

从地图中获取第一个值和第二个值的最佳方法是什么? 我正在阅读tableLists地图,并从地图中获取first and second value从地图中检索第一个值和第二个值


private final LinkedHashMap<String, ReadTableConnectionInfo> tableLists; 

ReadTableConnectionInfo table = tablePicker(); 

private ReadTableConnectionInfo tablePicker() { 

    Random r = new SecureRandom(); 
    ReadTableConnectionInfo table; 

    if (r.nextFloat() < Read.percentageTable/100) { 
     table = get first value from tableLists map 
    } else { 
     table = get second value from tableLists map 

    return table; 

你是什么意思第一和第二,按什么顺序? – Drakosha 2013-02-24 03:42:19


我修改了我的问题,抱歉它是linkedhashmap。所以我需要第一个和第二个值插入它的方式。 – AKIWEB 2013-02-24 03:44:09


元素的顺序不能保证在HashMap – anoopelias 2013-02-24 03:44:33


Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ReadTableConnectionInfo >> it = tableLists.entrySet().iterator(); 
if (r.nextFloat() < Read.percentageTable/100) { 
    table = it.next().getValue(); 
} else { //since you have an else, you have to re-ignore the first value just below 
    it.next(); // ignoring the first value 
    table = it.next().getValue(); //repeated here in order to get the second value 


Iterator it = values().iterator(); 
Object first = it.next().getValue(); 
Object second = it.next().getValue();