









return (from xx in db.test      
     select new TestClass     { 
     Added_By_User_ID = xx.Added_By_User_ID, 
     Survey = (from ru in db.Utopia 
        where ru.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
        orderby ru.uid descending 
        select ru).Take(1).ToList(), 


return (from xx in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_Gens 
       where xx.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
       where kingdomList.Contains((Guid)xx.Kingdom_ID) 
       select new ProvinceClass 
        Kingdom_ID = xx.Kingdom_ID, 
        Kingdom_Island = xx.Kingdom_Island, 
        Kingdom_Location = xx.Kingdom_Location, 
        Owner_Kingdom_ID = xx.Owner_Kingdom_ID, 
        Province_ID = xx.Province_ID, 
        Province_Name = xx.Province_Name, 
        Owner_User_ID = xx.Owner_User_ID, 
        Race_ID = xx.Race_ID, 
        Updated_By_DateTime = xx.Updated_By_DateTime, 
        Networth = xx.Networth, 
        Land = xx.Land, 
        Monarch_Display = xx.Monarch_Display, 
        Owner = xx.Owner, 
        Sub_Monarch = xx.Sub_Monarch, 
        CB_Updated_By_Province_ID = xx.CB_Updated_By_Province_ID, 
        uid = xx.uid, 
        Formatted_By = xx.Formatted_By, 
        Utopian_Day_Month = xx.Utopian_Day_Month, 
        Utopian_Year = xx.Utopian_Year, 
        Ruler_Name = xx.Ruler_Name, 
        Personality_ID = xx.Personality_ID, 
        Nobility_ID = xx.Nobility_ID, 
        Money = xx.Money, 
        Daily_Income = xx.Daily_Income, 
        Food = xx.Food, 
        Runes = xx.Runes, 
        Population = xx.Population, 
        Peasents = xx.Peasents, 
        Peasents_Non_Percentage = xx.Peasents_Non_Percentage, 
        Trade_Balance = xx.Trade_Balance, 
        Building_Effectiveness = xx.Building_Effectiveness, 
        Military_Efficiency_Off = xx.Military_Efficiency_Off, 
        Military_Efficiency_Def = xx.Military_Efficiency_Def, 
        Draft = xx.Draft, 
        Soldiers = xx.Soldiers, 
        Soldiers_Regs_Off = xx.Soldiers_Regs_Off, 
        Soldiers_Regs_Def = xx.Soldiers_Regs_Def, 
        Soldiers_Elites = xx.Soldiers_Elites, 
        War_Horses = xx.War_Horses, 
        //*ers = xx.*ers, 
        Military_Net_Off = xx.Military_Net_Off, 
        Military_Net_Def = xx.Military_Net_Def, 
        Military_Current_Off = xx.Military_Current_Off, 
        Military_Current_Def = xx.Military_Current_Def, 
        Mil_Training = xx.Mil_Training, 
        Mil_Wage = xx.Mil_Wage, 
        Mil_Overall_Efficiency = xx.Mil_Overall_Efficiency, 
        Mil_Total_Generals = xx.Mil_Total_Generals, 
        Wizards = xx.Wizards, 
        Wizards_Value_Type = xx.Wizards_Value_Type, 
        Thieves = xx.Thieves, 
        Thieves_Value_Type = xx.Thieves_Value_Type, 
        Plague = xx.Plague, 
        Monarch_Vote_Province_ID = xx.Monarch_Vote_Province_ID, 
        Protected = xx.Protected, 
        Hit = xx.Hit, 
        Honor = xx.Honor, 
        Province_Notes = xx.Province_Notes, 
        CB_Export_Line = xx.CB_Export_Line, 
        Army_Out = xx.Army_Out, 
        Army_Out_Expires = xx.Army_Out_Expires, 
        Updated_By_Province_ID = xx.Updated_By_Province_ID, 
        SOM_Updated_By_Province_ID = xx.SOM_Updated_By_Province_ID, 
        SOM_Updated_By_DateTime = xx.SOM_Updated_By_DateTime, 
        CB_Updated_By_DateTime = xx.CB_Updated_By_DateTime, 
        CB_Requested = xx.CB_Requested, 
        CB_Requested_Province_ID = xx.CB_Requested_Province_ID, 
        SOM_Requested = xx.SOM_Requested, 
        SOM_Requested_Province_ID = xx.SOM_Requested_Province_ID, 
        SOS_Requested = xx.SOS_Requested, 
        SOS_Requested_Province_ID = xx.SOS_Requested_Province_ID, 
        Survey_Requested = xx.Survey_Requested, 
        Survey_Requested_Province_ID = xx.Survey_Requested_Province_ID, 
        Last_Login_For_Province = xx.Last_Login_For_Province, 
        Date_Time_User_ID_Linked = xx.Date_Time_User_ID_Linked, 
        Added_By_User_ID = xx.Added_By_User_ID, 
        NoteCount = (from yy in db.Utopia_Province_Notes 
           where yy.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
           select yy).Count(), 
        SOM = (from uu in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_Type_Militaries 
          where uu.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
          where uu.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
          where uu.DateTime_Added == (from ru in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_Type_Militaries //datetime can be same for multiple items. 
                 where ru.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
                 where ru.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
                 orderby ru.uid descending // To get the last most inserted rows 
                 select ru.DateTime_Added).FirstOrDefault() 
          select uu).ToList(), 

        SOS = (from zz in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_Sciences 
          where ru.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
          where ru.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
          orderby ru.uid descending 
          select ru).Take(1).ToList(), 
        Survey = (from ru in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_Surveys 
           where ru.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
           where ru.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
           orderby ru.uid descending 
           select ru).Take(1).ToList(), 
        CB = (from ru in db.Utopia_Province_Data_Captured_CBs 
          where ru.Province_ID == xx.Province_ID 
          where ru.Owner_Kingdom_ID == ownerKingdomID 
          orderby ru.uid descending 
          select ru).Take(1).ToList() 

LINQ2SQL就是我使用 –


你干得嵌套查询,所以你所看到的行为是可以预料的。如果您编写了类似的SQL,则会遇到同样的问题。 Polity建议,简单的嵌套查询可以用连接替代。 –


您可以通过让此表按id链接到这些表来消除“排序,取一个”查询。那么你有一个历史,但你只有一个“当前”价值。支持一个列表也是有点奇怪的,但是让这个列表每个只有一个值。我不知道Linq to SQL,但是在Linq to Entities中,可以使用'.Include(“SomeProperty”)'强制同时检索数据。这只适用于你有一个省份实体和适当的DB FK关系。 –


from ru in db.Utopia 
join xx in test on ru.Province_ID equals xx.Province_ID 
orderby ru.uid descending 
select new TestClass 
    Added_By_User_ID = xx.Added_By_User_ID, 
    Survey = ru 


这是一个巨大的查询,你应该考虑一种基于连接的方法,正如我建议的那样,并且基于Jim McKeeth提出的本地缓存。或者你应该一起创建一个新的表格。


from ru in db.Utopia 
join user in db.Users on ru.UserId equals user.Id // User is required 
join survey in db.Surveys on ru.Province_ID equals survey.Province_ID into j1 
from survey in j1.DefaultIfEmpty() // Survey is optional (left join) 
join address in db.Address on ru.UserId equals address.UserId into j2 
from survey in j2.DefaultIfEmpty() // Address is optional (left join) 
orderby ru.uid descending 
select new TestClass 
    Added_By_User_ID = xx.Added_By_User_ID, 
    Survey = survey, 
    Street = address.Street, 
    UserName = new UserName 
     FirstName = user.FirstName, 
     LastName = user.LastName 




这只是一个例子...也许我应该发布真正的查询.. –


@Scott - 尝试先建立它自己,这是一个很好的锻炼:) – Polity


我发布了真正的查询。 –


from xx in db.test 
join ru in db.Utopia on xx.Province_ID equals ru.Province_ID 
orderby ru.uid descending 
select new .. 

如何获得最后一个完整的RU表格?正如你所看到的,我想要一个全新的对象的整个调查... –




视图也将是一个合适的包装。你可以加入视图。不确定您是否可以将sproc结果加入临时表中。 –


好点。我想我仍然会使用sproc,因为它可以返回多个结果集,并且可以轻松地将上面提到的内容列表中的内容提取出来。 我只能想象生成运行此查询的可笑的低效TSQL! – geoffreys