
set linesize 1000
set pagesize 1000
col snap_date for a10
col "TIME" for a6
col "elapse(min)" for a6
col redo for 9999999999
col "DB time(min)" for 99999.99
select s.snap_date,
decode(s.redosize, null, '--shutdown or end--', s.currtime) "TIME",
to_char(round(s.seconds/60,2)) "elapse(min)",
round(t.db_time / 1000000 / 60, 2) "DB time(min)",
s.redosize redo,
round(s.redosize / s.seconds, 2) "redo/s",
s.logicalreads logical,
round(s.logicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "logical/s",
physicalreads physical,
round(s.physicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "phy/s",
s.executes execs,
round(s.executes / s.seconds, 2) "execs/s",
round(s.parse / s.seconds, 2) "parse/s",
round(s.hardparse / s.seconds, 2) "hardparse/s",
s.transactions trans,
round(s.transactions / s.seconds, 2) "trans/s"
from (select curr_redo - last_redo redosize,
curr_logicalreads - last_logicalreads logicalreads,
curr_physicalreads - last_physicalreads physicalreads,
curr_executes - last_executes executes,
curr_parse - last_parse parse,
curr_hardparse - last_hardparse hardparse,
curr_transactions - last_transactions transactions,
round(((currtime + 0) - (lasttime + 0)) 3600 24, 0) seconds,
to_char(currtime, 'yy/mm/dd') snap_date,
to_char(currtime, 'hh34:mi') currtime,
currsnap_id endsnap_id,
to_char(startup_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') startup_time
from (select a.redo last_redo,
a.logicalreads last_logicalreads,
a.physicalreads last_physicalreads,
a.executes last_executes,
a.parse last_parse,
a.hardparse last_hardparse,
a.transactions last_transactions,
lead(a.redo, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_redo,
lead(a.logicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_logicalreads,
lead(a.physicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_physicalreads,
lead(a.executes, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_executes,
lead(a.parse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_parse,
lead(a.hardparse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_hardparse,
lead(a.transactions, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_transactions,
b.end_interval_time lasttime,
lead(b.end_interval_time, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currtime,
lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currsnap_id,
from (select snap_id,
sum(decode(stat_name, 'redo size', value, 0)) redo,
'session logical reads',
0)) logicalreads,
'physical reads',
0)) physicalreads,
sum(decode(stat_name, 'execute count', value, 0)) executes,
'parse count (total)',
0)) parse,
'parse count (hard)',
0)) hardparse,
'user rollbacks',
'user commits',
0)) transactions
from dba_hist_sysstat
where stat_name in
('redo size',
'session logical reads',
'physical reads',
'execute count',
'user rollbacks',
'user commits',
'parse count (hard)',
'parse count (total)')
group by snap_id, dbid, instance_number) a,
dba_hist_snapshot b
where a.snap_id = b.snap_id
and trunc(b.begin_interval_time)>=sysdate-7
and a.instance_number=(select instance_number from v$instance)
and a.dbid = b.dbid
and a.instance_number = b.instance_number
and a.dbid=(select dbid from v$database)
order by end_interval_time)) s,
(select lead(a.value, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) - a.value db_time,
lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) endsnap_id
from dba_hist_sys_time_model a, dba_hist_snapshot b
where a.snap_id = b.snap_id
and trunc(b.begin_interval_time)>=sysdate-7
and a.dbid = b.dbid
and a.instance_number = b.instance_number
and a.instance_number=(select instance_number from v$instance)
and a.stat_name = 'DB time'
and a.dbid=(select dbid from v$database)) t
where s.endsnap_id = t.endsnap_id
order by s.snap_date,time ;