

我有这个问题,我已经尽了一切时间来显示您浏览使用规定“幻灯片自动播放已停止” 所以我想知道的控制我的幻灯片显示一个警告框



     $(document).ready(function() { 

       $("#pressed1").click(function() { 
        jConfirm('Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour.', 'Website alert'); 


     $(document).ready(function() { 

       $("#pressed2").click(function() { 
        jConfirm('Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour.', 'Website alert'); 


     $(document).ready(function() { 

       $("#pressed3").click(function() { 
        jConfirm('Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour.', 'Website alert'); 


     $(document).ready(function() { 

       $("#pressed4").click(function() { 
        jConfirm('Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour.', 'Website alert'); 



<div id="main2"> 
    <div id="gallery"> 

    <div id="slides"> 
    <div class="slide"><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/1.jpg" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" width="1040" height="400" alt="side" /></div> 
    <div class="slide"><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/1.jpg" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" width="1040" height="400" alt="side" /></div> 
    <div class="slide"><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/3.gif" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" width="1040" height="400" alt="side" /></div> 
    <div class="slide"><a href="buywebdesign.html" onmousedown="return false;" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/4.gif" style="border-style: none" width="1040" height="400" alt="side" /></a></div> 

    <div id="menu"> 
    <ul><div class="thumbs"> 
     <li class="fbar">&nbsp;</li> 
     <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/thumb_ball.png" id="pressed1" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" alt="thumbnail" /></a></li> 
     <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/thumb_ball.png" id="pressed2" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" alt="thumbnail" /></a></li> 
     <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/thumb_ball.png" id="pressed3" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" alt="thumbnail" /></a></li> 
     <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img src="imgs/slide.imgs/thumb_ball.png" id="pressed4" onmousedown="return false;" style="border-style: none" alt="thumbnail" /></a></li> 
    </div> </ul> 




标志的第重装.. ,只要你想显示messag e只是做

if(!window.localStorage['messaged_displayed']) { 
    jConfirm('Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour.', 'Website alert'); 
    window.localStorage['messaged_displayed'] = true; 


, 我想编辑迪伦海耶斯的例子

$(document).ready(function() { 
    var msg = "Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour."; 

    $("#pressed1, #pressed2, #pressed3, #pressed4, #pressed5 ").click(function() { 
     rightNow = new Date() 
     if (window.localStorage['lastClicked']) 
      if (rightNow - window.localStorage['lastClicked'] > 7200000) { // milliseconds of 2 hrs 
       jConfirm(msg, 'Website alert'); 
       window.localStorage['lastClicked'] = rightNow 
     else { 
      window.localStorage['lastClicked'] = rightNow 

不知道我是如何放入该代码。 – 2013-05-10 07:48:39


假设你明白迪伦海耶斯写了什么,我正在延伸他对答案的解释@MauritzN – 2013-05-10 09:10:27


它似乎在工作,谢谢:) – 2013-05-10 10:42:35




$(document).ready(function() { 
     var msg = "Slideshow auto advance has stopped!<br />Press OK to stop showing this message for 2 hour."; 
     var displayAlert = true; 

     $("#pressed1, #pressed2, #pressed3, #pressed4, #pressed5 ").click(function() { 
      if (displayAlert) { 
       jConfirm(msg, 'Website alert'); 
       displayAlert = false; 

看来工作,但是当你重新加载页面它会复位。我希望它持续2小时,然后它会重置。 – 2013-05-10 07:47:02