CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

整理自CSE 444 Database Internals, Spring 2019 的课程Lectures,课程地址:https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse444/19sp/


Lecture3 DBMS Architecture

What we already know…

Database = collection of related files

DBMS = program that manages the database

Data models: relational, semi-structured (XML), graph (RDF), key-value pairs

Relational model: defines only the logical model, and does not define a physical storage of the data

Relational Query Language:

  • Set-at-a-time: instead of tuple-at-a-time
  • Declarative: user says what they want and not how to get it
  • Query optimizer: from what to how


How to Implement a Relational DBMS?

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


DBMS Architecture

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Query Processor

Step 1: Parser

  • Parses query into an internal format
  • Performs various checks using catalog

Step 2: Query rewrite

  • View rewriting, flattening, etc.


Rewritten Version of Our Query

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Query Processor

Step 3: Optimizer

  • Find an efficient query plan for executing the query
  • A query plan

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Step 4: Executor

  • Actually executes the physical plan

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Iterator Interface

Each operator implements OpIterator.java


  • Initializes operator state
  • Sets parameters such as selection predicate


  • Operator invokes next() recursively on its inputs
  • Performs processing and produces an output tuple


  • clean-up state

Operators also have reference to their child operator in the query plan

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2



Storage Manager 

Access Methods

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Buffer Manager

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Brings pages in from memory and caches them

Eviction policies

  • Random page (ok for SimpleDB)
  • Least-recently used
  • The “clock” algorithm (see book)

Keeps track of which pages are dirty

  • A dirty page has changes not reflected on disk
  • Implementation: Each page includes a dirty bit


Access Methods

A DBMS stores data on disk by breaking it into pages

  • A page is the size of a disk block.
  • A page is the unit of disk IO

Buffer manager caches these pages in memory

Access methods do the following:

  • They organize pages into collections called DB files
  • They organize data inside pages
  • They provide an API for operators to access data in these files


Query Execution In SimpleDB

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Query Execution In SimpleDB

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

HeapFile In SimpleDB

Data is stored on disk in an OS file. HeapFile class knows how to “decode” its content

Control flow:

  • SeqScan calls methods such as "iterate" on the HeapFile Access Method
  • During the iteration, the HeapFile object needs to call the BufferManager.getPage() method to ensure that necessary pages get loaded into memory.
  • The BufferManager will then call HeapFile .readPage()/writePage() page to actually read/write the page.


Lecture4 Data storage and (more) buffer management

DBMS Architecture

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Today: Starting at the Bottom

Design Exercise

One design choice: One OS file for each relation

  • This does not always have to be the case! (e.g., SQLite uses one file for whole database)
  • DBMSs can also use disk drives directly

An OS file provides an API of the form

  • Seek to some position (or “skip” over B bytes)
  • Read/Write B bytes

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


First Principle: Work with Pages

Reading/writing to/from disk

  • Seeking takes a long time!
  • Reading sequentially is fast

 Solution: Read/write pages of data

  • Traditionally, a page corresponds to a disk block

To simplify buffer manager, want to cache a collection of same-sized objects

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Continuing our Design

Key questions:

  • How do we organize pages into a file?
  • How do we organize data within a page?

First, how could we store some tuples on a page? Let’s first assume all tuples are of the same size:

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Tweets(tid int, user char(10), time int, content char(140))


Page Formats

Issues to consider

  • 1 page = 1 disk block = fixed size (e.g. 8KB)
  • Records:  – Fixed length  and  – Variable length

Record id = RID

  • Typically RID = (PageID, SlotNumber)

Why do we need RID’s in a relational DBMS ? See future discussion on indexes and transactions

Think how you would store tuples on a page

  • Fixed length tuples
  • Variable length tuples

Page Format Approach 1

Fixed-length records: packed representation

Divide page into slots. Each slot can hold one tuple

Record ID (RID) for each tuple is (PageID,SlotNb)

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Page Format Approach 2

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Record Formats

Fixed-length records => Each field has a fixed length(i.e., it has the same length in all the records)

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Variable length records

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Continuing our Design

Now, how should we group pages into files?


Heap File Implementation 1

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Heap File Implementation 2


CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Heap File Implementation 3

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Modifications: Insertion

File is unsorted (= heap file)

  • add it wherever there is space (easy )
  • add more pages if out of space

File is sorted

  • Is there space on the right page ?Yes: we are lucky, store it there
  • Is there space in a neighboring page ?Look 1-2 pages to the left/right, shift records
  • If anything else fails, create overflow page


Overflow Pages

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Modifications: Deletions

Free space by shifting records within page

  • Be careful with slots
  • RIDs for remaining tuples must NOT change

May be able to eliminate an overflow page


Modifications: Updates

  • If new record is shorter than previous, easy
  • If it is longer, need to shift records :May have to create overflow pages


Continuing our Design

We know how to store tuples on disk in a heap file

How do these files interact with rest of engine?

  • Let’s look back at lecture 3


How Components Fit Together


CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Heap File Access Method API

Create or destroy a file

Insert a record

Delete a record with a given rid (rid)

  • rid: unique tuple identifier (more later)

Get a record with a given rid

  • Not necessary for sequential scan operator
  • But used with indexes (more next lecture)

Scan all records in the file


Query Execution In SimpleDB


CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


Pushing Updates to Disk

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2

Alternate Storage Manager Design: Column Store

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes2


  • Row-store storage managers are most commonly used today for OLTP systems
  • They offer high-performance for transactions
  • But column-stores win for analytical workloads
  • They are widely used in OLAP