, cnsmr_loc_id, cnsmr_cc_handle, cnsmr_cc_desc, cnsmr_cc_expiry_date, bill_cycle_start_date, bill_cycle_end_date, registration_date, active_flag, deactivation_date, created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by, null, null FROM staging.trvs_consumer WHERE cnsmr_id = ? AND ? >= null 
2016/11/24 18:15:37 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - AND ? < null 
2016/11/24 18:15:37 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - ] 
2016/11/24 18:15:38 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - Finished preparing dimension lookup statement. 

2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - SQL w/ return keys=[INSERT INTO staging.trvs_consumer(Version, null, null, cnsmr_id, crm_cnsmr_id, trvs_core_cnsmr_id, cnsmr_first_name, cnsmr_last_name, cnsmr_email, contact_no, cnsmr_pswd, bus_id, primary_geo_id, cnsmr_loc_id, cnsmr_cc_handle, cnsmr_cc_desc, cnsmr_cc_expiry_date, bill_cycle_start_date, bill_cycle_end_date, registration_date, active_flag, deactivation_date, created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)] 

2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2016-04-07 12.08.49 by buildguy) : Because of an error this step can't continue: 
2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - Unable to prepare dimension insert : 
2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - INSERT INTO staging.trvs_consumer(Version, null, null, cnsmr_id, crm_cnsmr_id, trvs_core_cnsmr_id, cnsmr_first_name, cnsmr_last_name, cnsmr_email, contact_no, cnsmr_pswd, bus_id, primary_geo_id, cnsmr_loc_id, cnsmr_cc_handle, cnsmr_cc_desc, cnsmr_cc_expiry_date, bill_cycle_start_date, bill_cycle_end_date, registration_date, active_flag, deactivation_date, created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 

2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - [Amazon][JDBC](10220) Driver not capable. 




2016/11/24 21:00:32 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - INSERT INTO staging.trvs_consumer(null, created_at, updated_at, cnsmr_id, crm_cnsmr_id, trvs_core_cnsmr_id, cnsmr_first_name, cnsmr_last_name, cnsmr_email, contact_no, cnsmr_pswd, bus_id, primary_geo_id, cnsmr_loc_id, cnsmr_cc_handle, cnsmr_cc_desc, cnsmr_cc_expiry_date, bill_cycle_start_date, bill_cycle_end_date, registration_date, active_flag, deactivation_date, created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 2016/11/24 21:00:32 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - [Amazon][JDBC](10220) Driver not capable.



2016/11/24 18:15:39 - Dimension lookup/update.0 - SQL w/ return keys=[INSERT INTO staging.trvs_consumer(Version, null, null, cnsmr_id, crm_cnsmr_id, 


INSERT INTO staging.trvs_consumer(Version, null, null, cnsmr_id, 



嗨Dzmitry,我已更新有问题的错误消息。请让我知道,我在哪里摇摇欲坠? – Sarang

当我使用Dimension \ Lookup更新时,有一个选项用于捕获SCD 2类型更改,其中数据版本控制是通过Pentaho转换在表中完成的。

