CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5

整理自CSE 444 Database Internals, Spring 2019 的课程Lectures,课程地址:https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse444/19sp/

Lectures 14 Transactions: Locking


The scheduler:

  Module that schedules the transaction’s actions, ensuring serializability

  Two main approaches

  •   Pessimistic: locks  
  •   Optimistic: timestamps, multi-version, validation

Pessimistic Scheduler

Simple idea:

  • Each element has a unique lock
  • Each transaction must first acquire the lock before reading/writing that element
  • If the lock is taken by another transaction, then wait
  • The transaction must release the lock(s)


CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5


Two Phase Locking (2PL)

The 2PL rule:

  • In every transaction, all lock requests must precede all unlock requests
  • This ensures conflict serializability ! (will prove this shortly)

Example with Multiple Transactions

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5

Theorem: 2PL ensures conflict serializability


Strict 2PL

Strict 2PL: All locks held by a transaction are released when the transaction is completed; release happens at the time of COMMIT or ROLLBACK

Schedule is recoverable

Schedule avoids cascading aborts

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5

Summary of Strict 2PL

  • Ensures serializability, recoverability, and avoids cascading aborts
  • Issues: implementation, lock modes, granularity, deadlocks, performance


The Locking Scheduler

Task 1: -- act on behalf of the transaction

Add lock/unlock requests to transactions

  • Examine all READ(A) or WRITE(A) actions
  • Add appropriate lock requests
  • On COMMIT/ROLLBACK release all locks
  • Ensures Strict 2PL !

Task 2: -- act on behalf of the system

  Execute the locks accordingly

  • Lock table: a big, critical data structure in a DBMS !
  • When a lock is requested, check the lock table  – Grant, or add the transaction to the element’s wait list
  • When a lock is released, re-activate a transaction from its wait list
  • When a transaction aborts, release all its locks
  • Check for deadlocks occasionally

Lock Modes

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5

Lock Granularity

Fine granularity locking (e.g., tuples)

  • High concurrency
  • High overhead in managing locks

Coarse grain locking (e.g., tables, predicate locks)

  • Many false conflicts
  • Less overhead in managing locks


Cycle in the wait-for graph:

  • – T1 waits for T2
  • – T2 waits for T3
  • – T3 waits for T1

Deadlock detection

  • – Timeouts
  • – Wait-for graph

Deadlock avoidance

  • – Acquire locks in pre-defined order
  • – Acquire all locks at once before starting

Phantom Problem

  • So far we have assumed the database to be a static collection of elements (=tuples)
  • If tuples are inserted/deleted then the phantom problem appears

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5

CSE444: Database Systems Internals notes5


A “phantom” is a tuple that is invisible during part of a transaction execution but not invisible during the entire execution

In our example:

  • – T1: reads list of products
  • – T2: inserts a new product
  • – T1: re-reads: a new product appears !