What is the use of SR prohibit timer?

为什么需要引入SR prohibit timer?网上搜索到的答案不多,其中一个解答如下。

“SR prohibit timer is used to prevent UE being transmits SR again and again. Some application doesn't require to send SR frequently , say some application sends few bytes of data (maybe TCP ACK/NACK ) frequently ,in this case UE will send SR frequently to get few bytes of UL data to send .so they have introduced SR prohibit timer to prevent ue to send SR and it buffers few bytes of data till SR prohibit timer expires and it sends SR to ENB. This is applicable only if the application is delay tolerant.”


解答的大致理解是为了让UE不必要地频繁地发送SR请求,对于一些时延不敏感的应用,发送的上行数据量不大,例如仅仅发送一些TCP ACK/NACK的确认,那么UE由于在SR prohibit timer处于运行状态时候,不发送SR,在SR prohibit timer超时之后, 将积累的上行数据在一次SR请求之后获得的上行调度中一起发送。


NR -Scheduling Request中,LTE中一般配置的SRprohibit timer的长度是SR周期的整数倍,UE侧实际发送SR的周期相应的扩大了该整数倍。但是对于基站侧来说,为检测每个UE的初始SR请求,还是需要在SR的每个时间点进行检测。

What is the use of SR prohibit timer?





在36.321-g10版本中5.4.5节Buffer Status Reporting,

What is the use of SR prohibit timer?


5.4.4节 Scheduling Request

What is the use of SR prohibit timer?



What is the use of SR prohibit timer?


然后,在NR中,logicalChannelSR-ProhibitTimer名称已经修改为logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer,从字面上的意思来猜测,要Delay SR的发送。

What is the use of SR prohibit timer?


What is the use of SR prohibit timer?




What is the use of SR prohibit timer?



What is the use of SR prohibit timer?





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