

我使用的是Ubuntu 10.04和12.04。如何在Ubuntu上安装go和goisntall进行doozer安装

我尝试安装doozer和doozed,我很难处理go isntall。我需要为安装做一个厨师食谱。

goinstall github.com/ha/doozer 



编辑:使用转到1.0.2和go install,我得到下面的输出:

# github.com/ha/doozer 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:184: cannot use &t.req (type *request) as type proto.Message in function argument: 
    *request does not implement proto.Message (missing ProtoMessage method) 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:198: cannot use &r (type *response) as type proto.Message in function argument: 
    *response does not implement proto.Message (missing ProtoMessage method) 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:294: undefined: proto.GetInt64 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:326: undefined: proto.GetInt64 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:412: undefined: proto.GetInt32 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:412: undefined: proto.GetInt64 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/err.go:33: cannot call non-function proto.GetString (type struct {}) 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/msg.pb.go:127: cannot use this (type *request) as type proto.Message in function argument: 
    *request does not implement proto.Message (missing ProtoMessage method) 
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/msg.pb.go:142: cannot use this (type *response) as type proto.Message in function argument: 
    *response does not implement proto.Message (missing ProtoMessage method) 


go get -v github.com/ha/doozer 

go get -v github.com/ha/doozerd 

升级的源代码,进入1然后用go install

go install -v github.com/ha/doozer 

go install -v github.com/ha/doozerd 


Command go


您好,我安装go1.0.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz。我得到这个错误。 go install -v github.com/ha/doozerd /usr/local/go/src/pkg/github.com/ha/doozer/conn.go:7:2:no在/ usr/local/go中找到源文件/src/pkg/github.com/kr/pretty.go – Tampa 2012-07-07 03:18:04


我安装很漂亮btw。 go install -v github.com/kr/pretty – Tampa 2012-07-07 03:23:48


由于'pretty.go'包已经重命名为'pretty',因此将'conn.go'的第7行从''github.com/kr/pretty.go''换成''到'“github.com/kr/pretty”'。 – peterSO 2012-07-07 04:07:04


$ cd /var/tmp 
$ wget http://go.googlecode.com/files/go1.0.2.linux-386.tar.gz 
$ tar xvfz go1...tar.gz 
$ export GOROOT=/var/tmp/go 
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin 
$ go 
Go is a tool for managing Go source code. 


    go command [arguments] 

The commands are: 

    build  compile packages and dependencies 
    clean  remove object files 
    doc   run godoc on package sources 
    env   print Go environment information 
    fix   run go tool fix on packages 
    fmt   run gofmt on package sources 
    get   download and install packages and dependencies 
    install  compile and install packages and dependencies 
    list  list packages 
    run   compile and run Go program 
    test  test packages 
    tool  run specified go tool 
    version  print Go version 
    vet   run go tool vet on packages 

Use "go help [command]" for more information about a command. 

Additional help topics: 

    gopath  GOPATH environment variable 
    packages description of package lists 
    remote  remote import path syntax 
    testflag description of testing flags 
    testfunc description of testing functions 

Use "go help [topic]" for more information about that topic.