桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

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桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

Have you ever used one of your favorite programs on your desktop, only to find that in later updates, that program changes in ways you don’t particularly appreciate? It’s a common phenomenon: a single program, like a chat client, might break with your specific computer setup after a recent update. It’s easier (and less disruptive to your workflow) to switch to an older version of the program until the problem is resolved.

您是否曾经在台式机上使用过自己喜欢的程序之一,却发现在以后的更新中,该程序以您不特别欣赏的方式发生了变化? 这是一种普遍现象:最近的更新后,像聊天客户端这样的单个程序可能会破坏您的特定计算机设置。 在解决问题之前,切换到较旧版本的程序更容易(对工作流程的破坏也较小)。

You don’t want to use an out-of-date antivirus, of course, but for more mundane utilities, older versions of the program are fine (as long as you eventually update once the problems are fixed). Here’s how to find them, install them, and keep them handy so you don’t have to use the updated versions.

当然,您不想使用过时的防病毒软件,但是对于更多平凡的实用程序,该程序的较早版本是可以的(只要您在解决问题后最终进行了更新)。 以下是找到它们,安装它们并方便使用的方法,因此您不必使用更新的版本。

跟踪安装程序 (Track Down the Installer)

桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

There’s no particular secret to finding an older version of a program—typically doing a Google search will be just fine. But downloading executables from random websites isn’t really advisable. There are a few sources you should check first before resorting to more generalized downloads:

查找较旧版本的程序没有特别的秘密-通常进行Google搜索就可以了。 但是实际上不建议从随机网站下载可执行文件。 在采用更通用的下载之前,应首先检查一些资源:

  • The official download page: often the developer or owner will host a library of older versions of the application, especially if it’s offered for free.


  • Download repositories: likewise, well-known program repositories like Download.com, Softpedia, and MajorGeeks will have older versions of the file floating around. This is particularly true for major version updates, like 2.0 to 3.0. There are even repositories dedicated to older versions, like OldApps.com. Just watch out for crapware downloads on these sites—they’re generally fairly reputable, but not perfect.

    下载存储库:同样,像Download.comSoftpediaMajorGeeks这样的著名程序存储库也将具有较旧版本的文件。 对于主要版本更新(例如2.0到3.0)尤其如此。 甚至还有专用于旧版本的存储库,例如OldApps.com 。 只要注意在这些站点上下载的垃圾软件,它们通常都享有盛誉,但并不完美。

  • Open source sites and other collections: a lot of free software is also open source, so it tends to float around enthusiast sites and get modified for specific purposes, like the suite of handy tools at PortableApps.com. Of course, open source software is also susceptible to * horse attacks and other nasty surprises, so exercise caution.

    开源站点和其他集合:许多免费软件也是开源的,因此它倾向于在发烧友站点中浮动并针对特定目的进行修改,例如PortableApps.com上的便捷工具套件。 当然,开源软件也容易受到特洛伊木马攻击和其他令人讨厌的意外事件的影响,因此请谨慎行事。

  • GPU driver sites: new and updated graphics card drivers have a nasty habit of breaking random games thanks to specific tweaks. Luckily, both NVIDIA and AMD keep a very well-organized repository of older driver releases for exactly this scenario.

    GPU驱动程序站点:由于特定的调整,新的和更新的图形卡驱动程序有打破随机游戏的讨厌习惯。 幸运的是,在这种情况下, NVIDIAAMD都保留了组织良好的旧驱动程序版本存储库。

With any luck, you’ll find the installer for the exact version you need.


保留副本 (Keep a Copy)

桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

Once you’ve found your copy of the app you want, make sure to keep a hold of the installer file. You never know when your original source might go down, or simply update its repository link to a newer version. I like to keep my smaller tools in a special Dropbox folder so they’re accessible from any PC, but anything that’s secure and part of your regular backup regimen should be just fine.

找到所需应用程序的副本后,请确保保留安装程序文件。 您永远不会知道原始源何时会崩溃,或者只是将其资源库链接更新为新版本。 我希望将较小的工具保留在一个特殊的Dropbox文件夹中,以便可以从任何PC*问它们,但是任何安全的部分常规备份方案都应该可以。

禁用更新(现在) (Disable Updates (for Now))

Once you’ve installed your older version of the program, it’s probably going to ask you to update it on a regular basis. Most programs have some method of disabling this update check somewhere in the Settings or Preferences menu.

安装较旧版本的程序后,可能会要求您定期对其进行更新。 大多数程序在“设置”或“首选项”菜单中的某处都有某种禁用此更新检查的方法。

桌面程序 非桌面程序_如何查找您喜欢的桌面程序的旧版本

If the program just won’t take the hint, don’t forget that you can cut off its access to the update server by blocking it in your operating system’s default firewall program, so it’ll never bother you again. Obviously this isn’t a very helpful solution if the program relies on an Internet connection, like a BitTorrent client (looking at you, uTorrent), but for most basic tools it works fine.

如果该程序不接受提示,请不要忘记通过将其阻止在操作系统的默认防火墙程序中来切断对更新服务器的访问,因此它永远不会再打扰您。 显然,如果程序依赖Internet连接(例如BitTorrent客户端(看着您,uTorrent)),那么这不是一个非常有用的解决方案,但是对于大多数基本工具而言,它都可以正常工作。

Keep in mind that skipping regular updates also means skipping security updates, which is generally a Very Bad Idea™. Small, local-only tools are generally safe, but anything larger or more complex runs a serious security risk, even generally benign programs like office suites. The point is that you shouldn’t run an older version of an important program for any longer than you need to—if the program isn’t every going to improve or there’s a problem you can’t get over, look for an alternative rather than sticking with an outdated release.

请记住,跳过常规更新也意味着跳过安全更新,这通常是Very Bad Idea™。 小型的仅在本地使用的工具通常是安全的,但是任何更大或更复杂的工具都将带来严重的安全风险,甚至是办公套件等一般良性程序。 关键是,您不应在一个较旧版本的重要程序上运行所需的时间,如果该程序并非每次都能得到改进,或者有无法解决的问题,请寻找替代方案而不是坚持使用过时的版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324098/how-to-find-old-versions-of-your-favorite-desktop-programs/

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