

我有一个显示我的数据库记录的问题,因为我使用中间表。但我会试着解释一下。 我在我的数据库表的旁边:显示来自数据库的结果

  • 商店ID,NAAM,TYPE_ID ...并不重要)
  • 产品id,naam,...不重要)
  • product_shop_ttID,PRODUCT_ID,shop_id) - 这是我的中间表 产品之间的连接商店
  • 订单ID,USER_ID,状态
  • ORDER_DETAILSID,ORDER_ID, USER_ID,product_shop_tt_id
  • 用户ID,NAAM,并不重要



$rezKor = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM korisnici WHERE email = '". $_COOKIE["korisnik"] ."' LIMIT 1"); 
$redKor = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezKor); 
$user_id = $redKor["id"]; 

$rezOrders = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE user_id = ". $user_id ." AND status = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); 
$redOrders = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezOrders); 
$brRez = mysqli_num_rows($rezOrders); 

$rezOrdDetails = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM order_details WHERE order_id = ". $redOrders["id"] .""); 

while($redOrdDetails = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezOrdDetails)){ 
    $rezTT = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM product_shop_tt WHERE id = ". $redOrdDetails["product_shop_tt_id"] .""); 
    $redTT = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezTT); 
    $brTT = mysqli_num_rows($rezTT); 

    $i = 0; 
    $rezShop = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM shops WHERE id = ". $redTT["shop_id"] .""); 
    while($redShop = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezShop)){ 
     if($i == 0){ 
      echo $redShop["naam"] . "<br />"; 
     $rezProdukt = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM producten WHERE id = ". $redTT["product_id"] .""); 
     while($redProduct = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezProdukt)){ 
      echo "<br />Ime produkta : " . $redProduct["naam"] . "<br />"; 

echo "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div><div class=\"footer\" style=\"position: fixed;bottom: 0;width: 100%;left:0;\"> 
    <a href=\"home.php\" title=\"Ga terug\" class=\"col-xs-6 col-sm-6 btn btn-info\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left\"></span> Niets toevoegen</a> 
    <button class=\"col-xs-6 col-sm-6 btn btn-danger\" type=\"submit\" name=\"btnNaruci\" id=\"btnNaruci\"> 
     Leg in winkelmand <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right\"></span><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right\"></span><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right\"></span> 



<h1>Type of the shops</h1><br /> 
<h3>The name of the first shop</h3> 
    <li>Product from the first shop</li> 
    <li>Product from the first shop</li> 
</ul><br /> 
<h3>The name of the second shop</h3> 
    <li>Product from the second shop</li> 
    <li>Product from the second shop</li> 
</ul><br /><br /> 

<h1>Type of the shops</h1><br /> 
<h3>The name of the next shop</h3> 
    <li>Product from shop</li> 
    <li>Product from shop</li> 
</ul><br /> 
<h3>The name of the new shop</h3> 
    <li>Product from the new shop</li> 
    <li>Product from the new shop</li> 


<div>Type of the shops</div> 
<div>The name of the first shop</div> 
<div>Product from the first shop</div><br /> 

<div>Type of the shops</div> 
<div>The name of the first shop</div> 
<div>Product from the first shop</div><br /> 

<div>Type of the shops</div> 
<div>The name of the first shop</div> 
<div>Product from the first shop</div><br />





这段代码可以通过使用'JOIN'语句来减少。但是,如果您想保留当前的格式,则需要存储您的商店名称,即。 '$ redShop [“naam”]'给一个变量,只有当它不是当前值时才会回显。例如 - '$ currentShop =''; ... if($ redShop [“naam”]!= $ currentShop){echo $ redShop [“naam”]; $ currentShop = $ redShop [“naam”];}'。 – Sean


感谢您的回复。我要去尝试一下。 – Boky



    $rezOrders = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE user_id = ". $user_id ." AND status = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); 
    $redOrders = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rezOrders); 

    $rez = mysqli_query($kon, "SELECT product_shop_tt.*, shops.*, shops.naam as shopNaam, producten.*, producten.naam as prodNaam, order_details.*, type.*, type.naam as typeNaam 
           FROM order_details INNER JOIN product_shop_tt ON order_details.product_shop_tt_id = product_shop_tt.id 
           INNER JOIN shops ON shops.id = product_shop_tt.shop_id 
           INNER JOIN producten ON producten.id = product_shop_tt.product_id 
           INNER JOIN type ON type.id = shops.type_id 
           WHERE order_id = ". $redOrders["id"] .""); 

    $currentType = ""; 
    $currentShop = ""; 
    while($red = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rez)){ 
     if ($red["typeNaam"] != $currentType){ 
       echo "Type : " . $red["typeNaam"] . "<br />"; 
       $currentType = $red["typeNaam"]; 
     if ($red["shopNaam"] != $currentShop){ 
       echo "Shop : " . $red["shopNaam"] . "<br />"; 
       $currentShop = $red["shopNaam"]; 
       echo "Product : " . $red["prodNaam"] . "<br />"; 

