


def index(): 
    When you request the root path, you'll get the index.html template. 

    return flask.render_template("index.html") 

def get_graph_data(thread_id: int=3532967): 
    returns json of a network graph for the specified thread 
    :param thread_id: 
    pqdict, userdict = graphs.get_post_quote_dict(thread_id) 
    G = graphs.create_graph(pqdict) 
    s = graphs.graph_to_node_link(G, remove_singlets=True) # returns dict 
    return flask.jsonify(s) 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Index thing</title> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://d3js.org/d3.v2.js"></script> 
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="templates/graph.css"/> 
<div id="chart"></div> 
    var w = 1500, 
     h = 1500, 
     fill = d3.scale.category20(); 

    var vis = d3.select("#chart") 
     .attr("width", w) 
     .attr("height", h); 

    d3.json("/thread", function (json) { 
     var force = d3.layout.force() 
      .size([w, h]) 

     var link = vis.selectAll("line.link") 
      .attr("class", "link") 
      .style("stroke-width", function (d) { 
       return Math.sqrt(d.value); 
      .attr("x1", function (d) { 
       return d.source.x; 
      .attr("y1", function (d) { 
       return d.source.y; 
      .attr("x2", function (d) { 
       return d.target.x; 
      .attr("y2", function (d) { 
       return d.target.y; 

     var node = vis.selectAll("circle.node") 
      .attr("class", "node") 
      .attr("cx", function (d) { 
       return d.x; 
      .attr("cy", function (d) { 
       return d.y; 
      .attr("r", 5) 
      .style("fill", function (d) { 
       return fill(d.group); 

     vis.style("opacity", 1e-6) 
      .style("opacity", 1); 

     force.on("tick", function() { 
      link.attr("x1", function (d) { 
       return d.source.x; 
       .attr("y1", function (d) { 
        return d.source.y; 
       .attr("x2", function (d) { 
        return d.target.x; 
       .attr("y2", function (d) { 
        return d.target.y; 

      node.attr("cx", function (d) { 
       return d.x; 
       .attr("cy", function (d) { 
        return d.y; 



def index(): 
    When you request the root path, you'll get the index.html template. 

    return flask.render_template("index.html") 

def get_graph_data(): 

    returns json of a network graph for the specified thread 
    :param thread_id: 
    thread_id = request.args.get("thread_id", 3532967, type=int) 
    pqdict, userdict = graphs.get_post_quote_dict(thread_id) 
    G = graphs.create_graph(pqdict) 
    s = graphs.graph_to_node_link(G, remove_singlets=True) 
    return jsonify(s) 

随着模板的index.html不变,并导航到“http://localhost/thread?thread_id=12345”,但这种失败,因为它是在页面上打印的JSON用于ID为12345,而不是渲染的JavaScript。总结起来,我目前的目标是通过URL(“.../showgraph?threadid = whatever ...”)在Python方法中指定一个参数,并在Python代码中生成一个json,并且把它传回给html/js。我该如何做到这一点?





def get_graph_data(): 
    thread_id = request.args.get("thread_id", 3532967, type=int) 
    pqdict, userdict = graphs.get_post_quote_dict(thread_id) 
    G = graphs.create_graph(pqdict) 
    s = graphs.graph_to_node_link(G, remove_singlets=True) # returns dict 
    return flask.jsonify(s) 


def get_graph_data(thread_id): 


var url = "/thread?thread_id=" + id.toString(); 
d3.json(url, function (json) { 
    var force = d3.layout.force() 
     .size([w, h]) 

    // a bunch more js that i copied and pasted from a tutorial 


此外,仅供参考,如果你想使用Jinja2的 “读” 的对象变成一个JavaScript对象,你需要使用2个过滤器:{{ data|tojson|safe }}


所以从你的意思,我收集d3.json()接受一个URL(即静态文件或从REST API的东西),但要做到这一点,我需要调用一个单独的方法莫名其妙地呈现模板,不是吗?我尝试了第一个片段建议(稍微修改--request.args.get而不是'requests.get')版本,但它只是在页面上打印原始JSON而不是渲染JS。这是我反复遇到的另一个问题... – stuart


是的,它是一种异步方法,因此接受任何有效的http URL。 requests.get是个错误,很好。你能更详细地解释发生了什么吗?也许分享更多的代码。 – abigperson


我粘贴了几乎所有的代码(省略导入和“if __name__ =='__main__'”位),我想我可能会在我的方法中做错事情...当我去到网址'[[域] /线程?thread_id = 12345'它做所有正确的后端的东西,但它只是在页面上打印{“source”:1,“target”:2}等,而不是呈现该JSON。也许我不应该直接去URL? – stuart



def get_graph_data(): 

    returns json of a network graph for the specified thread 
    :param thread_id: 
    thread_id = request.args.get("thread_id", 3532967, type=int) 
    pqdict, userdict = graphs.get_post_quote_dict(thread_id) 
    G = graphs.create_graph(pqdict) 
    s = graphs.graph_to_node_link(G, remove_singlets=True) 
    return json.dumps(s) 

def showgraph(): 
    thread_id = request.args.get("thread_id", 3532967, type=int) 
    return render_template("index.html", threadid=thread_id) 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>Index thing</title> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://d3js.org/d3.v2.js"></script> 
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="templates/graph.css"/> 
<div id="chart"></div> 
    var w = 1500, 
     h = 1500, 
     fill = d3.scale.category20(); 

    var vis = d3.select("#chart") 
     .attr("width", w) 
     .attr("height", h); 

    d3.json("/thread?thread_id={{ threadid }}", function (json) { 
     var force = d3.layout.force() 
      .size([w, h]) 

     // irrelevant stuff 

所需单独的方法返回JSON并呈现页面。仍然似乎愚蠢的解析thread_id arg两次,但无论如何。接受PJ的回答,因为这是99%的问题!