









您是否使用TcpClient和TcpListener来发送数据或进行远程调用? – MasterXD


我还没有尝试过任何东西,但我会看看TcpClient/Listener。 我最困惑的是如何启动远程程序并将信息传递给它。它是否必须作为服务/在后台运行? – Michael


它不必在背景中,但它是一个好主意。我使用backgroundWorkers建立“客户端”和“服务器”之间的连接。我可以留下一个答案解释如何做到这一点,这听起来不错?如果是的话,过程是这样的:“发送校验和 - >对应计算 - >接收校验和”? – MasterXD



public async Task<byte[]> ConnectToCounterpart(string dataToSend) 
    // === Sending empty strings breaks the program === 
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToSend)) 
     return null; 

    // === Variables n' Stuff === 
    string counterPartIP = ""; // The ip of the computer running counterpart program. ( is the localhost/current computer). 
    int counterPartPort = 50_000; // The port which the counterpart program listens to 

    // === Getting a connection === 
    TcpClient client = new TcpClient(counterPartIP, counterPartPort); // Connect to the counterpart program 

    NetworkStream nwStream = client.GetStream(); // Get the networkStream between the main and counterpart program 
    nwStream.ReadTimeout = 5_000; // Give the counterpart program 5 seconds to do its thing 

    // === Convert the "dataToSend" to a byte-array === 
    byte[] bytesToSend = Encoding.UTF7.GetBytes(dataToSend); // An array with the bytes of the string (UTF7 lets you keep "cpecial characters like Æ, Ø, Å, Á etc.") 

    // === Send the file-bytes === 
    await nwStream.WriteAsync(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length); // Send the file-bytes to the counterpart program 

    // ========================================== 
    // At this point counterpart is doing work 
    // ========================================== 

    byte[] returnBytes = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize]; // The byte-array this method returns 
     // === Recieve the reply === 
     int numberOfBytesRecieved = await nwStream.ReadAsync(returnBytes, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize); // Receve the checksum from the counterpart and tthe ammount of sent bytes 

     // === Crop return-array to the recieved bytes === 
     Array.Resize(ref returnBytes, numberOfBytesRecieved); 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error while retrieving"); // Show error 

     returnBytes = null; // Set returnbytes to null 

    // === Close and dispose stream === 

    // === Return the byte-array === 
    return returnBytes; 

在这一段代码,你可能已经注意到 “async”, “Task<byte[]>” 和 “await”。 “Task<byte[]>”与“byte[]”(kinda)相同,因为“异步”修饰符需要它。 (关于异步编程:https://msdn.microsoft.com/da-dk/library/hh156513(v=vs.110).aspx

返回的类型在任何情况下仍然是“byte []”。 “异步”和“等待”将在“位”(Byte,bit ... Puns)中进一步解释。


private void BackgroundWorkerCalculate_Counterpart_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 
    // === Variables n' Stuff === 
    int listeningPort = 50_000; // The port which the counterpart program listens to 

    // === Start listening === 
    TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, listeningPort); // Listen to the port 

    // Infinite loop for infinite computations 
    while (true) 
     // === Getting a connection === 
     TcpClient connection = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); 
     NetworkStream nwStream = connection.GetStream(); 

     // === Get the recieved bytes === 
     byte[] recievedBytes = new byte[connection.ReceiveBufferSize]; // Create a buffer for the incomming file-bytes 
     int numberOfBytesRecieved = nwStream.Read(recievedBytes, 0, connection.ReceiveBufferSize); // Read the bytes to the buffer 

     // === Convert recieved bytes to a string === 
     string recievedString = Encoding.UTF7.GetString(recievedBytes, 0, numberOfBytesRecieved); 

     // === Understanding the recieved data === 
     /* Lets say recievedString == "[path]" */ 

     byte[] replyBytes = new byte[] { 1 }; // Bytes to reply to the main program 

      using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) // Create the hashing protocol 
       using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(recievedString, FileMode.Open)) // Open the file to hash 
        replyBytes = md5.ComputeHash(fileStream); // replyBytes now contains the hash 
     { } // If file doesn't exist, then replyBytes stays as { 1 }, which will be returned if things goes wrong 

     // === Send the reply to main program === 
     nwStream.Write(replyBytes, 0, replyBytes.Length); 



private async void ButtonCalculate_Counterpart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    // This is how you use the method 
    byte[] replyBytes = await ConnectToCounterpart(@"folder\file.txt"); 

    // "async" makes the given method "asyncronous", so that it runs parallell to other tings 
    // "await" will prevent a time-consumeing method-call from "halting" or "blocking" the main process. 

    // Check if things went wrong 
    if (replyBytes == new byte { 1 }) // As mentioned ealier in the backgroundWorker code 
     MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong with the hashing. Is the path correct?", "Could not hash") 

    // If you want the reply as a normal string 
    string replyString = Encoding.UTF7.GetString(replyBytes, 0, replyBytes.Length); 

    // If you want the reply as a checksum 
    string checkSum = BitConverter.ToString(replyBytes); 


注意:您可以轻松地使用其他加密之外UTF7,只是througout的代码是一致的。注2:如果发送的数据大于50 kB,那么由于我编程的方式,存在不是所有数据都被发送的风险。如果这成为一个问题,我可以做一些改变。这些变化只是更复杂。注意3:如果你想从一个单独的网络(通过互联网而不是本地)访问对方,那么你需要在反向连接的路由器上做一些端口转发。注意4:请记住,如果您将类似“Folder\File.txt”这样的路径传递给对方,则对方将查看目录“C:\Users\...\...\FolderWithProgramExe\Folder\File.txt”。如果您将“C:\Folder\File.txt”(开头的“C:\”)传递给对方,则对方会在计算机上精确查看“C:\Folder\File.txt”的位置。



不是很完美,但TCP代码非常适合我的头脑(之前从未做过网络编程)。我没有像我想的那样解释自己。这个想法是我有一个服务器托管大量的大文件,而不是通过网络将这些文件流式传输到我的计算机来计算校验和(正如我一直),我正在寻找一种方法来运行守护进程服务器,我可以要求计算它在本地托管的文件的校验和并给我散列。 C#散列返回为byte [],以获得您调用BitConverter.ToString(byte [])的十六进制字符串或自行循环使用 – Michael


@Michael Oooooohhhhh。我现在明白了。你想通过文件名,文件的id还是通过可以从对应的流中发送的列表来识别文件?对方是否跟踪可散列的文件,或者你是否将很多文件放在一个文件夹中? – MasterXD


现在我想我会通过一个已知共享的路径,远程将被设置为取消引用。但如果有更好的方法,我会接受。 – Michael