Android AlertDialog在某些设备上不显示整个setMessage


这是一个最近才引起我注意的奇怪情况。我有一个活动,在创建AlertDialog时会显示警告,以警告用户完成需要重新启动的过程。在我的设备上(Galaxy Nexus),它显示得很好。最近才引起我注意的是,在许多其他设备上,它只能在切断前显示几个字。Android AlertDialog在某些设备上不显示整个setMessage

 AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ReportActivity.this); 
     builder.setMessage("Due to the different storage mediums across the various Android devices this app may eb used for, " 
              +"I've decided not to force a media rescan because depending on your device, " 
              +"it may or may not even be possible. " 
              +"This means that you will need to reboot your device or unmount/mount your sdcard in the Settings app before most players will pull in all the information for the songs." 
              +"\n Please reboot or rescan before claiming that the app did not work.") 
       .setPositiveButton("Dismiss", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { 
          lv1.setAdapter(new ResultsAdapter(ReportActivity.this, results)); 

      AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; 

Galaxy Nexus

Motorola Photon


相关:http://*.com/questions/9795347/long文字转到下一行ics-but-not-on-gb-and-below/9847862 – Blundell 2012-03-23 23:47:27



生病了,但为了将来的参考,你有什么想法为什么它的行为方式这是?以前从未有过这样的问题。它不仅仅是这个屏幕让我感到悲伤。我有另一个屏幕与一个textview和一个按钮,在我的设备上显示罚款,只显示其他一些单行。 – r2DoesInc 2012-03-03 02:06:59

直接设置视图不干活不得不指定新线\ n和也定义了Android线无:行属性