











MyFolder <- Folder 


Archive02 <-Folder base on the archive name 

你是什么意思“的意思,但不是如何创建它,只有当不存在?“ –


如果档案是“案例01”,我不创建文件夹,如果“案例02”我创建了一个文件夹来提取所有文件。 –







这是更有效的先提取所有的* .rar程序(后来也全部* .zip文件)只使用一个WinRAR的电话与开关-ad文件到每个存档文件解压缩到一个子目录与归档文件的名称第二,删除每个提取目录不是必需的,因为相应的存档文件只包含*目录中的单个目录。


  1. 的工作目录可以被指定为第一个参数上调用批文件甚至可以是UNC路径。

  2. 批处理文件找出自动哪里WinRAR.exe安装工作也不被安装在默认的Program Files目录中的用例与32位或64位的WinRAR(如在所有的我的电脑)。


@echo off 
rem Change working directory if batch file was started with an argument. 
if not "%~1" == "" (
    pushd "%~1" 2>nul 
    if errorlevel 1 (
     echo Specified directory "%~1" does not exist. 
     goto :EOF 

setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion 

rem Does WinRAR exist in default program files folder? 
set "WinRAR=%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" 
if exist "%WinRAR%" goto StartExtraction 

rem Does WinRAR exist in default program files folder for x86 applications? 
set "WinRAR=%ProgramFiles(x86%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" 
if exist "%WinRAR%" goto StartExtraction 

rem Try to determine installation location of WinRAR.exe from registry. 
set "TypeToken=2" 
goto GetPathFromRegistry 

rem On Windows Vista and later REG.EXE outputs without version info: 

rem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe 
rem (Default) REG_SZ Full path to WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 

rem There are only spaces used to separate value name, value type and value string. 

rem But REG.EXE version 3.0 outputs on Windows XP with version info: 

rem ! REG.EXE VERSION 3.0 
rem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe 
rem  <NO NAME> REG_SZ Full path to WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 

rem NOTE: There are 4 indent spaces and 2 separating tabs in REG 3.0 output line. 

rem So either token 2 or token 3 contains value type REG_SZ 
rem used to identify the line with the wanted information. 

for /F "skip=1 tokens=%TypeToken%*" %%A in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe" /ve 2^>nul') do (
    if "%%A" == "REG_SZ" (
     if exist "%%~fB" (
      set "WinRAR=%%~fB" 
      goto StartExtraction 
    ) else if "%%A" == "NAME>" (
     set "TypeToken=3" 
     goto GetPathFromRegistry 

if not "%~1" == "" popd 
echo Could not determine directory containing WinRAR.exe. 
echo Please configure it manually in file: %~f0 
goto :EOF 

rem WinRAR supports multiple archive types on extraction. 
rem Specify here the archive file extensions for extraction. 

for %%I in (rar zip) do call :ExtractArchives %%I 

rem Restore previous command environment, restore previous current directory 
rem and exit this batch file without fall through to the subroutines below. 
if not "%~1" == "" popd 
goto :EOF 

rem The subroutine ExtractArchives processes all archive files in current 
rem directory with the file extension passed to subroutine as first argument. 

rem WinRAR is called once to extract all files with specified file extension 
rem for extraction into a subdirectory with name of the archive file. 

rem Then one more subroutine is called for each archive file to determine 
rem if it is safe to move the extracted archive file contents up one level. 

if not exist "*.%~1" goto :EOF 
"%WinRAR%" x -ad -cfg- -ibck -y -- "*.%~1" 
for %%A in ("*.%~1") do call :MoveUpExtracted "%%~nA" 
goto :EOF 

rem The subroutine MoveUpExtracted first checks if for the archive file 
rem passed to the subroutine as first argument a subdirectory exists at 
rem all, i.e. the extraction before was successful for that archive. 

rem Next it counts the subdirectories in the archive extraction directory. 
rem Nothing is moved up if there is more than 1 subdirectory in archive 
rem extraction directory. 

rem Also nothing is moved up if archive extraction directory contains 
rem 1 or more files. 

rem After verification of archive extraction directory really containing 
rem only a single subdirectory and nothing else, the name of the archive 
rem extraction directory is compared case-insensitive with the name of 
rem the single subdirectory in archive extraction directory. On equal 
rem directory names the archive extraction directory is renamed by 
rem appending _tmp to make it possible to move the subdirectory with same 
rem name up one level in directory hierarchy. There is hopefully by chance 
rem never a directory present in current directory with name of an archive 
rem file and _tmp appended. 

rem Next it is checked if in current directory there is not already existing 
rem a directory with name of the subdirectory from extracted archive in which 
rem case it is also not possible to move the directory up one level. In this 
rem special use case the archive extraction directory is kept containing just 
rem a single subdirectory with restoring original directory name. 

rem Then the single subdirectory in archive extraction directory is moved up 
rem one level which is very fast as just the file allocation table is updated 
rem and no data is really moved. 

rem The directory movement could fail if the extracted directory has hidden 
rem attribute set. In this case temporarily remove the hidden attribute, 
rem move the directory up one level in directory hierarchy and set the 
rem hidden attribute again on the directory. 

rem On a succesful moving up of the extracted directory the (renamed) 
rem extraction directory being now empty is deleted as not further needed. 

if not exist "%~1\" (
    echo Error: No folder for archive %~1 
    goto :EOF 

echo Processing archive folder "%~1" 
set FolderCount=0 
set "FolderName=" 
for /F "delims=" %%D in ('dir "%~1\*" /AD /B 2^>nul') do (
    if defined FolderName goto :EOF 
    set /A FolderCount+=1 
    set "FolderName=%%D" 
if not %FolderCount% == 1 goto :EOF 

for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir "%~1\*" /A-D /B 2^>nul') do goto :EOF 

set "ParentRenamed=0" 
set "ParentFolder=%~1" 
if /I "%~1" == "%FolderName%" (
    ren "%~1" "%~1_tmp" 2>nul 
    if errorlevel 1 (
     echo Failed to rename "%~1" to "%~1_tmp". 
     goto :EOF 
    set "ParentFolder=%~1_tmp" 
    set "ParentRenamed=1" 

if exist "%FolderName%" (
    if %ParentRenamed% == 1 ren "%~1_tmp" "%~1" 
    echo Error: Folder exists "%FolderName%" 
    goto :EOF 

move "%ParentFolder%\%FolderName%" "%FolderName%" >nul 2>nul 
if not errorlevel 1 (
    rd "%ParentFolder%" 
    goto :EOF 

%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h "%ParentFolder%\%FolderName%" >nul 
move "%ParentFolder%\%FolderName%" "%FolderName%" >nul 
if errorlevel 1 (
    if %ParentRenamed% == 1 (
     ren "%ParentFolder%" "%~1" 
     goto :EOF 

%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe +h "%FolderName%" 
rd "%ParentFolder%" 
goto :EOF 

我使用的是32位Windows自Windows 95,但我跑我自己从来没有进入MAX_PATH限制,即绝对的文件/文件夹名称长于259个字符。



  1. DIRFORRDREN支持短8.3路径名称和一些命令文件/文件夹名称,而其他命令如ATTRIBMOVE仅在路径中支持它们,但不支持文件/文件夹名称(至少在Windows XP上)。

  2. 当包含完整路径的文件夹名称长于259个字符时,所有命令都无法使用相对文件夹路径使用相对文件夹名称。这意味着Windows命令解释器在执行任何命令之前首先使用完整路径确定文件夹名称。所以当前目录应该有一个很短的路径来处理具有很长名称或包含名称很长的目录的档案。

  3. 我无法弄清楚如何获得一个文件夹的短名称或使用由for /?解释的时候只是一个相对的文件夹路径是由Windows命令解释器解析%~fs1(批处理文件)由call /?%%~fsI解释其路径,即只是没有路径的文件夹的长名称。

  4. 在运行命令DIR与选项/X获取目录的短名称,第三列包含短名称和第四列的长名称。但是第三列中的短名称可能会在很短的文件夹名称中丢失。

    Volume in drive C is System 
    Volume Serial Number is 7582-4210 
    Directory of C:\Temp\Test 
    29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      . 
    29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      .. 
    29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>   ARCHIV~1  archive_with_a_very_very_very_..._long_name_1 
    29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      Batch 
    29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      xyz 

    同一命令dir /AD /X在德国的Windows XP SP3的x86执行:的dir /AD /X英文版Windows 7 SP1 64位


Datenträger in Laufwerk F: ist TEMP 
Volumeseriennummer: CAA5-41AA 

Verzeichnis von F:\Temp 

29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      . 
29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      .. 
29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>   BATCH  Batch 
29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>      xxx 
29.04.2017 22:39 <DIR>   ARCHIV~1  archive_with_a_very_very_very_..._long_name_1 


为什么目录Batch在Windows XP计算机上有简称BATCH但在Windows 7上没有短名称对我来说真的不能解释。


@echo off 
rem Change working directory if batch file was started with an argument. 
if not "%~1" == "" (
    pushd "%~1" 2>nul 
    if errorlevel 1 (
     echo Specified directory "%~1" does not exist. 
     goto :EOF 

setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion 

rem Does WinRAR exist in default program files folder? 
set "WinRAR=%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" 
if exist "%WinRAR%" goto StartExtraction 

rem Does WinRAR exist in default program files folder for x86 applications? 
set "WinRAR=%ProgramFiles(x86%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" 
if exist "%WinRAR%" goto StartExtraction 

rem Try to determine installation location of WinRAR.exe from registry. 
set "TypeToken=2" 
goto GetPathFromRegistry 

rem On Windows Vista and later REG.EXE outputs without version info: 

rem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe 
rem (Default) REG_SZ Full path to WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 

rem There are only spaces used to separate value name, value type and value string. 

rem But REG.EXE version 3.0 outputs on Windows XP with version info: 

rem ! REG.EXE VERSION 3.0 
rem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe 
rem  <NO NAME> REG_SZ Full path to WinRAR\WinRAR.exe 

rem NOTE: There are 4 indent spaces and 2 separating tabs in REG 3.0 output line. 

rem So either token 2 or token 3 contains value type REG_SZ 
rem used to identify the line with the wanted information. 

for /F "skip=1 tokens=%TypeToken%*" %%A in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WinRAR.exe" /ve 2^>nul') do (
    if "%%A" == "REG_SZ" (
     if exist "%%~fB" (
      set "WinRAR=%%~fB" 
      goto StartExtraction 
    ) else if "%%A" == "NAME>" (
     set "TypeToken=3" 
     goto GetPathFromRegistry 

if not "%~1" == "" popd 
echo Could not determine directory containing WinRAR.exe. 
echo Please configure it manually in file: %~f0 
goto :EOF 

rem WinRAR supports multiple archive types on extraction. 
rem Specify here the archive file extensions for extraction. 

rem But first delete temporary folder from a previous breaked execution. 

rd /Q /S # 2>nul 

for %%I in (rar zip) do call :ExtractArchives %%I 

rem Restore previous command environment, restore previous current directory 
rem and exit this batch file without fall through to the subroutines below. 
if not "%~1" == "" popd 
goto :EOF 

rem The subroutine ExtractArchives processes all archive files in current 
rem directory with the file extension passed to subroutine as first argument. 

rem WinRAR is called once to extract all files with specified file extension 
rem for extraction into a subdirectory with name of the archive file. 

rem Then one more subroutine is called for each archive file to determine 
rem if it is safe to move the extracted archive file contents up one level. 

if not exist "*.%~1" goto :EOF 
"%WinRAR%" x -ad -cfg- -ibck -y -- "*.%~1" 
for %%A in ("*.%~1") do call :MoveUpExtracted "%%~nA" %1 
goto :EOF 

rem The subroutine MoveUpExtracted first checks if for the archive file 
rem passed to the subroutine as first argument a subdirectory exists at 
rem all, i.e. the extraction before was successful for that archive, and 
rem determines short 8.3 name of this directory. 

rem Next it counts the subdirectories in the archive extraction directory 
rem using short directory name. Nothing is moved up if there is more than 
rem 1 subdirectory in archive extraction directory. 

rem Also nothing is moved up if archive extraction directory contains 
rem 1 or more files. 

rem After verification of archive extraction directory really containing 
rem only a single subdirectory and nothing else, the current archive folder 
rem is renamed to # (single character folder name) using short folder name. 

rem This folder rename should work in general. The current archive folder 
rem is kept in case of this folder rename fails unexpected because it is 
rem not yet known if the current directory does not already contain the 
rem single directory extracted from current archive or rename failed 
rem because of a permission or a directory sharing access restriction. 

rem Next it is checked if in current directory there is not already existing 
rem a directory with name of the subdirectory from extracted archive in which 
rem case it is also not possible to move the directory up one level. In this 
rem special use case the archive extraction directory is kept containing just 
rem a single subdirectory with restoring original directory name. In case of 
rem restoring archive directory fails unexpected, the directory with name # 
rem is deleted and the archive is extracted once again into a directory with 
rem name of archive file. 

rem It is clear on this point that the single directory in archive extraction 
rem directory can be moved up to current directory from directory wit having 
rem now the temporary name #. 

rem Moving a directory with command MOVE is not possible if hidden attribute 
rem is set on directory. For that reason it is checked next if the directory 
rem to move up has hidden attribute set using its short directory name. 

rem In case of directory has hidden attribute is indeed set, it is removed 
rem which is also verified. The verification can't be done with errorlevel 
rem evaluation as external command ATTRIB does not set errorlevel on failed 
rem attribute change. So the attribute check is done once again after the 
rem hidden attribute is removed with ATTRIB. 

rem ATTRIB also fails to change the attribute if absolute folder path is 
rem longer than 259 characters. In this case the current extraction folder 
rem with temporary name # is deleted completely and the current archive is 
rem extracted once again to current directory without creation of an 
rem additional directory with name of archive file. 

rem Then the single subdirectory in archive extraction directory having 
rem now name # is also renamed to # using short directory name to avoid 
rem a problem on next command MOVE with an absolute folder path longer 
rem than 259 characters as much as possible. 

rem The directory extracted from archive with name # in directory # is 
rem moved up to current directory with suppressing all errors which could 
rem occur for example if path of current directory plus name of directory 
rem as extracted from archive file is too long. 

rem The directory # in current directory with its subdirectory # is deleted 
rem on a moving error and the current archive file is extracted once again 
rem into current directory without creation of an additional directory with 
rem name of archive file. 

rem But on successful movement of the folder with correct name to current 
rem directory the hidden attribute is set on folder if the extracted folder 
rem has it also set before moving the folder and the finally empty folder # 
rem is deleted before exiting subroutine. 

set "FolderToCheck=%~f1" 
set "FolderToCheck=%FolderToCheck:~0,258%" 
for /F "skip=5 tokens=4*" %%X in ('dir "%FolderToCheck%*" /AD /X 2^>nul') do (
    if "%%Y" == "%~1" set "ArchiveFolder=%%X" & goto Subfolders 
    if "%%Y" == "" if /I "%%X" == "%~1" set "ArchiveFolder=%%X" & goto Subfolders 
echo Error: No folder for archive %~1 
goto :EOF 

@echo off 
echo Processing archive folder "%~1" 
set FolderCount=0 
set "FolderName=" 
for /F "delims=" %%D in ('dir "%ArchiveFolder%\*" /AD /B 2^>nul') do (
    if defined FolderName goto :EOF 
    set /A FolderCount+=1 
    set "FolderName=%%D" 
if not %FolderCount% == 1 goto :EOF 

for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir "%ArchiveFolder%\*" /A-D /B 2^>nul') do goto :EOF 

ren "%ArchiveFolder%" # 2>nul 
if errorlevel 1 (
    echo Error: Failed to rename "%~1" 
    goto :EOF 

set "FolderToCheck=%~dp1%FolderName%" 
set "FolderToCheck=%FolderToCheck:~0,258%" 
for /F "skip=5 tokens=4*" %%X in ('dir "%FolderToCheck%*" /AD /X 2^>nul') do (
    if "%%Y" == "%FolderName%" goto FolderExist 
    if "%%Y" == "" if /I "%%X" == "%FolderName%" goto FolderExist 

set "HiddenFolder=0" 
set "FolderToCheck=%~dp1#\%FolderName%" 
set "FolderToCheck=%FolderToCheck:~0,258%" 
for /F "skip=5 tokens=4*" %%X in ('dir "%FolderToCheck%*" /AD /X 2^>nul') do (
    if "%%Y" == "%FolderName%" set "FolderToMove=%%X" & goto CheckHidden 
    if "%%Y" == "" if /I "%%X" == "%FolderName%" set "FolderToMove=%%X" & goto CheckHidden 

for %%X in ("#\%FolderToMove%") do (
    for /F "tokens=2 delims=h" %%H in ("%%~aX") do (
     if %HiddenFolder% == 1 goto ArchiveExtract 
     set "HiddenFolder=1" 
     %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h "#\%FolderName%" 
     goto CheckHidden 

ren "#\%FolderToMove%" # 2>nul 
move #\# "%FolderName%" >nul 2>nul 
if errorlevel 1 goto ArchiveExtract 

if %HiddenFolder% == 1 %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe +h "%FolderName%" 
rd # 
goto :EOF 

rd /Q /S # 
"%WinRAR%" x -cfg- -ibck -y -- "%~1.%~2" 
goto :EOF 

echo Error: Folder exists "%FolderName%" 
ren # "%~1" 2>nul 
if not errorlevel 1 goto :EOF 
rd /Q /S # 
"%WinRAR%" x -ad -cfg- -ibck -y -- "%~1.%~2" 
goto :EOF 


在Windows 10版本1607(周年更新)或更高版本的Windows版本的MAX_PATH限260个字符(259个字符加上终止空字节),可以通过组策略或通过添加注册表值被禁用,请参阅


  • attrib /?
  • call /?
  • dir /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • move /?
  • pause /?
  • popd /?
  • pushd /?
  • rd /?
  • reg /?
  • reg query /?
  • rem /?
  • ren /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?



非常感谢!它的工作原理与我梦想的一样:*)你让我的一天! –


如果它的根点击extract to /foldername(案例02)


enter image description here


谢谢,但我不能用15000个档案来做到这一点:*)我需要一个批处理解决方案! –