



PM> Install-Package BenchMarkdotnet -version 0.9.7


PM> Update-Package BenchMarkdotnet -version 0.9.7


Parameter Type Description
-Id string Specifies the Id of the package to be updated.
-ProjectName string Specifies the name of the project in which packages should be updated.
-Version SemanticVersion* Specifies the new target version of the package as a result of the update.
-Source string Specifies where to look for package updates, overriding the package sources that are specified in the Options dialog. This value can be either a url to a remote repository or a path to a local repository or the name of a package source specified in the Options dialog.
-IgnoreDependencies Switch parameter If set, NuGet will ignore dependency packages and only update the main package.
-Safe Switch parameter If set, NuGet will only update to a new version that has the same major and minor versions as the previous package. For example, if the old version is 1.2.0, NuGet will accept the update package with version of 1.2.1 or 1.2.9999 but it will not accept 1.3.0.
-IncludePrerelease Switch parameter If set, NuGet will consider prerelease packages as candidates for updates.
-Reinstall Switch parameter If set, instead of updating the package to the latest version, NuGet will uninstall the package and reinstall the same version. This is useful when, for example, you've updated the target framework of your project, e.g. from .NET 4.0 to .NET 4.5, and you want to reference .NET 4.5-specific assemblies in the package. You can't set this parameter together with 





Install-Package PackageName [-Version <string>] [-IgnoreDependencies]
Uninstall-Package PackageName [-RemoveDependencies]