通多 - 从托管代码维数组非托管代码


我想做到以下几点:通多 - 从托管代码维数组非托管代码

  1. 这样C#创建码连续3个dimesinal阵列:

    var myArray = new short[x,y,z]; 
  2. 它传递给非托管代码(C++)像这样:

    void UnmanagedFunction(short*** myArray) 
        short first = myArray[0][0][0]; 

修订 当我尝试下面的代码我有运行时错误:

Attempted to read or write to protected memory.



你不能在C++中编写这样的代码。 –


代码的第一部分是在C#第二部分是在C++中,我现在试过编译器允许我的C代码 –


也许你可以改变你的代码为三元组数组。 – Simon

IntPtr Array3DToIntPtr(short[, ,] Val) 
      IntPtr ret = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Val.GetLength(0) + Val.GetLength(1) + Val.GetLength(2)) * sizeof(short)); 

      int offset = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i < Val.GetLength(0); i++) 

       for (int j = 0; j < Val.GetLength(1); j++) 
        for (int k = 0; k < Val.GetLength(2); k++) 
         Marshal.WriteInt16(ret,offset, Val[i, j, k]); 
         offset += sizeof(short); 


      return ret; 



非常感谢! ! –

我在纯C#中编写它,但如果从Func中删除unsafe staticFunc应该在C/C++中工作。要知道,我注意到肯定肯定是OK OK写这个:-) 我使用这个Indexing into arrays of arbitrary rank in C#

static unsafe void Main(string[] args) { 
    var myArray = new short[5, 10, 20]; 

    short z = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < myArray.GetLength(0); i++) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < myArray.GetLength(1); j++) { 
      for (int k = 0; k < myArray.GetLength(2); k++) { 
       myArray[i, j, k] = z; 

    // myArray[1, 2, 3] == 243 

    fixed (short* ptr = myArray) { 
     Func(ptr, myArray.GetLength(0), myArray.GetLength(1), myArray.GetLength(2)); 

// To convert to C/C++ take away the static unsafe 
static unsafe void Func(short* myArray, int size1, int size2, int size3) { 
    int x = 1, y = 2, z = 3; 
    int el = myArray[x * size2 * size3 + y * size3 + z]; // el == 243 