如何在ipad monotouch应用程序中添加多个列?


I am using a UISplitViewController in my application. In this SplitViewController on the left hand side i have A NavigationController and on right side i have a DetailViewController. 

On my navigation controller i have UITableViewController which is used for navigating through the hierarchy of data. 

当我从表格中选择一个记录(单元格)时,我想在详细视图控制器上显示其详细信息。如何在ipad monotouch应用程序中添加多个列?

I want the data to be displayed in following format: 

Name:  Matthew 
Age:  24 
City:  Newyork 

My problem is, i dont know how to add more than one column in the UITableView. 

Another question is that how to edit the values from this table? 

I want to edit the cells from table. 

For example, i want to edit the details from above table to: 

Name: George Matthew 
Age:  24 
City: Newyork 

In short i want to place labels in the forst column and text boxes in the second column of my table. 

Please help me out. 

感谢, NEHA


在你的cellForRowIndex委托做 在你的情况下,创建一个标签分配对应于该特定单元格的框架(x,y,宽度,高度)值。然后将此标签作为子视图添加到单元格中。现在为textfield相同的标签现在增加其x值更高,以便它将在tableview的权利。


嗨,我还是不清楚。什么是cellForRowIndex委托?你的意思是说我需要在表单中每个单元格的“GetCell”方法中添加一个标签和一个文本框,我们声明了单元格的内容? – Neha 2010-12-13 05:02:06