eMMC Summary

1. overview

eMMC SummaryeMMC Summary

eMMC Summary

  • 11-wire bus : clock, data strobe, 1 bit command , 8 bit data bus
  • DAT0 low :busy

2. Message Tokens

• Command: token that starts an operation

• Host to device

• CMD line

• Response: answer to previously received command

• Device to host

• CMD line

• Data

• Host to device or versa

• Data line:1,4 or 8

eMMC Summary


3. Command

  1. command formateMMC Summary
  2. common command

eMMC Summary

  • CMD0(with arg 0x0000 0000(GO_IDLE_STATE)

eMMC Summary



Ask device(in idle state) to send OCR register contents in response on CMD line

Repeat until busy bit in response is cleared

eMMC Summary


• Asking all devices for its unique device identification(CID) number

• If CID bits not match, the device stop sending, remain in ready state and wait

• Only one device send CID number to host successfully

• If successful, device into identification state

eMMC Summary


• Assign device a relative device address(RCA)

eMMC Summary


• Send an addressed device into inactive state

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​​​​​​​• Set the device into interrupt mode

eMMC Summary

eMMC Summary


Between stand-by state and transfer state

Between disconnect state and programming state

RCA value 0x0000 is reserved to set all devices into stand-by state

  • CMD12:stop transmission
  • Block read

Single block: CMD17

Multiple block : CMD18

  • Block write

Single block: CMD24

Multiple block: CMD25

  • SET_BLOCK_COUNT(CMD23):in multiply read/write
  • CMD16 : set block length for following read/write
  • Erase

CMD35:set start address

CMD36:set end address

CMD38 0x00000000 :start erase process

  • CMD42: lock/unlock device
  • CMD5: sleep/awake
  • CMD6: switch the mode of operation or modify the EXT_CSD register

4. Response

  • R1/R1b

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  • R2(CID,CSD register):CMD2,9,10

eMMC Summary

  • R3(OCR register):CMD1

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  • R4(Fast I/O):CMD39eMMC Summary
  • ​​​​​​​R5(interrupt request):CMD40

​​​​​​​eMMC Summary

5. Memory Array Partitioning

read/write: Block—multiple bytes

Erase: Erase Group—multiple blocks

Write protected : WP-Group—multiple Erase Group

eMMC Summary

6. Mode

  • access mode
    • Byte access mode : up to 2GB of density

    • Sector access mode : higher than 2GB of density

  • ​​​​​​​operation mode

eMMC Summary

7. Partition Management

eMMC Summary