


(!) Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\wamp\www\common\conf\database.conf.php on line 51 
Call Stack 
# \t Time \t Memory \t Function \t Location 
1 \t 0.0470 \t 142760 \t {main}() \t ..\index.php:0 
2 \t 0.4050 \t 634848 \t require_once('C:\wamp\www\common\conf\database.conf.php') \t ..\index.php:16 
3 \t 0.4060 \t 635416 \t mysql_connect () \t ..\database.conf.php:51 


Database connection code 

    * File name: database.conf.php 
    * Purpose: this file is used to store database 
    *   table name constants and it also starts 
    *   the database connection 
    * CVS ID: $Id$ 

    // If main configuration file which defines VERSION constant 
    // is not loaded, die! 
    if (! defined('VERSION')) 
     echo "You cannot access this file directly!"; 

    // Please note: 
    // in production mode, the database authentication information 
    // may vary. 
    define('DB_USER', 'root'); 
    define('DB_PASS', ''); 
    define('DB_NAME', 'myrentbd-db'); 
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); 
    * Common Table Constant 
    // Common Tables 
    define('APP_INFO_TBL',     DB_NAME . '.app_info'); 
    define('APP_LANGUAGE_TBL',    DB_NAME . '.app_language'); 
    define('APP_MESSAGE_TBL',    DB_NAME . '.app_message'); 
    define('APP_META_TBL',     DB_NAME . '.app_meta'); 
    define('APP_PROFILE_TBL',    DB_NAME . '.app_profile'); 

    define('COUNTRY_LOOKUP_TBL',   DB_NAME . '.country_lookup'); 
    define('US_STATE_TBL',     DB_NAME . '.us_states'); 

    define('DOCUMENT_TBL',     DB_NAME . '.document'); 

    define('GROUP_TBL',     DB_NAME . '.group'); 
     $dbcon = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); 
     mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $dbcon) or die("Could not find: " . mysql_error()); 



MySQL的PHP​​扩展已经死了 - 停止使用mysql的PHP扩展。这是旧的,从PHP 5.5开始不推荐使用,并且在PHP 7.0中完全删除。改用mysqli或PDO_mysql。并且不要混合使用 –


不建议使用Mysql_ *函数。此外,它们是不安全的[PHP 5.5.x中的弃用功能](http://php.net/manual/de/migration55.deprecated.php)。您应该使用mysqli_函数或更好的PDO和预准备语句。 – BenRoob


在PHP 5.5显示警告消息:MySQL扩展已被弃用

在已完全除去PHP 7


对不起,我不是编写代码的专家。你能提出建议,特别是我必须改变的地方吗? –


你必须改变mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS)到mysqli_connect(“localhost”,“my_user”,“my_password”,“my_db”)等数据库连接和其他CRUD操作 –